And yes, my self-esteem is still high. Αλλά διαβάζοντας μερικά posts διαπίστωσα ότι στην ουσία σχεδόν κανένας δεν έχει κάτι να πει.
So, I decided to be kouella 4 and fill up Internet space with various meaningless thoughts and comments. Μετά από μια επιφανειακή μετα-ανάλυση, μερικών post αναρτημένα σε κυπριακά blog, έχω καταλήξει στα εξης:
- Almost all bloggers need to see a psychologist, or a psychiatrist, or a psychotheurapist. Either of the three. I would not know. Κάποιοι προσπαθούν κατά καιρούς να θεραπευτούν μέσω τεχνικών group therapy του τύπου "αχ και εγώ, εσύ;". Κάποιοι άλλοι απλώς μονολογούν για αυτά που ακούουν αλλά δεν βγάζουν ήχους, για αυτά που βλέπουν αλλά δεν έχουν φως, για αυτά που γίνονται και για αυτά που δεν θα γίνουν ποτέ.
- Μερικοί άλλοι χρειάζονται να δουν γιατρό. Yes, some do have physical issues – that’s okay, too. You know, we all go through that from time to time. Hope you all get better soon.
- ALL bloggers think they are different. Now, how can we all be different? Well, here’s a philosophical question: if we all think we are different then who is left to be different from? And, whatever happened to the general public, or the critical mass? Okay, minorities are trendy (check out all the art and photography competitions)
- Almost all bloggers seem to have lots of free time in their hands. If they did not why would they even bother to post endless posts about architecture in Cyprus and even worse bother to make up a stories of protagonists living in those houses?
- Some others have strong political views. That’s okay cuz it’s good to take a political stance. But, is simply criticizing everyone and moaning about everything that goes wrong (or not) in this country is a political view? What have you done?
- Others have strong views about societal issues – should GCE students be offered positions at the University or not? Now, I wonder whether it is really about the GCEs or the University of Cyprus?
- Some bloggers are single, others have babies (older or new-born), some have families, some are in a relationship (serious or not), some are happy, some are miserable. We are all different – How we come we think in similar ways?
Keep it up guys. Everyone else is doing it, why don’t we? Until next time… ☺