1977VilleFor various and sundry reasons, I will not likely be watching the SNL 50 year cash-in-aversary. Regardless, I am betting that Elvis Costello's first appearance on the show back in December of 1977 will be one of the highlighted bits.
What was so special about the former Declan MacManus' first appearance in LorneVille all those years ago?
Well, the record company had pushed him to do 'Watching The Detectives', which he and the Attractions started. However, a few bars in Costello suddenly stopped the proceedings and shouted:
'I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, but there's no reason to do this song here.'
The band, which was only booked on the show because Malcom McLaren screwed up the Sex Pistols' visa applications, then immediately launched into the much more up-tempo 'Radio Radio'.
This turn of events sent Mr. Michaels into a tizzy given that it messed with the show's timing. Feet were stomped, things were shouted and Costello was apparently banned from the show forever.
This bit of snot-nosed behaviour actually served Mr. Costello well and the entire thing became quite infamous, so much so that Mr. Michaels, who never met a bit of infamy, self-generated or not, that he didn't attempt to exploit, later recycled the incident when Costello suddenly cut in on a Beastie Boys performance to sing about old timey British rules about what could, and could not, be played on the
long wave.Anyway, in an oddly irony-free twist of fate, it turns out that, whenever things go really wrong at one of his shows, Weird Al Yancovic, will suddenly halt the proceedings, shout out Mr. Costello's immortal words and, well, you guessed it...