I was playing around with my camera and I thought I'd share them. My poor plants have seen it all this spring. We have been going through a drought, so they haven't got nearly enough water. At times I think I'm back in Lubbock because the wind seems to blow nonstop. We even had a pretty bad hail storm (that was pretty rough on my car, but that's another story). On top of that, our neighbors pet deer seem to like us better and have started living at our house (that's another story too.) I usually have a whole bed of larkspurs blooming, but between Peanut the deer and the bunny rabbits, I have none. Peanut also ate my Hibiscus, which I was not happy about. Luckily I still have a few plants that are thriving despite the mother nature and the wild life....
Esperanza's (Tecoma stans) do very well in our area.
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