Saturday, April 05, 2008

Party! Party!

Kaylee had her 7th birthday party today! She invited six little friends over and had a great time! She said she wanted a "princess" party - and planned the entire thing herself. She said she wanted to paint fingernails and toenails and make necklaces. So that's what we did! She has some wonderful little friends and it was a fun, special day for her!
Kaylee and her friends making their necklaces!

Everyone showing off their necklaces and pretty fingernails and toenails!

Next it was time to make individual pizzas for lunch!

Everyone eating their little pizzas! Yum!

And then it was time to open presents! She got lots of fun things!

And then it was time for cake and ice cream!

Happy Birthday, Kaylee! We love you!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Pres Monson's favorite dessert

Fun story: At church, I serve in the Young Women's Presidency (working with the youth ages 12-18). A couple of weeks ago I was in charge of the activity for the combined Young Men/Young Women on Wednesday night. We decided it would be good to get to know our new prophet - so we decided to play a trivia game about him and his life. As I thought about refreshments, I decided it would be fun to serve Pres Monson's favorite dessert. So I got online and searched google and the church website to see if that information was out there. But I couldn't find it anywhere! So I decided the only thing left to do was to call Church Headquarters and see if anyone knew where I could find that information. I dialed and told the lady that we were having a mutual activity and I needed to find out the prophet's favorite dessert. She thought that was fun - and gave me another number (to the Church Administration Bldg). So I called that number and told the lady what I needed. She said, "Well, let me connect you to Pres Monson's office!" I was shocked! I was hoping maybe someone along the way could just tell me - I definitely didn't want to bug the prophet about this! Was my question THAT important to take up his time? Well, before I knew it, a nice lady answered the phone and said, "Pres Monson's office" and so I explained that I needed to know Pres Monson's favorite dessert for our youth activity. She said, "You know, I don't know what his favorite dessert is. Let me ask him!" She put me on hold and after a minute came back and said, "Okay, it is any type of pie except rhubarb and raspberry. And LOTS of vanilla ice cream on top!" I told her thanks for her time and got off the phone. I was a little in shock, I'll admit. But super excited to have found out! At the activity, we played the game and then after we were done, I told the youth that I had called Pres Monson's office and found out his favorite dessert so we could have it that night. They all couldn't believe it, of course. But we all enjoyed apple and pumpkin pie that night with... OF COURSE... lots and lots of vanilla ice cream!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Kaylee's 7th Birthday

Kaylee turned 7 years old today. Her fun day started out with PINK pancakes, and then she opened presents. She got lots of fun things. After that, she went out and played with her new scooter. We then went out and got some things for her birthday party which is this Saturday. And then for dinner she requested cheese pizza. She told me she had a great day and is looking forward to her next birthday when she'll be baptized!

Here she is with the pink pancake batter!

Kaylee and Kenna getting ready to eat their pink pancakes!

Right before we ate, we told the kids it was time to say a prayer on the food. Kenna immediately folded her arms and closed her eyes. And stayed this way through the entire prayer! It was pretty cute.

Time to open presents!

The kids outside with Kaylee and her new scooter!

Is that a ... weed?

I was cleaning Konnor's room the other day and saw a weed by his bed. I thought it was something that had come in on his clothes - so I went to pick it up to put it in the trashcan. But I couldn't get it up. It was attached to the carpet !! As it turns out... it had come in through the baseboard and started growing! Not sure what that says about our house... but it was the strangest thing I'd ever seen...

Kaylee... the budding artist!

Kaylee has said for a long time that she wants to be an artist when she grows up! Well she is on the road to her dream! Recently she won a coloring contest between her school and another school. And then last week at the local mall, another piece of her art was posted along with some others from her school for all to see! She was pretty excited and thought it was neat that what she drew and designed was picked out of everyone at school to put up! The picture she drew was of her in a snow storm. (That is interesting, since it doesn't snow where we live! I guess that's another dream she has... to see and play in the snow!) Anyway, it was exciting! Way to go, Kaylee!

Easter 2008

We had a fun Easter weekend this year. Konnor had an Easter egg hunt at school. And then on Saturday we went to an "Egg-stravaganza" on base where the kids got to see the easter bunny and do some fun activities. We also enjoyed time at our neighbor's house where the kids played games while the adults sat around and talked. It was a great weekend!

We took these family pictures after church on Easter Sunday.