This evening we went to two art exhibits. Emerald Art Center exhibited works from the plein air painters of Lane County - it was fun to see the work of others in the community. Maude Kerns was exhibiting works from Sara Sedwick. She's a talented young Eugene artist who does beautiful work.
I needed to get my hour in this evening, so decided to "fix" some earlier paintings. I couldn't wait for the paint to dry to try glazing, so went ahead with the red wash on the pomegranates.
The blue background on the tulip painting gnawed at me all day. I was eager to get home to tone it down a bit. Not happy with the result. I realize I should have waited until I could work on it in the daylight. Oh well, I guess it's true that every painting is a lesson for the next one.
For me, it all comes back to color. If I could get color right the first time, I wouldn't need to do the rework.