Monday, March 14, 2011

Paws for Japan

Dear Furrends, on Thursday March 17 Iz gonna pawticipayte in "Paws for Japan" a joint online effort to raze green papers for World Vets, a group based out of the U.S. that iz werking to halp teh anipals affected by teh erthkwake an tsoonami in Japan.

All you haz to do to pawticipayte iz blog or tweet or FB abowt teh event an rayzing monies for da anipals. There iz gonna be a blog hop too!

You can find owt more informayshunz an get teh code to add a badge to your payj at Paws for Japan.

Japan Disaster Relief

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dear anipals here iz a linky to a chip-in for halping da anipals in Japan after this disasterous erthkwake an tsoonami.   If you can even halp just a lil bit it means a lot to teh anipals, thanks you!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Erthkwake in Noo Zealand

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dear anipals there wuz a terribuls erthkwake in Christchurch in Noo Zealand and they need owr halp.

Mai dear furrend from Noo Zealand, Rumblepurr haz a linky to da NZ ASPCA on hims bloggy here

Please purrr for our anipal and human furrendz in Noo Zealand, they need owr purrs now moar than evar.

If you can donayte visit Rumblebum's site and look fur da ChipIn box fur NZ ASPCA.

 Thanks you for all da purrs.


PS I haz now put teh NZ Chip-In on mai bloggy, near top right side. Thanks you for your support.

My Valentine for Petie

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dearest Petie, I iz teh luckiest kitteh to haz your az mai furever Valemtimes. I luvs you furever ♥♥♥

Stylish Blogger Award

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wow! Mai furrend Mario over at Mario's Meowsings haz given me the Stylish Blogger's Award. Iz so honored, after all mai pink hat iz vary stylish so purrhaps mai bloggy can be stylish too. Thanks you for passing on this award dear Mario.

Now I'z gonna tell you 7 things about myself that you don't know:

  1. I like to taste strawberry ice cream but only if it served to me on a spoon, melted
  2. Mai purr iz teh lowdest one of us 3 kitties, She sayz I sownd like a rusty motor 
  3. I iz nawt a skardycat, I iz cawshuss
  4. I can get thru an open door faster than anything, you can't keep me out of teh closet human!
  5. I luvs to have scritches an pets, but only as long az I say
  6. Do not brush me or trim mah claws, or I will show you teh paw an that iz not an idle warning I haz been sharpening mah claws 
  7. I used to sharpen mah claws on teh son's leather chair, but he mooved owt an She haz been watching teh leather chair in da living room vary closely. Soon, chair...soon.

Now I pass this award on to 7 other bloggers who deservs it, so concats to

Busy Buttons
Kruse Kats
Shawnee The Shep
Spitty The Kitty

These are all grate anipals wiv fun an intresting bloggies that you shud definitly check owt!



Sunday, January 23, 2011

Today iz mai birthday an I iz 5 yearz old. Iz been celebrayting all weekend wiv @Petiethecat an so many of mai dear furrendz. We all came to PussyCatIsland for a day of fun in teh sun. It iz fureezing in Winnipeg an we all can use some warm sunshines.

There iz nothing but sun an surf on PussyCatIsland, anipals iz surfing and playing on da beach or sailing and fishing on teh waters.

We have live musiks and lots of delishush noms fur efurryone to enjoy.

Pleeeze come by if you have time, teh jet will be running until teh last anipal leaves.

Thanks you to all mai furrends for helping make this a speshal birthday, you iz teh bestest furrendz an I luvs you all.

Snow Snow Snow

Friday, January 21, 2011

 Panda: "This closed window iz boring an ware iz dey birdies?"
 Ramses: "Oh boy, Snow!"
 Panda: "Whatever, mai lazers disapprove"
Boots: "Chill owt kitties, it's naptime anyway"

Pleaze halp make teh dream come troo

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Anipals, mai furrends (@theMeowskis on twitter) iz taking part in The Pepsi Refresh Project to raise moneys for building a facilitee for teh kittehs at The Forever Home Feline Ranch.

Mai furrends say "Currently, the Forever Home Feline Ranch has over 50 cats in its care, and building the Ranch would enable us to rescue hundreds of more cats. With the $250k grant we could build the main cat facility, finish building and property maintenance (the caretaker's home has no insulation right now, and a couple lives there!), and build an indoor/outdoor feral cat facility. Building the feral cat facility would allow us to take in feral cats that aren't adoptable, but that can't be released back into the area they were taken from."

I iz asking if you would pleeze halp by voting for teh Ranch - here iz moar links:

The Ranch's PEPSI PAGE:
The Ranch's Twitter: @FelineRanch
The Ranch's website:
The Ranch's Facebook:

In order to vote you just have to sign up with your name, age, and e-mail address and then you can vote once a day, everyday for the rest of the month! 

Thanks you for halping owt teh kitties at teh Ranch.
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