Today I ruined my website ....
well, maybe that's a bit drama-queen-y.

I re-designed the order of the pages and the content of said pages on paper the other day and at about 12 o'clock sat at the computer and started the big re-design.

But somehow I forgot about all the links ... which I managed to break (and those that stayed put then linked to the wrong page *duh*)

SO for today I am beaten....I have used (many times) the handy 'hide page' gadget for all the cocked up pages and the pages that are still up are slightly sparse(and some items are on the wrong page!) the good news is that the supplies shop section stayed near enough in tact (hurrah!) AND because I stayed up late last night counting buttons into bags I was determined to get them in the shop.

So if you take a look and see some weirdness, never mind! 'twill be fixed soon-ish :-)

White wine and feet up now, cheerio!!
*photos are some of the new buttons, which arrived yesterday....