Monday, October 22, 2012

It's Never Too Late

I chose this photo as the last simply because it is so beautiful and if you want to take one thing from me then I would like that to be that you tell your parents how special they are.

I've had some conversations lately which made me ponder as to our roles as a son/daughter and how the world seemed to generally agree on the subject matter of "filial piety". In this current state of "busy-ness" that societies seem to be going through, values that were once steadfastedly held so dear are now facing challenging times ahead. It seems so simple as to how we should reciprocate the loving kindness of our parents. Though they never expected anything in return from their child but it’s the child’s responsibility to reciprocate the love and care we unashamedly obtained from our parents. We need to understand the basic expectations of our parents without being told .We need to understand that our parents never expected a return of all they did for their children; but if they ever did, would have been most probably only three things expected from their children,

1 Time

2 Time


Yes my dear friend, this is the only expectation of an old parent . Do you know whose story is this? Yes its the story of your parents , my parents and every parent all across the globe. I betcha financial assistance came into the minds of many of us when asked the question?! Time is the only thing our parents want from us, and now its up to us to decide if we are capable of showing our love by fulfilling these three expectations of our parents in return of all our wishes which they had been fulfilling since our birth . I am sure most of you reading this piece will be ready with an answer that this is the only thing we don’t have; as we are very busy.

I myself  have to plan. I don't have the perfect end. It is just time for focus what's most important in life; time to meet the current needs of my priorities in life in as best a way I could possibly achieve to ensure the continued wellbeing of my surviving parent.

For everything is impermanent, nothing is fixed, forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always flashing, the sea does not cease to grind the shore. Generations do not cease to be born, and neither does death cease to happen. We are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses to their legacy. The tides subside, the light bulb fails, amorous lovers cling to each other, and both the young and old cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the tide engulfs us and the light is forever gone. Life is indeed short and precious and time does tick away so fast. Take this time to do those things you want and to retouch the lives of those dearest to you.

# Mom (left) and Mrs. Ng at the recent Empress Wu play at KLPAC

"Walk on a trail of loving kindness
Walk on a path of compassion
And all else around you will be beautiful."
Every Blessing