Measure your zip :: mine is 5 1/2".
Cut out the fabric for your purse. (you'll see what size you need later)Overlock the edges, or zigzag stitch if you prefer.
Fold over 1cm and iron flat (this is a before picture!!)
Get your sewing machine ready. For practise I used the normal foot but once you are an expert zip putter-inner you can be a whizz with the special zip foot. Line the folded edge up with the raised zip and sew from end to end, stop when you get to the slider ::
Leave the needle in the fabric, raise the foot and slide the slider away from you. Lower the foot and sew until the end.
Friday, November 30, 2007
zipped purse tutorial
Thursday, November 29, 2007
chocolate and zips
I had to go to the bank too (it's all fun here!) so I went via a newly opened sweet shop and got these ::
Just as sickly as I remember, but the colours are so pretty.
The rest of the day was spent battling zips. I don't know what the equivalent of writer's block is for a sewer but I ran smack into it today! BUT I persevered and eight, yes EIGHT zips later I mastered it!!
hoo-bloody-ray !!!
So tomorrow, to mark the end of blogging-every-day-for-a-month in style, I shall be preparing my first ever tutorial.
If you want your zip purses to end up like this ::
then I'll see you tomorrow ;-)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
mr. Zaubermaus
mr. zaubermaus :: isn't he cool? He came from a lovely shop on Etsy and I think he is amazing.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
could etsy be my new favourite?
and because it wasn't an instant success for me I gave up and didn't pay it much attention.
But on Sunday I thought I would give it another go and guess what? I sold some things!!
Robot Cupcake maker even got featured on a treasury ::

Monday, November 26, 2007
business and busy-ness
The fraud department.
Someone has cloned my cash card and got hold of my pin number.
And spent £120. In Ukraine.
I have to wait a good few* working days to have it all paid back.
The good news? it happened BEFORE payday and I didn't have much money in there!! HaHa!!
*no one knows exactly how long right now, could be 48 hours, could be 5 working days!!
It's left me wondering where it was that this happened (the bank thinks it was most probably a petrol station) and it's made me wonder if someone was actually watching me put my pin in *shudder* or if it was a camera? AND I want to know what they bought! Here's hoping they are living it up, just before they get caught ;-)
Onto nice crafty related things ::
This photo is for Katy, it is absolute proof that I am a box geek!
I had quite a few orders to make things for this weekend and decided to use a separate compartment for each one.
you have permission to laugh :-)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
my shops are fuller!

I've topped up my etsy shop but the majority of all the goodies are on my website.
I think this will be my last big update before Christmas so let me know if there is something missing that you wish was there!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
a busy weekend
Thursday, November 22, 2007
progress is being made
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
back to the normal routines
I did start my day on the sewing machine with some purses that needed zips but it wasn't the day for zips, so I gave up!!
So Vanessa, Catherine and Nicola your orders are nearly finished!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
day 20 :: cupcakes for me :-)
Well, lookee what she sent me today!!!
*The crochet genius is Berrysprite .
Thanks Nia, I love my cupcake, and I'm glad you liked your gifts too xxxxx
Monday, November 19, 2007
day 19 :: gloves and cars
*kindly modelled by John
and this is a picture of all the cars that turned up for a Saab-owners meeting that John organised for yesterday. Isn't he a clever chap??
Sunday, November 18, 2007
day 18 :: craft fair update
My sister came to join me (pics soon to be on her blog) but the weather was AWFUL. There were barely any customers all day and the ones that did come were soaking wet and windswept and miserable!!
My total takings for today were £14.45
It's safe to say that my goodies didn't really fit with the rest of the stalls offerings and I think that the prices didn't fit either !! I bought a pair of gorgeous hand knitted gloves for £1!!
It was a bit of a bargain bazaar rather than a craft fair!!
I'm going to investigate the possibility of attending a craft fair in Brighton next year (if anyone knows of one please let me know) because I think Brighton may have more potential customers than Worthing.
But the good news is I have loads of lovely things to fill my shop with...woo-hoo!!
Yesterday when Nia came to visit she left me with a Christmas present and she said I could open it when I got home and I did ::
such pretty wrapping :-)
aaahhh look a lovely little bear :-) His name is Armstrong. Isn't he cute?
Thanks Nia, I absolutely love him :-)
I'm off to unpack, tidy up and have a hearty meal.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
day 17 :: 1st day of the craft fair
Here we are looking very happy :-) (Nia is on the left)
Thanks for coming to visit me Nia, I had a great time, we should do it again soon :-)
I also had a visit from Lynn and Stella. Lynn was wearing the most gorgeous brooch that she had made and I had to take a picture ::
Lynn had purchased some felt from me a few weeks ago and when I realised she lives just up the road I shamelessly plugged the craft fair and she popped along!! I've just spent the last half hour or so looking at
Lynn's blog :: Lynn & Stella's shop blog :: and Lynn and Stella's etsy shop :: gorgeous things to look at :-) It was lovely to meet people face to face and talk about the blogging and crafts world and not get looked at like I'm crazy! Thanks for popping by, it was lovely to meet you :-)
I wonder who I'll meet tomorrow???
Friday, November 16, 2007
day 16 :: I am ready !!
That's everything, all the things I have made and a whole load of felt and some cram cream goodies...doesn't look like a lot does it!!
I've also got my pinboard ready ::
my Dad made me this pinboard when I was about 12 years old and it is huge!! (thanks Dad, you're the best !!) John made a stand for me and I covered it with felt and have pinned ribbon on it so i can hang packets of embellishments with little clips :-)
As you can see it was mid-afternoon when I took this picture (and the first one) so the light is bad...hopefully I will be able to take some good photos tomorrow when it is all set up !!
I'm SO excited .... I'll let you know how I get on tomorrow evening.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
day 15 :: cupcakes and christmas
Thank you to everyone who said they liked the cupcake bag yesterday :-)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
day 14 :: light at the end of the tunnel
a little pile of mini fabric bags to hang on Christmas trees ::a few kid's size tote bags in my favourite fabrics ::
and a new design which has been in my head for a long time now ::
I also want to make cushion with cupcakes on BUT I have given myself a stern talking to and decided that I'll do that for my next fair ;-)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
day 13 :: fabric galore
and this lot is for tomorrow ::
Monday, November 12, 2007
day 12 :: what lounge?
LOL !!!
I think I have managed to cover every surface of the lounge today ! I abandoned my trusty tray in favour of the pasting table, much more room on there for fabric cutting :-) Hopefully I'll be done cutting today so I can put it all away again !!!
Yesterday I mentioned that we decorated some cakes and now I have a picture to show you...

smiley face cakes