He likes cats, and hopefully he'll like this one!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
a relaxing weekend
He likes cats, and hopefully he'll like this one!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
using craft fair purchases & packages arrive
In between I listed some of my items on eBay and my website (which is now looking a bit fuller)
I also managed to perfect my new fabric boxes ::
That's the medium sized one and the one below is bigger ::
and the secret to super smooth fitted lining? well, my answer was to also iron interfacing onto the lining. I think that may be cheating a little but it worked!
The big bucket box is actually big enough to hold 80 odd reels of cram cream tape, but alas not big enough to hold 120 reels....
That's right the cram cream tape arrived!!I have just this minute finished putting it on the
website so if you need a bit of cute eye-candy you know where to look!!
Monday, September 24, 2007
what a great craft fair
The craft fair was smaller than the last time we went but there were still lots of fantastic stalls.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
from bags to boxes
I find that when I have a new idea I want to just make it as fast as possible and see what happens...so take two will be made with more precision and a little less speed :-)
Tomorrow I am off to a BIG craft fair with my sister and my neice, it's at Sandown Racecourse in Esher and I'd recommend a trip if you are near...I went in January and it was full of stalls selling craft supplies and hopefully this time it will be even fuller :-)
Friday, September 21, 2007
changing weather...changing wardrobe
It has room for everything necessary and it holds it's shape quite nicely (thanks to the interfacing)John took this picture....the bag is empty here and it's my *gasp* hip/leg making the dent in it BUT I am wearing my new Monsoon work trousers and new thin black jumper :-)
A close up of the bag because I love how the Amy Butler fabric looks. It's been used for 2 days now so it has a kind of worn look to it, but I like it!!
Making this bag has also inspired me to make something else and hopefully I will make that this evening......
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I love patterns
I am really loving that I can add my favourite fabric prints onto my felt goodies.
When I started to play with the idea it made me wonder why I hadn't though of it before, but I'm glad I have now !!
It's so much fun, time consuming (as is all I do) but great fun :-) and I think the results are very cheerful and cheerful I like!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
fabric + cute = a good day :-)
Ali pointed out the other day that my freebie giving karma must be quite high and guess what? she was right! Take a look at this ::
somehow my monkey fondness was discovered (is it obvious then?) and look, look,look....
I can't wait to start using them, I'm a lucky girl aren't I?
Friday, September 14, 2007
wanna meet some fun guys?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I think you can guess that I was excited! LOL!
but first, if you're not actually that bothered about buying felt then you can look at this mushroom cutie and ignore the rest of the post!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tuesday ramblings
Cecil is such a dude :-)

She is a very clever sister who creates some wonderful pieces of art.
A friend of mine has just
started her own blog,about time too I say! I met her through this very blog and our mutual admiration for felt and ribbon (and bad tv detectives) has lead to a lot of laughs :-) She makes some fantastic felt softies called merrylegs :: look at this cheerful chap !
Whilst my freebie was running I was nominated for a blog award! Monkee Maker nominated me for this ::

hhhmmmm what else?....the new felt will be here this week so if you would like a new swatch card send me an email and I'll add you to the list.
.....that's all for now see you tomorrow.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
winners all round
There were 42 comments all together (that's some serious monkey love) and the numbers it picked were ::
number 40 wins the monkey :: number 16 felt and ribbon cupcakes :: number 15 fabric cupcakes.
oh, wait you don't know who that is do you ! lol
it's very high tech, the first comment is number one and the last is 42, but before you go counting comments, I've already done it!!
40= Sharon :: 16=greeting arts :: 15=monkee maker
yay! well done to you, please email me your addresses, even if you think i already have them because I'm not organised like that!!
Sorry to all you non-winners but here are some funny photos to cheer you up! I won a freebie over at picture it in stitches which arrived this week, such a fantastic prize...everything I needed to learn needle felting
and I have been having a little play :: first attempt was a cupcake, hhhmmmmthen I made this :: it hasn't been decided if he is a monster or a carrot, hahahaha :-)
and this was going to be a blue monkey but it looks more like a koala so I'm going with it...
it's so much fun! If you haven't tried needle felting I highly recommend it, just be warned - the needle hurts !!
Today I finally managed to update my eBay and website shops and place an order for new felt in gorgeous colours. I will have 25 colours in total instead of 14 and I'll be sure to let you know when it's here :-)