I intend so therefore I must, right? It seems that my intentions are more ambitious then I am. I begin things always with the best in mind for the outcome, for example;
Fly Lady, when I first read about her I wanted to curse everyone that knew and never told me. Now I feel compassion and wish I wouldn't have told a sole. I FLY no longer (but I wish I did).
Scripture Study, I flooded my house with Book of Mormons. You can find one in every room of our house (yes every). This way I could read anytime and anywhere OR just look at it all day and feel bad that I haven't read yet. Why do I punish myself!
Coupon Sense, I loved it and I hated it. The loved it for the FREE and the hate was for the rain checks. I want to save money for my family but I just can't keep up and when I think I miss something I just can't stand it. Must get every deal or die!! When I quit Coupon Sense I bought the gift of time (but definitely not money).
Windows Movie Maker, wouldn't it be great to have all your digital photos on a DVD to give to your children? I thought it would be so great that I started it and started it and started it.
Prayer, I wake up every morning making an agreement with myself that I will pray at least three times that day. So why is it that instead of praying for patience I loose my head?
You see I am a good intender. These examples only skim the service. I didn't even touch laundry, dishes, vacuuming, scrapbooking, and spending (NOT) money.
My biggest intention and one that I always commit myself to is making Women's Conference last. That feeling of peace, knowledge that the Gospel is true, families are forever and most importantly God loves me and I am his daughter. I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
I have to admit it lasted longer for me this time then any other time. It has stuck to the back of mind and has been speaking to me saying "REMEMBER".
Live An Intentional Life
I needed Women's Conference this year really bad. I was starting to doubt so many things. I was all wrapped up in Christian Life Radio and I was very heavy into reading christian romance novels (no laughing). I was beginning to wonder why it is very unlikely for you to hear a Latter Day Saint talk about Christ and how he has saved them and brings joy to their lives unless you are at church. Did you know that people freely express their gratitude and knowledge of Christ to anyone and everyone? And they always talked about this business of living an intentional life.
Before I left I prayed and I specifically prayed about living an intentional life and what this means for me as a Latter Day Saint. The answer to my prayer was not subtle it was obvious and continued to come up time and time again. I knew that my Heavenly Father heard and answered my prayer.
Live an intentional life. Live each moment to intentionally bring yourself close to Christ. I heard the phrase throughout conference from various speakers who said it with true faith and knowledge.
Be intentional about creating with the gifts that Christ has given you
Be intentional about budgeting your time each day
Be intentional in everyday decisions; view, wear, say, think
Be intentional in your parenting.
Imagine to yourself what every moment of your life would bring if it was lived intentionally to bring you closer to Christ. How much happiness each of your moments would bring.
Noel Reynolds taught a class on Avoiding The Snare Of Korihor. Korihor was a terrible man that did not believe in Christ and he wanted nothing more then others to follow him in his disbelief. Noel Reynolds has incredible knowledge about the facts that back up our religion, you know the ones that require little faith. He talked about the growing acceptance of not mattering which church you attend, about Mormon Christianity being challenged and the importance of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon to our beliefs.
We belong to the only True Church Of Jesus Christ. We need to share our knowledge and love of our Savior with friends, family and neighbors so they will know that we are Christians. If the Book of Mormon is true then Joseph Smith truly was chosen and had seen God.
No more doubt for me, on that very page I was taking notes during his lesson I cried and journaled about this awesome experience of answered prayers and true knowledge that I have been baptized and sealed to my eternal companion through the blessings of belonging to the one true church of Jesus Christ. I will let my light shine and share my knowledge of Christ with others. I will reverently recognize his role in my life and openly love my Savior.