I am feeling like a bulk post, one that sums up all I have to say. That is how my life is right now, how much can I get done at one time? What two things can I combine into one and get both done at the same time? You wouldn't believe the things I can get done while sitting on the toilet.
I can't even crochet without listening to a classic, watching a documentary or listening to conference talk. I desperately want to be a good example to my kiddos of self education and a desire to continue to learn and grow. However finding the time, not impossible, is very tricky.
So I have about 30 minutes before the bed time routine begins and about 4 things I want to blog about.
1. We had a great surprise aunty visit this month and the kids were so excited. They love Kosette and Alison, I don't blame them they are two fun chickies. We had family dinners, a hike, a sleep over, a third wheel on date night and lots of sibling messages. It is always a treat when family visits!
2. Another fantastic trip to the ballet. A love story right before Valentines Day, Sleeping Beauty. It was so wonderful, I loved Kendal's excitement. I also dearly love my growing twelve year old that held his little sister on his lap so she could see, he is great!
3. I have been quite crafty lately regardless of my time crunch. I crocheted two infant hats for Breathing Life Photography, made a valance (that I am in love with) for a good friend, I have been helping another friend decorate her new house, finished my first crochet afghan, taken and edited three photo shoots, I have also been experimenting with bread making (I made my Cuisinart smoke, yikes) and made a couple of stuffed animals with the girls. I missed crafting and creating and knew I had to make it a part of my life again. I took my knowledge of time and how to find more of it and put it to work for me. I am now consistent in my hobby habits and invite the children to participate whenever possible.
Valance for my friend (isn't her house cute)
My first Afghan, so colorful and fluffy
Two infant hats
4. OUTSMARTED 4 to 1, I am realizing that I don't post enough or talk enough about home school. Many of my good friends that I have seen recently have asked about it. Mostly, always in the form of, "Do you still like home schooling?" I want to take this time to let everyone know, YES!
I am in love with home schooling, the more I do it the easier it becomes. My children amaze me with their intellect and desire to self educate. Since we began Thomas Jefferson Education in our home everything has changed, the kids are learning that in order to gain a good education they have to desire it, reach for it and continually grow. They spend most of their days with their noses in non-fiction books. Together we have read, discussed and learned many great things from wonderful classical fiction authors. We have learned to take the characters, experiences and emotions into our lives and live and learn by their experiences. We are also memorizing our states and capitals, presidents and articles of faith, I am proud to say that we are half way there.
My favorite part of our day is devotional, we read and study the Book of Mormon, read stories about virtue and how to become virtuous people, review memorization and pray together. I wouldn't give up this time with my children for anything. I am so thankful for friends and family that care enough to ask how things are going. We are good!
Right now we are completely engrossed in the goings on of Taran the Pig Keeper in the Alexander Lloyd book series, The Chronicles of Prydain. You should check it out.
This story is perfect for my growing boys, they need to know that becoming a man takes overcoming your trials and becoming a better person for it. Taran, is challenged in so many ways and always come out of his challenges stronger, wiser, kinder and of course smarter.