Thursday, March 31, 2011

China Trip

Tyler and I went to China on March 17th for 12 days. We went to visit OJ and Tara. We had an amazing time. It will be an experience that we will never forget.

Dong Guan

One of the first things we did once we got to Dong Guan (where T &O live) was go get foot a massages. It cost about $8 to get a 90min foot massage. It wasn't just a foot massage, they did shoulders, neck, head,arms,legs and back, it was sooo nice. If I lived in China this would have to be a must at least once a week.

Getting a taxi in Dong Guan, after our foot massage.
OJ took one for the team and stayed home with the kids.

Heading to the market. Tara knew all the little cut throughs.
Tyler experiencing jet lag. Someone at church asked us how our jet lag was the day after we got there, and we both said "good, I think we are adjusted and over it." He just laughed and said "just wait until 4 pm, it's not over" and sure enough at 4pm Tyler and I just want to pass out on the couches. Fortunately Tara recognized the signs and knew what to do. She got food in our stomach and sure enough we got our second winds.

We spent the first two days in Dong Guan it is about 2 hours inland from Hong Kong.

Then we loaded up and headed into Hong Kong with OJ, Tara, Graham and Finley.

Hong Kong

Din Sum-

OJ and Tara kept talking about Din Sum and that is was so good. It is a family style meal (most meals are) people walk around the room pushing carts. As the cart goes by that has what you want then they stop and put it on your table.
It was our first experience with authentic Chinese food. It was ok, I would not say it was soo good. Maybe its something that grows on you.

The Claw
The Peak-

You can take a trolley up the side of the mountain to the top. It is called The Peak and you can look over the Hong Kong island. It was pretty amazing.

We took a double decker tour bus around Hong Kong. It was fun to see so much of the city.
Of course you can find McDonald's anywhere you go.

I love this picture. I asked OJ what Hong Kong is known for and it is junk boats (pirate boats).

This is the LDS Church building. I think there are 3 or 4 floor for chapels and classrooms, administrative offices and the top few floor are for the the area authorities and their families.
Hong Kong at night.
Lunch at Stanly Market

The shopping was so fun. We were at Stanley Market, we bought a bunch of cute kids shoes, dolls, purses and ties. This is the day Tyler couldn't get enough of. Just kidding, if you know Tyler you know how much he loves shopping. But he did awesome and hung in there long enough for Tara and I to do some major damage.

More shopping, Wa Chin Market
Cute Finley check out those plump lips

Dinner at Shake em' Buns
Hong Konk has soo much money. We say just about every kind of Luxury sport car out there. This is just one of them and I don't even know what it is. I think it might be a Rolls Royce
Lady's Market

On the subway- which is super clean
In the gondola on our way to see Big Buddha
Biggest Buddha in the world
We decided that everyone has a Chinese look alike....can you guess who this looks like?

don't be offended Dad, you don't look like him. But if you where Chinese you may look a little something like this.

Tai O Fishing Village-

We went out on a little boat and took a tour on the village from the water. All of the houses are on stilts, it was unbelievable. Then we went out in the China sea in search of pink dolphins which we were told were impossible to miss. So I am not sure how we missed them, oh well it was still an adventure.

Look at this old lady. I love the training wheels.
Tyler and Graham

Fish rinds
Dried fish or sea cucumbers anyone?

Who know what those are, and brined egg yolk. There are some things that I hope to never see or smell again. One of those is fermented tofu, it is the worst smell and also dried fish.

Tara and Graham getting on the Ferry
Riding on the Ferry from Discovery Bay back to Central
The view out side our hotel window.
We stayed at the Empire Hotel, it was very nice.

Saying Good Bye to Graham and Finley. They stayed in Hong Kong with some friends while we went on to Beijing with OJ and Tara.
Hong Kong station

Waiting for the Train
Waiting for our flight to Beijing


While we were in Beijing we stayed with some on Tara and OJ's friend Andrew and Nicola. They were kind enough to welcome us in their home. We arrived in Beijing on Thursday, they took us to a nice restuarant and did very good ordering us food that we felt alright about eating. Then on Friday morning we woke up and headed to the Great Wall of ChinaSome type of dumpling

This was my favorite. Candied sweet potatoes.

This was my seat in the car while we drove to the great wall. And actually it was pretty comfy.

The market below the wall.

We had to take a chair lift up to the top, and then you could ride down on a toboggan. This is a little section of the track.
The Great Wall of China

These men were at on the wall trying to sell beer and water. They just kept saying "beerwater"

The toboggan ride down. We made all of the workmen nervous. They yelled at us/me the whole way down saying "Slow Down". Probably because all of the chinese tourist were moving at a snails pace, they werent use to us speed demons.
We spent the night in this house for one night. It was in the village just below the great wall. I have to say that I think this was one of he high lights of the trip.
This was mine and Tylers room/ suite

our bathroom
The litte courtyard

We were able to look out our window and see the Great Wall.

That night we lite paper lanterns and sent them up in the air.

On the way home I sat in the back of the car again and took some pictures of the drive back to Beijing.

Getting out of the Taxi at the Temple of Heaven

Forget about parking lots, this place has bike lots. Temple of Heaven-
The seven sacred stones
The Temple of Heaven was a lot of fun. We went on a saturday afternoon and it was full of locals out doing what they do on saturdays. This was a man doing some type of dance with a racket and a ball.
This lady was dancing with her daughters.
The fences were lined with people playing cards and chess. It was really fun to see.

This is a group of people gathered singing some song that everyone seemed to know. There was a man in the middle leading.

This lady stopped Tyler to get a picture with him. She said in her chinese accent "you so tall and handsome" even though Tyler wont admit it, he was flattered.

These two guys were trying to sell Tyler and OJ Breitling watches. They followed us all over.
Street Vendor
The Silk Market-

We had too much fun shopping. Even Tyler got a little bit out of control. Good thing that it is pretty cheap to buy a suitcase, because there is no other way we would have been able to get all of our purchases home.
The Pearl Market
In the Taxi

Chinese Acrobat Show

I didnt get any pictures of the good stuff, but there were girls that could pretty much turn themselves inside out. Heads inbetween, legs. One person balancing on a barrel, balancing ten more people on him. I wasnt sure if I was amazed by it or disturbed by it. Probably a little of both.
Once again another foot massage. I think we had a total of 3 while we were gone.

Tiananmen Square-

This was a famous photographer/artist.

Forbidden City-

Summer Palace-

This is a picture outside the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace is a place the the Emperors Vacationed. Hundreds of Acers of land, a lake, structures I am telling you those Emperors had it pretty nice.

Looking out at Beijing from the Summer Palace
I am not sure if these are the chicken hearts or not. They look similar to ones I saw earlier.

We played a little game, when we were tired of walking around, who could get the best picture with a Chinaman. It was pretty funny. Most of the people were so excited and flattered that we would ask for their picture. And before we knew it, others were in line to get there picture with us. We got a good laugh out of it.

Tyler made this little lady's day.

The guy in the striped sweater didnt think it was as fun as we did.

This is Flying home. I looked out the window and this is what I saw. How cool is that? We were flying over the Russian Coast. Pretty amazing.

This is what we came home to. What a warm homecoming.

We had such a good time. It was so fun to spend time with OJ and Tara. It was neat to see what they are doing and get a glimps of their lives. We love them and are sad we only get to see them every now and then. Thanks for the fun trip!