Thursday, December 11, 2008

Konnor the "professional" wrapper

Last weekend, Konnor had an invitation to go to his friend's birthday party. We bought a present and he was super excited. A few hours before we had to go, I told him we needed to wrap it. He went and got the wrapping paper he wanted and was ready to wrap - when the phone rang. I told him to hang on just a minute - that I'd help him wrap as soon as I was off the phone. Well... he couldn't wait. He knew he needed tape - so he found some duct tape - found the scissors and started wrapping. I decided to just let him go and see what he could do. I must say... I was impressed with the final result! And the lucky recipient? His good friend, Baylor.


A few months ago, we found out that a new baby will be joining our family the beginning of June! We are very excited!

Here he/she is! (We don't know what it is yet - but we'll find out in January!)

Back at the beginning of October, to tell Kendahl the big news, we sent him on a "treasure hunt!" Kaylee made up the clues and put them in envelopes - and the kids hid them around the house. And so when he came home, the hunt began!

At the end of the treasure hunt... he found this note telling him how much we all loved him - including the new BABY! And that's how he learned he's going to be a Daddy again! (click on the picture to see everyone's signatures!)

In sweet memory...

On November 21, 2008 my Grandpa Christensen passed away unexpectedly while outside doing some yard work. We were all saddened to hear the news - he was such an example to all of us of service, compassion, hard work, and the love he had for the Lord and for us, his family.

After we got off the phone, Kendahl and the kids and I all gathered on the bed and started telling memories we had of him. I was crying as we told the stories - and was partly just still in shock from hearing that he had just passed away. I couldn't imagine him not being here anymore - I always enjoyed talking to him on the phone - he made me feel so good and special and always praised me for the family I am raising.

As we were talking, Konnor noticed how sad I was and said, "Don't worry, Mom! Grandpa is going to be resurrected!" That little comment from my sweet little boy helped me put things into perspective - that we come to earth to gain a body, to live as families, to be tested, and then there will come a time for all of us to die. But we know there is life beyond this one - and one day, we will be resurrected and be able to live with our families eternally. I am so grateful for that knowledge which I have - and it helps ease the pain associated with him passing. I know that one day soon, I will again get to see him and hug him and talk to him - and we will never be separated again!

We all flew to Boise on Thanksgiving Day - and immediately went to the church where the family had gathered for dinner - and for the viewing. We got to give my Grandma a hug and see all of the members of the family (out of 50+ direct descendants - not one person was missing). The viewing was nice - and the funeral was beautiful. I enjoyed all of the stories and memories that were given. We then went to the graveside service where a beautiful dedicatory prayer upon the grave was given by my Uncle Hugo. The tears that were shed that day, though, weren't of sadness - but I think were happy tears for the opportunity we had to have Grandpa on earth with us for so long - and for the knowledge that we will see him again.

So Grandpa, until we meet again...

And this is the last picture I had taken with Grandpa... it was from this summer when I went out by myself to a family reunion. Grandpa LOVED to fish - and I learned from him. Ironically, this is the last picture I have of he and I together. (The little boy in the picture is my nephew, Michael!)

Friday, December 05, 2008

Our trip to Boise

On Thanksgiving Day, we flew to Boise to attend my Grandpa Christensen's funeral. It had been a couple of years since the kids had been on an airplane, so they were excited!

Thankfully, Kenna fell asleep during part of the 4 hour flight from Atlanta to Salt Lake!

Once in Boise, we went straight to the church for the viewing - and then the next day was the funeral and burial.

Grandma Christensen let everyone take some flowers from the top of the casket to remember Grandpa.

Grandma holding the flowers, funeral program and flag that sat on top of the casket.

After the burial, we all went to the church for a delicious dinner. This is a picture of all of the relatives who came!

This is all of Grandma and Grandpa's direct descendants - over 50 of us now!

Grandma with her four children (Beckie, Laureli, Wynn, Roy) - and their spouses.

Back at Grandma's house, the cousins had fun playing outside and swinging on the porch swing!

Kenna and Great-Grandma having a little chat.

Some of the great-grandkids eating Sunday lunch with their Great-Grandma!

One of my favorite memories as a kid was when Grandpa used to push us around his big yard in this cart. It was fun watching my kids out there having so much fun with it as well.

Before we left Boise, the kids really wanted to go back to Grandpa's grave, so we did and found that it looked very nice.

The kids and me with Great-Grandma Murdoch (my Mom's mom!)

The kids and me with Great-Grandma Christensen!

The house that Grandpa Christensen built.

We also got to spend some time with my Mom's side of the family - the Porters! It was a blast - we had a great time together! Since it was Thanksgiving weekend, all of their kids were home - and so it was the first time we'd all been together EVER (well, since we have all gotten married and had kids!) We all went over to their house for a big family gathering and lunch! It was so fun seeing them and getting acquainted with their spouses and children!

Mom and Grandma Murdoch!

The big Porter/Christensen family picture!

We had a great time in Boise - despite the circumstances. It was so neat to see BOTH sides of the family - both my Mom's side - and my Dad's side. It was a blessing for us to go - and we will hold the memories we have close to our hearts.