My new friend Epic, who is a handsome Maine Coon kitty, tagged me wiv an award! When you gets this award you is sposed to tell 10 interesting and honest facts about yourself. Then, you pass it on to a minimum of 7 other cat blogger friends. So here goes:
1) I haz a little bit of attitude
2) I sekretly like it when Mr Boots uses mai furz as his pillow
3) I ride on mai purrson's shoulder evry day, its the best way to get scritches
4) When I want nip, I gets nip
5) I iz not skared of dogs, if they is smaller than me
6) I hates water if its for baths but I like to splash water of out teh drinking bowl wiv mai paw
7) I shred evry roll of toilet paper I getz mai clawz on
8) I do not care to be photographed
9) I will groom Mr Boots when I want to, and he will like it
10) I'z in love love love wiv Petie
Now I is tagging 7 bloggers: