We have had amazing weather this winter. And by amazing, I do NOT mean hot, dry gardening weather. I mean two feet of snow, freezing rain, ice, cold, cold, cold weather!
Well, the best way to solve the winter blues (in my book!) is to go shopping. Recently, I found the cutest shop and it's not far from me.
Just a Bed of Roses has so many fun things! The first time I went there, I was paying my property taxes across the street and saw lots of galvanized goodness out front. I went in and found a shop FULL of great stuff and the nicest people working!
I've gone back several times on my days off and have found something fun every time!
Brenda, the shop owner, carries these FABULOUS magazines! They are huge, have lovely photography and stories of very creative people! I was looking for a gift for a friend for Christmas and knew she'd love this magazine.
I've bought the old zinc lids for canning jars as well as these wooden spools of thread.

Well, the best way to solve the winter blues (in my book!) is to go shopping. Recently, I found the cutest shop and it's not far from me.
Just a Bed of Roses has so many fun things! The first time I went there, I was paying my property taxes across the street and saw lots of galvanized goodness out front. I went in and found a shop FULL of great stuff and the nicest people working!
I've gone back several times on my days off and have found something fun every time!
Brenda, the shop owner, carries these FABULOUS magazines! They are huge, have lovely photography and stories of very creative people! I was looking for a gift for a friend for Christmas and knew she'd love this magazine.
When I was in the other day, I found this burlap pillow. I love it on the chair my husband remade several years ago.
I cannot wait for spring so I can put some flowers in this rusty green and yellow bucket! I love the handle too!
They were selling these lemon cypress plants before Christmas. I had it on my dining room table for the holidays and now have it in the family room. I soak it in a bowl of water once a week and it's good to go.
I've bought the old zinc lids for canning jars as well as these wooden spools of thread.
Everytime I stop in and see Brenda or Joannie, I find something fun and have a great visit!
What fun finds have you found lately?
Thanks so much for stopping by.
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