I also have started a 2nd box but not finished it (you guessed it though, I have thought about it) Also my eBay shop seems to be doing well, lots of things winging their way out of here in little brown envelopes but the 'things for sale on eBay basket' I keep them in seems to be getting emptier and emptier (obviously I have thought about this basket and in my mind it is overflowing with gorgeous things......)
Today Big J and I are going to a car show, American classics and hot rods, I love it!! We should have gone by now, so we could be back early to think about photos and sewing (ha ha ha) but he has gone on a rescue mission to pick up our friends who went motorbiking and got a puncture. Oops. He should be back any minute though and maybe a productive day will surface later on ;-)
One thing I can add is a picture of a new card topper I made for the eBay shop. It's been in the shop for a week or so now and she always cheers me up when I look at it !!

Anyway next posting will be full of thought about photos and bits of fabric in various shapes and forms. Have a nice Sunday xxx