Monday, May 26, 2008

The Wii

Grandma and Grandpa brought their new toy to our house for the weekend and we have had a blast playing. The kids have really enjoyed creating their own Mii's (characters to play the various games). On Sunday night mom and I competed with each other on every game that is on the Wii. I admit my lack of skills when it comes to computer games...she beat me in most games but I was the champion of our boxing match. I am feeling the after effects of that match today. As a result of the fun weekend with the Wii the requests to own one of our own have begun...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Bags

Several weeks ago there was an enrichment activity at the church. The activity was a lesson on how to make these very cool bags. Unfortunately...due to lack of a functioning brain, I was unable to attend. But, my mom came this weekend and she brought her sewing machine and her ability and helped me to make a bag...Okay not really helped me...she made the bag and I was there as moral support to cut some and iron...I also pinned. I had grandiose plans of making two bags and giving one to my mom for Mother's Day. That was before I lost the ability to think. So last night we set out to make the bags. Nathan, always willing to be helpful, sat down at the table with us and drew a 3D diagram to show how the dimensions of the bag should look. It was a great looking diagram but not what we needed. We finally just used some scrap fabric and made a trial bag that looked great....After a phone call and assistance from Traci, a midnight run to Walmart, and a few messed up cuts (by me, of course) we had the end result of 3 great bags. After we made the last 2 Alexa asked if she could have one of those bags to carry her scriptures....Disguising our shock and and I quickly offered her one. Will wonders never cease...

I love the bags...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Zoo

Grandma and Grandpa Dayton came over for a visit this weekend and we went to the zoo. It was a beautiful day. Perfect weather...just perfect...

The kids had a blast seeing all of the animals. The highlight for some and low light for one was our adventure on the dinky roller coaster at the zoo. Alexa hated it...with a passion. Nathan and I would love to take our kids to an amusement park but we want to make sure that everyone will have a good time so we aren't wasting our money. Well a couple of months ago we tried out the zoo roller coaster and Mackenzie and Dayton loved it. Alexa...not so much. So today we tried to convince her to give it another try...okay not convince...I threatened, bribed, coerced....I know, not the best parenting tactics. Anyway, she rode the roller coaster with me and we learned that she is able to tolerate the ride if she keeps her eyes shut. Nathan and I still think we are going to try out the amusement park experience with the condition that Alexa needs to ride some of the roller coasters if she wants to experience the water park...

We got to feed the lorikeets.

We got to see the new koala bear exhibit.

We got to pet the sharks.

We got to have butterflies fly all around us.

We got to play on Daddy.

All in all a great trip to the zoo...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Cast or Splint

Dayton had a friend over to play today and as they were running around Dayton slammed his hand into the couch. He whinned for a little bit so I put some ice on it and then figured it would get better. Well he continued to complain about it most of the day. So at dinner time I looked at his hand again and it was a little bit swollen but it was very tender to the touch. I decided we should probably take him to the stat care and see if he broke it. Dayton really wanted it to be broken so he could get a cast and show his friends at school. What a funny kid. After the xrays came back, the doctor determined no broken bones...darn it. But, he did get a splint and he was thrilled. On the way home Dayton says, "Mom, am I the first person in our family to ever have a splint?" He was giddy with excitment as we made our way home. He is the first one of our kids to ever have a splint and he was very proud to show his sisters. Who knew that a trip to the stat care and a finger splint could bring such happy excitment?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Loosing Teeth"

Dayton has several very loose teeth in his mouth and finally I was able to yank one of them out. He is missing 2 of his front teeth right now. One on top and the other on the bottom. He looks kind of funny with his teeth missing. Luckily the tooth fairy came and now, according to Dayton, he is rich...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"The Organ"

Last Christmas I was asked to play the hymns in sacrament meeting. Our ward does not have a called organist and we therefore rotate through 7 different accompanists. So....I had previously played the piano because I am not an organist. I took an organ course my freshman year at BYU and I hated it. It is quite different from the piano and as a pianist I heavily use the pedal to make the music I play have the illusion of being smooth and when playing the organ you are not able to use that great feature. can we have the Christmas sacrament meeting with the piano...I couldn't do it. I went early to the ward Christmas party and just tried messing around on the organ to see if I could pull it off. Well..It sounded alright. Now, if you are an organist..I would be an embarrassment so I apologize for inadequately attempting to play this instrument. While practicing, my very good friend, Debbie asked if she could play with me. Of course... if we can make it a party, all the more enjoyable. We had a blast. She played the top register and I played the bottom and we used the cheater button to have the pedals copy what our hands did. Since then we have taken our turns playing the organ and with is fun. Well this past Sunday in the middle of sacrament meeting before the closing hymn Debbie needed to leave the chapel and I was left ALONE...I prevailed without incident but missed my partner terribly. It just isn't the same. I later found out that some in the congregation were concerned that I might need assistance. One of my young women was very nervous and concerned that I might not be able to play the closing hymn. I love that many know how much I rely on Debbie. She is irreplaceable in so many ways. SO... although I learned that I am able to play the organ alone...I prefer to play with Debbie.

The Primary Talent Show...

Saturday was the Primary Talent show and all of our kids participated...Alexa played the piano and did a fantastic job. Mackenzie played the recorder and was amazing...the best part about this talent is that her older sister has been her very dedicated teacher. And Dayton did some pretty outstanding sommersaults. It was a great morning and I love the fact that not one of them was shy about getting up on a stage to perform infront of people. This has not always been the case but the biggest change in shyness has been from Dayton. He was the first "act" and didn't even pause as he marched up the stairs to the stage.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Beauty and the "Geek"

Alexa and Mackenzie had a daddy daughter activity this evening...Beauty and the Geek. When I first heard about this activity I was told that the girls could be geeks and the dads were going to be beauties...I was a little skeptical. I questioned the girls and they assured me that it would be fine so they proceeded to scrounge through my closet looking for the perfect outfit to beautify Nathan. The more I thought about this activity the more questions I I had Nathan call the leader and get a little more information. She returned the phone call on our answering machine letting Nathan know that our girls were the only ones who wanted to come as geeks and most of the other dads would be dressed as Geeks, not beauties...So we talked with our girls about how silly daddy might feel going to a party dressed completely different from the rest of his peers and how might that make him feel. They agreed and made a compromise. Shockingly..Alexa had no desire to attend dressed as a beauty so she and Nathan went as Geeks and Mackenzie was a beauty with her friend Hannah. Hannah's dad was out of town so she went with Nathan and the girls. They had a great time...I love my geeks and my beauty...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Infiniti I35

Nathan is the proud owner of a new car as of today. He got a great deal on a used Infiniti and has had a big smile on his face all morning. We have spent the past week searching for a good deal on a car for him. He found this car and when he called to see if he could come and test drive it, he was told it was on hold for the owner of the dealership. Apparently this guy might buy it and give it to his son. So Nathan was on hold waiting to hear back. Then yesterday the call came that the car was his if he wanted it. YEAH!!! We all went to the Infiniti dealership this morning and we were treated to doughnuts, muffins, bagels and soft drinks. The kids were loving it. We waited outside for a bit while Nathan finished up the paperwork. The kids were stuggling to finish up their drinks. Mackenzie was amazed that Dayton could eat a whole doughnut and drink an entire can of soda. Where does he put it all?Nathan and I are so happy to not have to search for a new car anymore...then again with our luck these past few months it wouldn't be surprising if we had to do this again sometime soon...We will enjoy it while it lasts.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Mackenzie had a busy day at school today. She presented her Famous American report on Laura Ingalls Wilder in a museum setting for other classes and parents to enjoy. I was there when the principal of her school came and he asked her to tell him about her report. She did a really good job.

Then, later in the day she was awarded a medal in a "personal best" program at the school. She was very excited about her medal and we are proud of her accomplishment.