This picture is from one of my absolutely-have-to-look-at-every-day blogs
Cute Overload.
Only go and look if you think you can handle a LOT of cute !!
Welcome to my colourful world of felt!
This picture is from one of my absolutely-have-to-look-at-every-day blogs
Cute Overload.
Only go and look if you think you can handle a LOT of cute !!
Rest in Peace Grandad, I love you very much xxx
I have 45 colours now, and my fingers are itching to cut them up and start sewing.
If you take a peek and spot any mistakes please let me know :-)
I have a couple of really big deliveries due next week, hopefully they will come by courier and not be late !!
If you are waiting for a delivery from me please be assured that I am posting as normal and they are getting to their destinations, it's just taking a little longer than I would like!
Yesterday evening I did do some actual sewing, trying to sort out the robot's neck ::
see how it's all lumpy and weird ??
well my next bright idea made this ::
BUT now I have another problem...it's a new-ish disease for robots,
called floppy-metal-disease ::But he looks really cute looking at his robot-made cupcake ::
which ever way you look at it the robots seem happy ::
I have another bright idea so maybe robot number 3 will have a perfect neck :-)
If you find yourself smiling back at these happy trees you are not alone!
Yesterday I had a spring clean of my bloglines list (link on the right) and have put all 210 fav blogs into folders. I split them into countries of the writer, I wanted to spilt them into the crafts people did but that was too hard, everyone does more than one craft!
I miss having my blog-roll though so think I will re-instate it one day in the future.
I also added a map, it shows where people are when they look at my blog. It amazes me that people all over the world are popping in and looking at my felt goodies and listening to my ramblings!
I'm off to re-do the robot, his neck and chin are a bit weird so I'm going to sort it out !!
Now back to freebies :: my favourite random number machine has done it's stuff and the 3 numbers it produced are :: 26, 17 and 7
number 7 is::
Cathy said...
Congratulations!! Happy birthday and well done on your work in print - very exciting way to celebrate!Cathy X
number 17 is ::
nicola said...
hi saran,well done on the fame .your blog is fab to and so are the cupcakes to!!nicola x
and number 26 is ::
the vicious chicken said...
Wow, how exciting to be featured in a magazine! Congratulations :o)VCx
well done you lucky people. If you email me at mail at paper-and-string dot co dot uk I'll let you know how to claim your prizes.
and for those who weren't quite so lucky you can still join in the birthday fun and claim a 30% discount in my little felt shop simply email your orders and I'll work out the discounts and send you an invoice :-)
hehehe I'm famous!!!
Isn't this pouch GORGEOUS ??? It is made by my sister who has just started her very own blog! welcome to blog world sisterini :-)
and now for ::
Birthday - Amazing - Giveaway - Arama !!
Yesterday I turned 30 so '30' is this month's freebie theme...
I have 3 prizes to be given away :: As usual everyone who leaves a comment on this blog between now and Sunday will have their name entered in the draw to win.
The first three names drawn will each win a £10 credit to be used in my website shop, so you can pick your own prizes !! woo-hoo!!
and because it is my birthday month there will be 30% off all felt purchases in my felt shop for all my blog readers :: this offer runs until Sunday 14th October, or until I run out of felt, LOL
Good luck everybody