Republican Mission to Kill US Economy
The Republican Party and its political contributors to all campaigns has a scorched earth plan when it comes to fixing this economy and creating jobs in America. It is not going to happen when there is a Democrat in the White House.
Senate Republicans kill Obama’s jobs bill
June 24, 2010
on Thursday defeated Democrats' showcase election-year jobs bill, including an
extension of weekly unemployment benefits for millions of people out of work
more than six months.
The 57-41 vote fell three votes short of the 60 required to crack a GOP
filibuster, delivering a major blow to President Barack Obama and Democrats
facing big losses of House and Senate seats in the fall election.
January 23, 2012
Crooks and Liars
Crooks and Liars website has reported an in-depth list of Bogus GOP job bills. Must read if you think the GOP really gives a shit about you or your lot in this life and economy. They see you and just don’t give one single thought about you. You do not matter because you can not write a check for what you used to make to a political campaign.
HR 1633 - Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011
This bill prevents the EPA from issuing or finalizing regulations revising air quality standards under the Clean Air Act, and excepts farm dust from all references to "particulate matter."
No jobs there, but if anyone has ever suffered from Valley Fever, they might object to exempting dust, particularly farm dust, from the definition of particulate matter.
HR 10 - Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2011
Guts the regulation process by mandating that every regulation promulgated by approved by Congress after an onerous submission process, while exempting any Congressional finding from judicial review. Call this one the Carte Blanche For Congress To Kill All Regulatory Authority Bill.
What it is not: A jobs bill.
HR 3010 - Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011
HR 3010 is a modified, somewhat less onerous version of HR 10, setting guidelines for whether any regulations are warranted at all even if called for under a statute. Calling an anti-regulatory statute a jobs bill is a little like calling a half-built bridge infrastructure. So again, not a jobs bill.
HR 527 - Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act of 2011
Ostensibly, HR 527 would reduce regulatory requirements on small businesses by forcing an impact study with specific focus on small business before regulation is adopted. It would limit EPA, OSHA and CFPB regulations while presumably protecting "small" closely-held Subchapter S corporations like Koch Industries. Not a jobs bill.
HR 3012 - Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2011
HR 3012 would expand job immigration beyond current limits by eliminating employment-based immigrant visa caps and raising the percentage of total visas granted to 15% from 7%. For this one, I'll say it IS a jobs bill, but not a jobs bill for American workers. It is the "Elite Immigration Jobs Bill of 2011".
HR 3094 - Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act
HR 3094 redefines collective bargaining units and makes significant changes to election procedures, including one intended to intimidate employees: an employer-supplied list of eligible voters with contact information provided by the employee.
Not a jobs bill. A union-buster bill.
HR 2930 - Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act
HR 2930 exempts startups raising less than $1 million in venture capital from small investors from SEC registraiton and oversight.
Not a jobs bill. An anti-regulatory bill.
HR 2940 - Access to Capital for Job Creators Act
HR 2940 repeals prohibitions on solicitation or advertising of a securities offering. It's a companion to HR 2930, and is intended to allow people with no relationship to a startup company to invest in it without any oversight by the SEC. Let's call this and its evil twins HR 2930 and HR 1965 the "Ponzi Scheme Coverup Acts of 2011"
HR 1965 - Securities Laws Amendment
HR 1965 changes the shareholder threshhold for SEC registration from 500 to 2000 shareholders. It's not a jobs bill. It's a "hide from the SEC" bill. Its companion, HR 1970, would exempt SEC registration of public offerings under $50 million rather than the current $5 million threshold.
Many More EPA Acts
So many they don't deserve to be broken down individually. HR 2273 removes coal ash regulation from the EPA and hands it to the states. HR 2681 would put a legislative stay on cement manufacturing emission standards. HR 2250 would put a legislative stay on EPA boiler MACT rules. HR 2401 would require analysis of all EPA regulations relating to air, waste, water and climate change. HR 2018 would restrict EPA from issuing any revisions to existing water standards or issuing a new standard for a pollutant if the state has already adopted one or there is an existing standard in place. In other words, ignore any new scientific research after an initial standard has been set. HR 2021 amends the Clean Air Act to open oil and gas exploration off the Alaska coast. HR 910 strips the EPA of authority to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, a direct assault on efforts to limit man-made contributions to climate change. HR 872 expands the use of pesticides, fungicides and rodent without EPA approval.
Reality Check!!!!!!!
The end results of all of the job killing activity in the United States Congress by the Republican Party, is that the Republican Party does not care about you. They care about protecting the people that donate to them and their campaigns.
Facts and jobs do not matter if there is money to be protected or made for influential donors when it comes to governing by the Republican Party. Keeping you and them separated while blaming someone else for no jobs is the GOP mission of governing.
If you think your congressional representatives support you and this economy then please visit before you blame the other guy that is actually trying to create jobs. Only 2% of all Republican voters know that during President Obama's administration that taxes have gone down and not up for the middle and lower classes.
Speak up and vote in November for the President and the Democratic Party across the board. Comment if you think the facts are wrong.
Labels: American Jobs, Democrat, Elections, GOP, GOP killing job creation, Job Bills, Killing jobs, Obama, Outsourcing jobs, President Election, Republican Tactics, Scorched Earth GOP Policy, US Congress, US Jobs, Vote