Thursday, December 31, 2009

Climbtime Indy

New Years Eve has been a big deal for as long as I can remember. At 2:00am New Years Day, my brother, Josh, asked what, if any, traditions we had for New Years. I remember having family friends over for games and munchies. My mom always made won tons and we'd watch the ball drop and then let off bottle rockets in the driveway. So we have tried to make New Year's a big deal for our kids. Since moving to Indiana we have traveled back to Ohio for this occasion but this year we stayed home. In Ohio we'd go bowling and then back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for games and Chinese food. In Indiana the bowling alleys are a little bit crowded so we came up with a different idea. Indoor rock climbing.

We were all fitted for harnesses and shoes and then sent on our way to climb. You had to be 14 or over to belay someone else so Nathan and I took turns helping out the kids and then each other. Our good friends, the Nortons, joined us and 5 hours later we were ready to head home.

Hannah, Alexa, and Mackenzie

Dayton and Ben

When we first told our kids what we thought we'd like to do, they all complained. "That won't be fun." "I'm not going." So after we dragged them there, they now want to get a membership and go every Saturday. I don't know if our hands can take it. My arms are still a little sore. I guess that just shows how out of shape I really am. Darn it. So if you need any additional motivation, other than seeing us, to visit Indianapolis, now you know you can rock climb any time.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Twinings Visit

We went sledding on Monday morning and had a blast. Alexa decided to take the "trucks" off of her old skateboard and convert it into a snowboard. We all took a turn down the hill on the snow board and Lex now thinks we all need snowboards. I stayed up the whole time and didn't break my neck as I'd declared would happen so it was successful. The only bad part, I forgot my camera. Darn it!

When we got home there was a message on our machine from Nathan's oldest sister, Lani's, daughter. Melani and Kurt Twining were traveling home from Dayton Ohio via Indy and wondered if we were home. We love having company, for however long we can get it and we were thrilled to have them even if for just a few hours. They have 2 darling children, Kyler and Leanna. Thanks for stopping by. It was great to see you.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

I have to admit that I had a hard time really getting into the Christmas spirit this year. But it did happen. Just a little later than I would have liked. Grandma and Grandpa Dayton drove over on Christmas Eve. We had a great time. We watched G Force and then acted out the nativity scene. Grandma and Grandpa were great angels, they even sang. Alexa was Joseph, Mackenzie was Mary, Dayton played two roles. Shepherd and part time narrator. Nathan was the donkey and I filled in as the back up narrator/book holder for Dayton. Our kids still get so excited it takes them forever to fall asleep. But alas, Santa did come. There was much excitement. Alexa and Mackenzie were up and into my parents at 4:30! After kicking my dad out of his bed they were sent into us and told to lay down until 7:30am...crazy kids. The kids have to wait on the stairs until we come down stairs to make sure Santa came, turn on the lights and let out Harley. We also get the camera ready to capture the great shots. According to our kids, the waiting on the stairs takes at least an hour (in reality only about 3 minutes).
It was a great laid back, relaxing Christmas. I think the favorite combined gift was Rock Band Beatles. It was awesome having grandma and grandpa here because grandpa is a huge Beatles fan. He owns most if not all of their albums and he knows every song. It was a blast. My kids were totally confused as to why I knew all of these songs that they have never heard. Apparently I have deprived my children of some cultural experiences. But it doesn't take long to have Beatles songs going through your head over and over again. Nathan went to bed Christmas night singing Yellow Submarine and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. This Christmas was all about love for me. Love for my family, friends and most of all love for my Saviour. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Letter

I was never one to send out a Christmas card but when we moved from Utah I figured it was the best way for me to keep in touch with so many friends that moved away. So...I started writing a Christmas letter. Mostly as a way for me to journal what had been happening in our lives.

I met someone while living in Ohio, who is now one of my dearest friends, who shed some new light on the Christmas letter (card) for me. She said something to the effect of "this is my way of sending all of my friends and family a little present that I take the time to create and wrap up." Now her Christmas card is way better than anything I could creatively come up with but I liked the idea. I look forward to getting the mail and seeing all of the happenings of so many of our friends and family. Our "little presents" hang in our foyer for us to enjoy every day.

I've taken the past couple of years off in my sending of a Christmas letter and for that I am sorry. So to keep this letter in our 2009 book, I am posting it here.

For the past several years my mom and dad have taken our family pictures and we have been quite pleased. The timing didn't work out for them to take them this year but our dear friend Doug and his talented wife and assistant Lyndee were gracious enough to step in. We have only seen 2 of the many shots he took but we couldn't be more pleased. I'll post more when we get them. Thanks Doug and Lyndee. We love you guys.

This time of year allows me time to sit down and reflect on the past 12 months. Whew! It has sure flown by. We, like everyone, have had our “ups and downs” with memories to last a lifetime. We spent some time in June attending the wedding of my (Jaime’s) youngest brother, Jordan. He married a girl named Jamie. She is wonderful and we could not be happier for both of them. After the wedding, the first ever Dayton (Jaime’s maiden name) family reunion was held in Hurricane, Utah at the most amazing house. We spent several days just being together and all had a good time. It seems everybody regresses to silliness when we get together again. After this trip, my kids’ new favorite game became Mafia. While in Utah, we were able to spend some time with the Page family and attended the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house with Grandpa Dave. It was great to see everybody again.

Nathan was unexpectedly laid off in June and we were “unemployed” for 7 weeks. This is the second time we have gone through this situation and though I would like to say it gets easier…I can’t. What I can say is that going through this kind of a trial brought our family closer together and did so in a way for which I will be forever grateful. Nathan was hired by a company here in Indy in August and it is a completely different environment. The company is located in Michigan and they have offices in various states. Here in Indy, Nathan is one of two employees. It has been an adjustment for him to be in the office by himself and having to do many “office” tasks in addition to his engineering work but it is employment and we are thrilled. He still plays racquetball regularly and occasionally makes it out to play futsal at the church.

I am still teaching piano lessons and held my first recital in April. I teach 20 kids right now which makes my evenings a little busy but the extra income was such a blessing while Nathan was without work. I accompanied Mackenzie’s 4th grade choir this year and started teaching a music class for 20 kids who attend a charter school in the area. I also have taken up blogging. If you would like to monitor our family happenings, feel free to check out our blog at

Alexa turned 11 this year, started 6th grade (I can’t believe I am that old), and stared playing the trumpet and she is quite good. She is a great student and gets her assignments done without much prodding. She is growing (5’3¼”) and will soon be as tall as me. She loves to talk and tell us all about her day and we wouldn’t have it any other way. She had braces put on in October and is adjusting. She is still affectionately referred to as our tomboy. All of her friends are boys and they have a great time together. This summer they started a “Tricking-out Skateboard and Scooter” business. They painted skateboards and scooters complete with advertising and discounts for family members.

Mackenzie just barely turned 10 and is growing like a tree, slow and steady (4’ 6½”). She decided to chop her hair and looks darling. Mackenzie participated in the Spell Bowl and Math Bowl as a 4th grader this year. She had some of her artwork chosen to be framed and placed in the halls of her elementary school. She was also pictured in the local paper as a part of a trio that sang at the Circle Center Mall in Indianapolis. Mackenzie is our reader. She devours any and every book she can get her hands on. She would rather read than do anything else.

Dayton turned 8 this year and decided to be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He continues to grow like a weed (4’ 9”). He is the tallest 2nd grader in the school and almost as tall as his teacher. Dayton has finally decided that he likes to read….sometimes. He is still a super easy-going kid who never gets in trouble at school, has tons of friends and a smile that melts my heart. He loves to play anything, outside or inside. He loved being with all of his boy cousins this summer.

I’ve decided this is my favorite age for all of my kids. We have so much fun together. They are all physically independent, they still like being around us as parents and we are able to reason with them, most of the time.
We have much to be grateful for this year, health, employment, safety, family, friends and opportunities to serve. Most of all we are grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ. We wish you a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year. If you are ever in our neck of the woods, we would love to see you.
The Page family
Nathan, Jaime, Alexa, Mackenzie, and Dayton

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Nathan's 35th Birthday

Nathan is officially 5 years away from being "old." That is according to our children. Apparently, when you turn 40 you are considered old. Yikes. Nathan had a good day. We went to church, he sang in the choir (I accompanied), we ate yummy Chinese food, opened presents, watched movies, took a small nap, and finally enjoyed mint brownies with ice cream. Relaxing.
Happy Birthday Nathan, we love you.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sugar Cookies

We had a special visitor with us Saturday as we made and decorated our sugar cookies. Nathan's nephew, Wayne, was here at Camp Atterbury and had a free day to spend with us before he headed off to California and then to Iraq. Wayne lived with us for a while when we were in Sandy and it was so good to see him again. (I wish I would have been more ontop of picture taking) Our kids loved the reaction they got from friends after telling them that their 30 year old cousin came to visit. It's always great to have company, especially when that company likes everything you make. The kids had a blast this year decorating their cookies in new and unique ways. I think Nathan becomes the biggest kid of all as he takes his time to make his cookie look just right.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Gingerbread House

As a second grader, Dayton learned about gingerbread houses. He went on a field trip to Connor Prairie to see gingerbread houses that had been created by professionals and amateurs. After the field trip each 2nd grader gets to create a gingerbread house of their own. Parents are invited to attend and help out. It was a great afternoon.
Dayton knew what he wanted and just needed me to get the frosting in the right places so he could place the candy. He used every single piece of candy on his house and did a great job. The best part....eating it.
Two years ago, when Mackenzie participated in this activity, her house was not edible. The day she brought it home a glass pan exploded on our stove top, shattering glass everywhere and unfortunately, Mackenzie's house was in the line of fire. She was quite heartbroken.
When Dayton's teacher, Mrs. Edwards, heard about the tragedy she offered to send home an extra kit for Mackenzie to re-create her house. We love that Mrs. Edwards. Mackenzie was thrilled.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Mackenzie is in the 4th grade choir at her elementary school. Each year, her choir director, arranges a field trip for the choir students. They get to miss most of the school day, sing at an assisted living facility, sing at the mall downtown Indy and eat lunch at the food court. Mrs. Scherer also encourages the 4th graders to perform solos or group songs during the performance. Mackenzie and 2 of her friends, Rachel and Julia, sang "Tomorrow" from Annie. They did a great job and scored a photo in the Indianapolis Star (Fishers section). Mackenzie wishes she was smiling but let's face it, it's hard to
smile while singing any song, especially
"tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll love ya, tomorrow..."

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bounce Planet

My grandma has hosted Thanksgiving for years. This year is to be her last and as only grandma can do...she wanted to go out with a bang. With 50 plus people she rented a place called Kangaroo Zoo for 2 hours so everyone could bounce their dinner right out of them. My grandma never wants anyone to feel left out so she requested we have a similar activity here in Indiana. We headed over to Bounce Planet for a day of bouncing. The adults were free but if they'd have known how much Dad and Nathan were going to jump they might have reconsidered. Bonus....we could come and go all day.
We bounced some in the morning then headed over to Dick's Bodacious Barbecue for some super yummy food. Alexa claims it as her new absolute favorite restaurant. After eating we headed back over to jump some more. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Toone. It would have been so fun to be there with you but we did have a good time.

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Experiment

Friday night Mackenzie asked if she could do an experiment if it didn't make a mess. Why not? So she set off with a bottle of bubbles, some dish soap, towels, paper and pencil, and a dream. Her creation was tellingly called "hand bubbles." You could take the mixture and make bubbles with your hands. She bottled them up with labels for future reference, a recipe of ingredients with exact amounts, and a smile of pure satisfaction. Experiment...successful.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mackenzie's "10"

10 years ago I ate and enjoyed my Thanksgiving dinner, went to the airport to see Matt Page come home from his mission and then drove to the hospital. I delivered Mackenzie the next morning just after 8:30. A whopping 8 lb. 14 oz. kid almost 2 weeks early. Ten years...really!?! I swear every year I feel older. Just saying Mackenzie's name brings a smile to my face. She has brought us so much laughter, eye rolling and opinion. She came home recently requesting to join a sport. When asked what she wanted to play she had no suggestions and a number of excuses as to why the various suggestions we made would not work for her. She was the only one of her friends who did not participate in a extra-curricular sporting activity. She did, however, participate on the spell bowl team and is on the math bowl team. We explained to Mackenzie that there are lots of ways to participate in extra-curricular activities and they don't have to be sports. We would be happy to sign her up for something but not because she wants to be like her friends. She should be involved in the things she wants to do.

This year, Mackenzie's birthday was on Thanksgiving. We usually head over to my parents house for Thanksgiving but this year they came to us. It was a great day and weekend. Mackenzie requested a turkey cake. She drew the turkey and I filled it in with the frosting. She got a scooter, some earrings and a new pair of shoes, converse...those were popular when I was a kid. Maybe I'm not so old after all.

Mackenzie developed a real love of little kids this past year. Partly due to our time at the Dayton family reunion this summer and getting to spend time with lots of younger cousins. She has a particular fondness for Gavin who was almost one.

Now that she is two whole hands old we can't wait to see what is yet to come.
We love you Mackenzie. Happy Birthday!