Monday, September 29, 2008

Gerakan leaving BN?

It surely doesn't take much of a brain to realize the wrongdoings of the ruling elite. There have been too many blatant lies, too many blunders and too many coincidental oppressive acts that are mind-boggling, I almost always choke on my organic oats & milk after reading the news in the papers each morning.

Gerakan, you have finally realized you are on the wrong bandwagon ........ the bandwagon of HATE, LIES & DECEPTIONS.

It is still not too late to repent by jumping-off and going on the righteous path.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blessed Us!

This afternoon, after a long health-scare, I was feeling greatly peckish and so, took the opportunity to pay a visit to the nearby Ramadan market to satisfy my glutton appetite for the bakar-bakar, ulam-ulam, kuih kuih muih muih. Had the company of mom and sis-in-law too as they wanted to select their fav foods.

We were busily scouting for the perfect grub to buy when I spotted a Rohingya mom-and-child asking for alms beside a murtabak stall. My instant reaction was to dig into my pocket but was stopped by mommy dearest before i could unload into the little alms cup. My mom was obviously quick to observe that this little tanned-skin lady was dressed in a rather nice baju with some jewellery (dunno whether real or fake)dangling from her wrist. Well, I gave my mom the usual "stubborn" stare and proceeded to give anyway.

It is so true that our eyes causes us to perceive and be judgemental; often masking the truth of reality. We owe it to ourselves to dig deeper before allowing ourselves to act on shallow perceptions.

This incident has led me to think where should be the limit to our acts of kindness and compassion. I obviously didn't share my mom's view that the lady was too well dressed to beg for alms. My belief is that nobody wants to beg if they had a choice, and it wouldn't be a burden for me to part with a few small notes if it would ensure that the person and their dependants could have a decent meal that day.

Well, I 've been proven wrong too. I still remembered the incident whereby I gave a lame man a few extra ringgit, only to discover later that he used the money to punt on damacai. Still, I believe that the act is in the giving; shouldn't be overly concerned with how the money is used.

My limit therefore, remains the same for now. There is onlyone exception to the rule of alms giving. Realizing the boundries of religious conduct and vows of the Sangha (Buddhist monkhood) community, I am definitely confident of the laws broken by the bogus monks who thrive on the fears and sympathy of the masses and would thus, reject any financial advances made to them.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Bundle Of Joy!!!!!!

at 3-days old

Today's an especially memorable day. After a few days of being down with cold and cough, I was finally well enough to pay my new-born nephew a visit (son and 1st child of Mike & Karen, CONGRATS to the both of you!). As a precaution just-in-case my little illness was still infectious, I wore surgical masks ( managed to find a box in the store room.... must have been leftover from 1998's severe haze in the Klang Valley, remember?).

What a bundle of joy! His name's Karl Siddharta Tham. (fyi, Siddharta is Gautama Buddha's name and it means "he through whom everything wonderful is accomplished!"), born 2.9kgs at 5:38am on 23rd September 2008 (yea, a Libran just like me!) Mom & Nanny went as well as they had just arrived back from their China (Hainan) tour yesterday. He looked so fragile that I daren't hold him. The cuddling was left to Mom and Nanny.

Makes me want to just go and make babies! LOLZ

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Seputeh's Humpty Dumpties!

UMNO Seputeh lodged a police report aginst Teresa Kok today with the reason that she insulted "the egg" and the less-privileged who depended on it for sustanence.

Hey, why am I the latest subject to be talked about by the UMNO-rians? I know I'm popular , but please don't link me to those imberciles who have today, made me their latest quest for cheap publicity. So what if I'm fed for lunch and dinner to ISA-rians? Unlike those goons who serve them, I'm nutritious & appreciated. If I had a brain, theirs would pale in comparison. I provide you with lots of protein and choline. And when I'm from the Artic area, salted & richly-red in colour, I could fetch thousands of Euros per pound. They however, could only provide severe headache and diarhoea with their nonsensical antics.

I betcha that if/when I fall off the wall, many will not hesitate to salvage my insides, yup especially those goons. They seem to follow the lead of their bosses; grabbing anything and everything in sight. Maklumlah, they know their time is running out ........ just like me when i'm placed on a wall, waiting to fall!

So, Ms. Teresa, please do not complain that I was your only source of food during those few days in detention. You don't expect them to serve you sharks-fin soup nor KFC! You still came out healthy, right? Next time, please ask for some sate kuah ..... I'll surely taste better. If only they could be generous enough to throw-in a few lettuce leaves too, now that would be the real deal, I could assure you! Your day-of-victory will come, God-willing.

If all else fails to convince you, then think of me as "free food" borne by taxpayers. The gomen could only afford a daily food budget RM5 for every visitor to Hotel ISA ...... so naturally, I'm a good choice, cheap and highly nutritious; at a cost of only 30cts per one of me!

When Little Frogs Croak!

Obey or i'll bite!

According to today's The Star newspaper, the Director of JAIS (Selangor Islamic Religious Council) issued a statement of warning that action would be taken against any person(s) who protest the use of loudspeakers by mosques during prayer times in the state.

Why are there so many little political tadpoles suddenly growing their front and hind legs at sucha fast pace? Can't these new froggies give themselves more time to learn the proper worldly conduct before they start to croak? At such a time when racial sensitivities are to be treated with great caution, it is even more highly crucial for religious authorities to bring calm to the storm with positive statements, rather than further igniting or stoking the flames.

To me, any matter which is done in moderation ought to be acceptable. Having lived with and be woken by the morning calls for prayer for 30 odd years, I've come to accept the thing as a norm since ages ago. It even became my melodious wake up call and i even enjoyed listening to the prayer from my bed at times even though I'm not a Muslim. Other religions included , Islam to me was a wonderful religion and the daily prayers were never a bother; but rather, welcomed as good religions should not only be tolerated, but accepted for all its goodness.

However, I could understand the 189 protestors in Puchong when they complained that they had never called for total silence, but only the lowering of the volume. Especially in the silence of the morning, the call for prayer could be clearly heard even from the air-conditioned confines of my bedroom (the mosque is about 3 kilometers away). Therefore, to me, it's just a judgement call by the mosque officials to ensure a volume that would be agreeable to all within the vicinity of their mosques. It's that simple, really! No need for a croaking-wannabee to issue any stern warning!!!!!!!!

Special note ...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MOST SPECIAL PERSON! May your life improve by leaps and bounds especially after the monstrously lousy few months. I love me!
2nd special note : Karl Tham, born 23/09/08 at 5:38am, healthy little wonder at 2.9kgs.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ramadan Feast!

These pictures are worth more than a thousand words! Selamat Berpuasa to all my Muslim friends! :-)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Long Live The Empress!

This whole day was dedicated to my mom. It is not that she's going on her 1st ever trip abroad; she's a well-travelled gal, but she was as excited as a kitten with a ball of yarn. Yup, she's joining her tai chi friends for a 5-day trip to Hainan Island. It's now 4 hours away from leaving to the airport (yea, i've to leave the house for LCCT at 4am.) so that's why I decided to forsake sleep and glue myself to updating this site as well as other normal stuff eg friendster, Malaysiakini the list goes on.

Let's see....we had brunch, a trip to the hairdresser, exchanged RM for renmimbi, collected her pair of new sunnies, did some shopping ..... all torture trips; bearing in mind today's scorching temperature. Well, I consoled myself that at least I could gulp loads of coke unlike my fasting malay friends.

So, Mom's Da Bomb today (but not totally as my mind was also partly taken-up by the worrying thought of a friend who had an assignment deadline to adhere to). I've taken-in all her whims and fancies ...... to which I'm sure she's appreciative; knowing very well how her darling son melts easily under the scorching sun.

Pray for her to have a wonderful trip and a safe return.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Teresa Kok freed!

Hurrah! Only one more to go ................. I will continue my prayers for the wellbeing of Raja Petra Kamaruddin who the only one out of the 3 local heroes still detained under ISA from the current /latest roundup. It must be a trying time too for his wife, Marina as well as their 2 daughters, so my prayers would include them too.

Watching Teresa's mother perpetually kissing her daughter on the 8pm news really made the whole affair emotional. I wonder whether the goons involved in her 7-day incarceration had even an ounce of guilt in them when they witnessed the scene? I further wonder how they would feel if their loved ones were placed under similar circumstances? It really pains to see innocent selfless souls being used as pawns to cover the acts of the guilty.

Blessings to all other ISA detainees still languishing under the draconian law. Special mention to the member of parliament of my area, Mr M. Manoharan.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Understanding The Joys & Heartaches of Life

Here is a story sent to me that I would love to keep and share.

The emperor moth is the most majestic species among all the moths. It has wide wings spanning out majestically when it flies. Before it could become a full grown moth & spread its wings, it has to be a pupa in a cocoon. An interesting fact about the emperor moth is that the neck of the cocoon is very narrow.

One fine day, a man found an emperor moth cocoon. he took it back home so that he could witness the moth emerging from the cocoon. He sat and watched the moth struggling to emerge from the cocoon and noticed that it was a tedious process as the moth was at times, seemed stuck and unable to penetrate through the tiny neck of the cocoon.

The man's kindness brought him to want to help ease the moth's entry into the world, and so he proceeded to snip off a the neck of the cocoon. The moth then emerged effortlessly from the opening. But then , it had a small body and shrivelled wings. Even after a long moment, the expected flutter of the majestic wings did not materialize; but rather , the moth continued crawling with its frail body and still-shrivelled wings. It could not fly. It died after a few days.

What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the moth to get through the opening was nature's way of forcing fluid from the moth's body into its wings. This would make the wings ready for flight when it emerged from the cocoon. Freedom and flight were to come only after the struggle. By depriving the moth of the struggle, he deprived the moth of its health.

We could derive from this story that our struggles in life would require lots of heartaches and pains if we want to learn and mature. Thus, instead of cursing, we should understand that it is a necessary process towards our path of growing up.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Proud Malaysian

With this political turmoil that is currently happening, I took it upon myself to gauge how other Malaysians of other races perceived the racial tensions currently stoked by the irresponsible goons that make up the current political administration of the country.

My place of residence happen to border the largely agricultural-based kampung of Johan Setia to which many farmers toil the peat-soiled land, planting several highly-sought-after types of pineapples. On my way to work this morning, I happened to chance upon a tiny-framed pakcik and his bubbly-looking wife (twice his size, but still they looked so perfect together! hehe) setting up stall beside their pineapple acreage. I could see that although he looked like a simple person just earning a simple living, the huge green PAS flag that was planted by the side of his stall told me otherwise.

I then told myself, aha, this is the perfect opportunity to pick his brain. I then proceeded to start a chat with him, after purchasing some "yankee" pineapples (which by the way, cost only a small fraction of the price you would usually pay at the markets). We talked about the current situation and my suspicion of his "simplicity" really took my breath away. The length of which he spoke about the crisis we Malaysians were facing really impressed me. In short , he told me that he had never in his 65 years, ever experienced such filthy manipulation by the politicians. He further commented that even the colonial masters had much better principles and never resorted to such blatant draconian acts to surpress their opposition. Even his seemingly bubbly wife spoke with passion how they wouldn't at all hesitate to vote for DAP or Keadilan if it was a two-way fight with BN. He concluded his speech to say that he never had an ounce of racism in him and that his sworn-brother is Chinese. To him, the only racists were the gomen goons who used racism for their own ends to promote their own agendas.

I felt so touched by their knowledge and warmth of treatment to share their innermost thoughts and feelings with me that I promised to buy them a good nasi lemak breakfast when I drive pass their orchard again tomorrow. Makcik replied that she would save a "kau kau" cuppa for me to have with the nasi lemak. :)

Selamat Hari Malaysia & Hidup Bangsa Malaysia!!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

An Ocean Of Lights!

As a practising Buddhist, the lighting of candles and incense is a daily ritual for me. The lighting of candles is to symbolise wisdom realising emptiness and the path of light to guide sentient beings out the darkness of suffering in samsara.

Of late, there has been many reasons to light up candles for others too.

Many Chinese around the world had celebrated Mid-Autumn festival last Saturday as well yesterday, filling many residential areas with lots of beautiful lanterns aided by little festive coloured candles whilst some Malay households have begun to light lamps outside their houses to mark the ending of the month of fasting and the coming Hari Raya festival.

Tonight, Malaysians of all races, colour and creed will be lighting candles to mark Malaysia Day which falls tomorrow; to signify their hope for a better Malaysia and in rememberance of our heroes who have been wrongly detained via the gomen's draconian and vile act of the ISA. I believe the "light" protest invites people to do a simple task on a certain moment for a specific cause. To me, it signifies a symbolic expression of our unified stance.

With my lighted candle, I will definitely say a prayer tonight for all goodness to prevail.

Liar, Liar, PM's Pants On Fire!

What ever happened to this country? Without a hitch, everyday seems to bring about news that is totally mind-boggling.

Correct me if I'm wrong, I clearly remembered that our dreamland-loving-PM stated his stand on the freedom of reporting truth by the media. Another flip-flop indicator? Grrrrrrrrrr, I wonder whether he would ever feel the anxiety felt by Tan Hoon Cheng's parents when she was locked up in a barren cell for the night with nothing but only with the assurance of prayers from her many newfound fans.

Then again, we obviously know all this bunch of gomen wusses ever cared for is to amass more ill-gotten gains & try to buy time to hide their tracks via draconian actions before their time ran out; with him leading the rat-pack!

Democracy is the theory that the common laypeople know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. Well, at long last, we, the Malaysian voters now know what we want and will fight tooth and nail for!

PM pants ia definitely on fire....... and there's no one in UMNO who is there to extinguish the flames!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Beautiful lanterns, delicious mooncakes, wonderful friendships & sweet memories.

Did something sneaky this morning which i haven't done for a long time....

I had a dear old friend's favourite mooncakes delivered personally this morning to his doorstep. I wanted it to be a surprise, so I snucked quietly & carefully like a mouse on a straw and left the package (of mooncakes, lanterns, candles & one of his fav foods, fried radish cake) outside the grilled-door before sending an sms to tell that I did so before disappearing. Well, really sneaky of me but was glad that the mission was successfully accomplished when i received the thank you sms soon after . That sms reply to me, was worth its weight in gold. He had offered me a great deal of friendship so naturally, it was time for me to return the favour to ensure his wellbeing for working hard at home throughout the weekend to finish an assignment without celebrating Mid-Autumn festive. Mooncake is a favourite of his.

Happy Mid-Autumn festival to all my loved-ones! Guess I'll find another person to sneak up on with a wonderful surprise ....... Hari Raya is next!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Part 1. Intro Part 2. Sanity Lost

It is high time that I welcomed myself into the world of blogging again after a 2-year hiatus. It is not actually my plan to be a follower of the trend; but rather the persuasion of my best pal today who told me that my passion for highlighting things/events ought not to be wasted, but be penned down. Well, I'm not a "Jeff Ooi" nor a "Niamah- Patrick Teoh" but I feel it is relevant given this turbulent times we are living in.

My current blogs may therefore, touch more on my thoughts on the sorry current state of affairs in the country. Prior to this , I've been an active participant in RPK, Uncle Lim's & Patrick Teoh's blogs so, don't wanna "tumpang" anymore-LAH! But of course, I would speak my mind on other subject as-and-when I feel it's relevant. Be sure to expect critical views, joyous experiences as well as tear-jerker moments!

Do hope you enjoy my writings, although I must admit that this blogging is more intended as an electronic personal diary which I hope to re-collect memories years down-the-road. Please leave a comment ..... even nasty ones are welcomed so as long as it's not overly-personal; unlike our gomen politicians, i do have some pride left in me! :P

Government.... teaches the whole people by its example. Then if the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy!

Another sad sad day for my beloved homeland! One would think that after 51 years of hands-on experience in running the country, our gomen would have had at the very least, a tiny scrap of maturity to deal with any situation with the best(est)(est) of their (obviously shit) think-tank specialists.

How can any person of decent intelligence comprehend the statement made by our cavemanlike gomen official ..... quote "the reporter was detained under ISA because of threats made to her life"... unquote.

May I ask ..........
Why was anal not placed under ISA when he requested for protection? vs
Why was the reporter placed under ISA when she didnt request for protection?
All I could muster my energy is to say "Malaysia ......Truly, The Culmination of Zimbabwe, Myammar and Mongolia"
*pants* *sighs* *pukes* *shudders*

Common sense is not-so-common after all ..... especially when it applies to the current highest echelons of the gomen.