Friday, January 14, 2011

Empty Handed

"Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey." Matthew 25:14-15

Maybe you're wondering what happened to The Pope as Palipasan failed to make it's presence felt during the Yuletide celebrations. Due to health problems I was forced to take a blog holiday for a month.

I have been having pain from my left shoulder down to my elbow before Christmas. The pain is hot and throbbing, sometimes I feel numbness and tingling in my hand.

I tried to seek medical referral but the blood chemistry result was non-revealing. Then I was referred to the orthophedic department but the series of tests has caused more pain in my arm prompting me to cancel my next medical appointments.

Conflicting opinions were given by doctors ranging from arthritis, tennis elbow to mild stroke. And I think I would need a good electrodiagnostic test from a neurologist to check if there are any nerve of muscle damage. But since that I have no confidence in the medical practice in Middle East, I have to rely in my instinct prompting me to go on self medication supplemented with regular exercise, healthy diet.

After a month of blog holiday, the pain has receeded though sharp pain is still there during during sudden movement. I just need to slow bit on my work and observe proper posture particularly I am working more than 10 hours on my desktop computer from office to home.

I hope this will not prematurely prevent me from working and blogging. 

I always thank God for the borrowed life and for every new mornings. And I always plead for a healthy body and mind so that I can share the "Gifts" to others so that when time comes that I need to face my Creator, I have the courage to tell Him - "My Lord, thank you for the 'gifts' and they're all gone and finished. I have shared all my talents to the fullest to all of Your children on earth. Now I am coming back to You my Lord empty handed"

"The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more. But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money." Matthew 25:16-18

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Insights on PEBA 2010 Euphoria

My daughter Geehan and son Roland James

It was a thrilling event as PEBA 2010  broadcast live through live stream technology as me and my wife  watched it live in real time from my computer monitor in Doha, Qatar. We can feel the suspense as heartbeat rises as the musical intro Chariots of Fire echoes the auditorium as the video teaser is played that supplement the tension as the Top 10 Blog Winners were announced.

It was a tear-jerking moment as the Top 1 OFW Blogger Winner "Animus" was announced and Dan Jacob's (Animus author) mom, Mrs. Garcia took the centerstage as tears running through her eyes accepting the award and with sobs and cracking voice congratulated the PEBA organizers and proudly held her son's trophy in her arms.

At that moment, the audience was captivated by the emotional love and pride shown by a mother, who was once a former OFW herself over her son's victory through his winning blog post entry entitled "Ang Bakal Na Ibon Sa Himpapawid", an author account on love, sacrifice and struggles against the social risk of migration in their family where once her mother was an OFW, and now he himself  is an OFW in Kuwait.

It was an atmosphere of magnanimity, a victorious event shared by both PEBA Organizers, community bloggers and OFW & Migrant workers and the Filipino families around the world. It was a reuniting moment for the whole OFW families who have witnessed the PEBA Gala Night, I myself was touched by my children's initiative in attending the PEBA night driving from Antipolo City to Teatrino, San Juan and narrating their great experience, as my daughter Geeka said "it was a great blog award experience, it's like attending FAMAS awards night".

The Pope's daughter and the PEBA President

While the whole event needs further polishing to achieve perfection on its next coming year, but generally it was a huge success as the message of familial love echoed throughout the PEBA season.

We owe the success of this event to the volunteerism jobs of our PEBA Super Heroes who have offered their shoulders so others can stand, rise and shine. The unwavering commitment of Yanah, the PEBA's Wonder Woman who deserves the Super Hero Award, Arvin, the PEBA's "Blog Crusader" and our own "Lara Croft" Jen who has been the face of PEBA in our district office in Quezon City.

"Charmed" by the Event

 PEBA's Man of the Year award must be given to Jigs "The Spiderman" who has successfully connected PEBA to the web of generous sponsors and media partners who has brought glitters to the whole event.

Kenjie "the Skywalker" and "Yoda" NJ Abad remains the guiding light over the galaxy and PEBA's "Harry Potter" Lord CM who always amaze the blogging community of his charismatic "magical power" in Kablogs and United Bloggers.

And lastly I would like to thank this year's Panels of Judges (the "Senate of the Galactic Republic") headed by Ms. Susan "Toots" Ople and Ms. Ellen Tordesillas for both OFW Bloggers and OFW Supporters Division for sharing their time, talent and wisdom in the selection of PEBA winners.

Thank you very much and Merry Christmas.


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