An overly large Christmas Pudding

Welcome to my colourful world of felt!
This is my button store. A really boring A5 box file.
That holds all these buttons!!
I made all the compartments from black felt and joined them all together and placed card in the bottom of each section to keep it flat. There is also card in between each layer.
Billions of baby buttons all for me................ :-)
This is an extension to my button store! This is the box the buttons from my sister came in and I have put all the buttons that I have handpicked from my local charity shop in it.
I always buy my old buttons from this charity shop, it has an amazing selection and I'm never disappointed. It's funny too because I always go on a Thursday (my day off) so I always see the same selection of volunteers and the lady behind the till always groans when she sees me because she knows she will have to count a lot of buttons!! She thinks I am a slightly mad button lady!! She is one of those people who seems really interested in what I do with the buttons and when I start to explain she glazes over and wonders who on earth would buy the things I make!! Don't you just love it!