Sunday, September 14, 2008

Obama's Woman Troubles:

An interesting read from Savage: 

Obama on the Couch: How Bad
Is His "Woman Problem"?

Barack Obama compared Sarah Palin to a pig with lipstick. This is the beginning of the end of Obama’s campaign. But what exactly is Obama's problem with women? Why have women abandoned his campaign in droves? To find the answer we must return to Obama's childhood and examine his relationship with his mother.

In 1961, Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, married Obama’s father, a man from Kenya. He abandoned the family. Within three years, they were divorced. In 1967, his mother married another man, this time an Indonesian. A few years later she was divorced again. Through all this time, Obama's mother went globetrotting; from Hawaii, to Indonesia, to Pakistan. Sometimes she took her young son. Sometimes she left him behind. 

What appears to have happened to Obama as a result is he developed symptoms of what psychologists refer to as an Oedipal Complex. In an Oedipal Complex, a male child is fixated on his mother and competes with his father for maternal attention. In such cases, a critical point of awakening occurs where the child realizes that the mother has affections for others besides himself. In this case, Obama had to compete with multiple paternal stand-ins and was never fully able to bond with his mother. The result seems to have been a resentment towards women that he has never been able to get beyond.

Furthermore, excessive separation within an Oedipal Complex leads to a sense of helplessness that can in turn lead to patterns of idealized control and self-sufficiency (which shines through in his often arrogant smile.)

Obama’s mother sent him to live away from her when he was 10 and again when he was 14. It seems clear that this excessive separation, in the absence of a father, has led to a pattern of idealized control that Obama has not only imposed on himself, but now wants to impose on the United States of America.

Obama’s mother was a free spirit who traipsed around the world following her own self-interests. And while there’s nothing wrong with that in itself, you can't ignore the effects that such narcissism has had on her children. Especially when one of those children wants to be president.

It seems Obama has a woman problem. He both wants to win their approval and control them at the same time. Unfortunately for him, Sarah Palin is not the kind of woman who responds well to control. Millions of women like Sarah may be traditional in their love for men, but they are feminists in terms of self-reliance. Attacking such strong women to control them has never worked and will not work for Obama.

  • Do you think Obama has a woman problem?

  • Does he have an Oedipal Complex?

  • If you agree that he does, how bad, on a scale of 1 to 10 do you think Obama’s Oedipal Complex is?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Did Obama Admit He's a Muslim?

This will put the debate to rest once and for all:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's Official...

... Obama is the messiah, and Palin is like the guy that killed him:

9-11: Seven Years Later

It's been seven years. There's still a disgusting hole in the ground in New York. 

How about pulling the original WTC blueprints out of mothballs, dust them off, update them for code, and put them back up?

For audio from 9-11, click here.

The world is still full of asshats... 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Seven years after the Sept. 11 attacks, there is no
 consensus outside the United States that Islamist militants from al Qaeda were responsible, according to an international poll published Wednesday.

The survey of 16,063 people in 17 nations found majorities in only nine countries believe al Qaeda was behind the attacks on New York and Washington that killed about 3,000 people in 2001.

U.S. officials squarely blame al Qaeda, whose leader Osama bin Laden has boasted of organizing the suicide attacks by his followers using hijacked commercial airliners.

On average, 46 percent of those surveyed said al Qaeda was responsible, 15 percent said the U.S. government, 7 percent said Israel and 7 percent said some other perpetrator.

 One in four people said they did not know who was behind the attacks.

The poll was conducted by, a collaborative project of research centers in various countries managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland in the United States.

In Europe, al Qaeda was cited by 56 percent of Britons and Italians, 63 percent of French and 64 percent of Germans. The U.S. government was to blame, according to 23 percent of Germans and 15 percent of Italians.

Respondents in the Middle East were especially likely to name a perpetrator other than al Qaeda, the poll found.

Israel was behind the attacks, said 43 percent of people in Egypt, 31 percent in Jordan and 19 percent in the Palestinian Territories. The U.S. government was blamed by 36 percent of Turks and 27 percent of Palestinians.

In Mexico, 30 percent cited the U.S. government and 33 percent named al Qaeda.

The only countries with overwhelming majorities blaming al Qaeda were Kenya with 77 percent and Nigeria with 71 percent.

But good people also came out of that tragedy. Tuesday's Children meet the needs of children who were robbed of a parent on 9-11.

We should never forget. We should remember that day, our feelings, our hurt and our resolve.

Why is it that some just cannot face up to that memory? They cannot accept the ugliness that is reality at times.

This is what Olberman just couldn't handle:

Well, Keith, it may not be pretty. You may not like it. That doesn't change the fact that some people out there want you and me dead. They are Islamists who want you, the infidel, to die.

Here is that reality. Face it, deal with it. Remember it: 

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pretty Up That Pig.

Obama goes further, saying this at the end of the above clip:

Obama added that "it is not going to be easy ... John McCain has a compelling biography, you know Sarah Palin is an interesting story."

The crowd booed.

"No, she’s new!" Obama said. "She hasn’t been on the scene, you know, she’s got five kids and my hat goes off to anybody who’s looking after five. I’ve got two and they tire Michelle and me out!"

Well, what a tough little lady Palin is! Doesn't she know it would be easier if she'd just get her ass back in the kitchen? 

Tammy Bruce has some excellent commentary on the misogynist Obama: 

Outrageous. Actually, without devolving into too much body language issues here, even Obama is uncomfortable with what he's about to do. Notice he puts his hand up to ostensibly scratch his face, but is actually covering it. And remember also, we've learned he uses teleprompters at these events, so that slur was not off-the-cuff, it was written and planned and he delivered it, consciously.

Here's a Newsflash for Barry and his mob--anyone who is going to laugh at that wasn't going to vote for McCain anyway. And anyone who is on the fence and leaning toward the McCain/Palin ticket will be as offended by those remarks as I am. Women are abandoning Obama because they don't like what they've seen and heard for the past 18 months. They especially don't like the arrogant, sexist mockery Obama provides which doesn't even remotely pass as a discussion of the "issues." Perhaps he was hoping Hillary would smear Gov. Palin. Now it's left for The One himself to continue the slur and burn approach which is losing him this election.


McCain camp demands an apology. In the meantime, NBC reports a 23-point swing towards McCain among all women, 18-49. Gee, I wonder why?

If we take Obama at his word that he was just using a colloquialism and didn't mean any insult to Palin, it is still quite noteworthy that he would make such an easily misconstrued statement. Obama MUST know that he is on thin ice with women... What would possess him to put his foot so far down his throat.

One must consider that it is fortunate that he would make such a mistake now, with Sarah Palin, rather than after January, sitting across the table from Ahmadinejad or Medvedev. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Let Them Eat Cake... Again.

(Hey, Nanc... You mentioned Weekend at Bernie's?)

This is a photo of  Charlie Rangel lounging at his villa in the Dominican Republic (What, no nice places here in the States, Charlie), which he also rents out at a profit of about $75,000 per year.

The problem is, the head of the Ways and Means Committee, which is the committee that writes the onerous tax laws that you and I must avoid, claims he just didn't know he was supposed to be paying interest. 

I wonder if the gov't would be so understanding if you or I used such an excuse.

From this source, emphasis mine: 

The Democratic chairman of the Ways and Means tax-writing committee has come under scrutiny for his vacation property and apartments he rents in his home district of Harlem.

[These are rent-controlled apartments, subsidized by the taxpayers.]

Davis [Rangel's lawyer] said Rangel failed to report rental income from the resort property on his taxes, but didn't realize it was necessary because of the way the deal was structured.

Davis said it is unlikely the congressman owes any back taxes under the federal tax code, although he may owe a small amount to New York State, on unreported rental income of about $75,000.

"It is my understanding that over the 20-year time period there is not likely to be federal tax liability by Mr. Rangel because of offsetting depreciation expenses and tax credits. Therefore, whatever amendments might be necessary do not involve the federal tax code," said Davis.

Republicans call Rangel ethically challenged and have sought to censure the 78-year-old lawmaker. Even an unintentional tax error is highly embarrassing for Rangel, since he chairs the committee charged with updating the nation's complicated tax code.

[Yeah, the frickin' tax code is so huge and tangled that not even the Chair that dumps more into it each year can understand it. Um, Fair Tax, anyone?]

News of Rangel's no-interest mortgage comes on the heels of damaging reports that two other powerful figures in Congress, Senators Chris Dodd, D-Conn., and Kent Conrad, D-N.D., got preferential mortgages with lower interest rates through a "VIP" program for friends of former Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo. Dodd heads the Senate Banking Committee.

[I'm sure all that was an accident, too. It must be, since no one is in jail. You know, like how quickly one of us plebes would be behind pig iron?]

Rangel bought the beach house 20 years ago for about $80,000, with a down payment of $28,000. Instead of making payments himself for the property, Rangel used his share of collective rental money generated by the resort to pay down the mortgage, according to his lawyer.

Rental income from the property was used directly to pay the mortgage, so Rangel never made any mortgage payments himself, Davis said. Only once, in 2001, did Rangel receive money directly, when the company mistakenly wired him $2,000 in rental income rather than applying that, as it had before and after, to the mortgage.

The mortgage debt of slightly more than $50,000 was paid off fully in 2003, Davis said, and rental income was also used later to pay for a $22,000 home improvement project. That second loan did include interest payments totaling about $1,100, the lawyer said.

The congressman's personal finances have come under scrutiny and spawned a House ethics committee inquiry, leading to a showdown last month on the House floor between Rangel and Republicans.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Is Kimmie Gone?

Is Kim Jong Il dead? 

One Japanese professor thinks so. 

From this source

Speculation has recently grown again that Kim, who is 66 and has not been seen in public for more than three weeks, is unwell. Some media have long thought that Kim, a former smoker and heavy drinker, was ill but Seoul intelligence officials say they believe he has diabetes and heart problems, but those are not serious enough to affect his job.

But a book by Japan's Professor Toshimitsu Shigemura at Japan's respected Waseda University says Kim died in the autumn of 2003 and a series of stand-ins have since taken his place at official state event.

Prof Shigemura says Kim was not seen in public for the 42 days after September 10, 2003, and in his book "The True Character of Kim Jong Il" claims the man that North Koreans refer to as the "Dear Leader" died of diabetes.

"In the years before he died, Kim took some really big decisions on North Korea's relationships with the outside world," says the professor, pointing to the historic June 2000 summit with South Korean President Kim Dae Jung, a visit from Russian leader Vladimir Putin the following month and then US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in October 2000.

The following January he was in China, met Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in September 2002 - and admitted that Pyongyang had abducted Japanese nationals to train its spies - and August 2003 saw the opening of six-way talks on halting North Korea's nuclear weapons programmes.

Then, suddenly, Kim disappeared, says Shigemura, and there was chaos in the upper echelons of the country's leadership. "I have been working on the book for four years," said Shigemura, a former journalist for the Mainichi newspaper who was posted to Seoul for six years from 1979 and then served for another five years in Washington D.C. A North Korean agent told him in 1995 that he had met one of Kim's doubles - there have been as many as four - and that he used them to stand in at outside ceremonies because he was fearful of a coup.

After Kim's death, a group of four very senior officials in the regime decided to protect their own positions by making the stand-in more permanent. Whenever anyone meets the North Korean leader, Shigemura says one of the four is alongside him "like a puppet-master."

Friday, September 5, 2008

Toby Keith Loves Obama?

Red State Update's take on this development: 


What Liberals Hear:

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin is ON FIRE!

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce the next Vice President of the United States:

The speech was absolutely OUT OF THE PARK.

No wonder the left is scrambling to get any scrap of dirt on this woman. They know they are screwed to the wall.

Hell, if McCain doesn't screw up the next four years, I predict Palin spring-boarding into the Presidency in 2012. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Crime and Punishment

It's stupid criminal time: 

IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) - Iowa 

City police said a man who was driving drunk tried to bribe a police officer - with a sandwich. Police said a 25-year-old man was charged with drunken driving early Sunday morning after an officer saw him driving with his headlights off and pulled him over.

Police said the man was riding with a police officer in a squad car when he offered the officer free sub sandwiches if he could go home.

The officer declined.

OK, I want to know what kind of sub sandwich the guy offered... It might have been worth it!

Next, we have a bit of absolutely divine justice: 

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - A 22-year-old suspected truck burglar made a dirty mistake after he tried to hide inside a portable toilet on Saturday. Tampa police said the man broke into two pickup trucks at a parking lot and the owner of the second truck fought the suspect and chased him to a nearby construction site.

The suspect tried to hide in the Port-O-Let, but the victim found him and turned it over, covering him in huge amounts of human waste.

The man was been charged with auto burglary and possession of burglary tools.

I hope when the construction guy turned over the port-o-let, it landed door-side down! HA! 

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Islam's War On Freedom

Pat Condell does it again: 

Undercover Mosque: The Return

Always on Watch and Kevin at The Amboy Times have Undercover Mosque: The Return up at their sites. 

Here is Part One: 

Go to AOW's or Kevin's and watch the rest... They are a REAL eye-opener.

King of Kings?

Muammar Gaddafi is the king of kings? 

And here I thought it was this guy.

From this source:

Benghazi, Libya - Dignitaries from a host of African tribes have bestowed the title "king of kings" on Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi during a visit marking the anniversary of the coup that brought him to power almost four decades ago.

"We have decided to recognise our brother leader as the 'king of kings, sultans, princes, sheikhs and mayors of Africa," said a statement from a forum grouping more than 200 tribal chiefs from Africa late on Thursday.

The tribesmen, many wearing golden crowns, colourful headdresses and robes, also presented Gaddafi with gifts including a "royal chair", an 18th century Qu'ran, ostrich eggs, traditional outfits and local products.

At the meeting in the Mediterranean city of Benghazi east of Tripoli, Gaddafi called his guests to "put pressure on their governments to move towards the unification of Africa and the creation of a United States of Africa."

Monday, September 1, 2008

CAIR Makes the Grade...

...A failing grade, that is.

The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) released their annual school report cards this week, and the results show that two taxpayer-financed Islamic charter schools operated by officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have failed miserably yet again. But protected by powerful political connections, including Ohio Governor Ted Strickland and Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman, and apparently indifferent to their exploitation of the Somali children that comprise the vast majority of their students, the Islamic extremists running the operation appear to have no fear of losing their cash cows. In fact, Ohio educrats have renewed one school’s contract after five years of complete academic failure.

The two schools, International Academy and Westside Academy, are run by a group of local Islamic leaders, including CAIR national board vice chairmanAhmad Al-Akhras, CAIR-Columbus president and CAIR-Ohio board member Abukar Arman, and Islamic Society of Greater Columbus president and imam Mouhamed Tarazi (who serves as principal of one of the schools). At one time or another, all have served on the board of the local private Islamic school in Central Ohio, Sunrise Academy.

Beginning operations in 2002, International Academy has a long track record of failure. According to the school’s most recent state report card, the school only meets two of the 19 indicators measured (one of the two indicators it met was attendance). The performance index score of 73.9 fell well short of the 100 points required (of 120 total; the state median is 96.6), but since that was slightly more than the 72.2 scored the previous school year (2006-2007) the school received a “continuous improvement” designation. Only in the Orwellian world of union-controlled, taxpayer-financed public education does this performance rate a grade of C-, thanks to some grade inflation in this year’s report cards courtesy of the ODE.

That “continuous improvement” designation notwithstanding, since International Academy opened, it has never met the state’s required “adequate yearly progress” standard and has never met more than two of the state indicators. Looking at the past three years of academic performance data, we find in four of the seven tested areas, test scores declined last year from the previous year.

The second school, Westside Academy, appears to be following in its older brother’s failing footsteps. Their state report card shows that they met state standards in one area — attendance. Across all grade levels and subjects, less than 20 percent of their students rated proficient or better. In one subject area, 3rd grade math, the school achieved zero percent proficiency. Their performance index also dropped to 56.9 last school year (again, 100 of 120 points being the state requirement), putting them in the “academic watch” category.

Read the whole thing. It's worth it. 

It just gets better and better...