Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vegas BABY....

This weekend we had a fabulous time exploring the darker side of life in Las Vegas NV with amazing friends Dusty and Mandy Riddle!! We shopped, ate, walked, and observed many strange and interesting people. We went to the Excalibur show Tournament of Kings and had a great time cheering for our Hungarian hunk! I am so grateful for amazing friends and for the opportunities we have to spend time with them! Thanks again!!
A big thanks also to Aunt Amber, Uncle Ray, and cousin Anna for letting the kids hang out at your house while we partied in Vegas. The kids haven't stopped talking about their adventures which included a parade, a waterpark, sno-cones, Shiviwits tacos, pool, fireworks, and much more! All in all, it was a wonderful mini vacation for both parents and children!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Colorado Part 1

This year our family had the privilege of hijacking a vacation! Listen people, it isn't easy, but it can be done. First, you have to find someone to vacation with. This part is probably the most difficult, as you want to remember that you will be punishing yourselves if you don't choose wisely. Lucky for my family...we chose the Water's family.
The next step is to make your vacation victims think it was their idea all along. Plant ideas about how much fun a vacation would be, how well your children get along, and lastly, but most importantly talk about your own "vacation plans." You don't want to seem desperate. When the time is right, all this prep work will pay off as the conversation automatically steers you to the wonderful idea of vacationing together! "Of course we want to go with you to beautiful Colorado...thank you so much for inviting us!" And this is how you hijack a vacation!
Once the plan was set in motion, we decided that simply vacationing in the same location as the Water's family was just not we went one step further and hijacked their car as well. That is the kind of people we are :) So on a Sunday morning at 5 know I didn't pick that time, alas these are the complications of hijacking someone's vacation...our families set out, destination Colorado!
The plan was to stop in Kayenta, Arizona for breakfast. However, somewhere between here and there, our trailer blew a tire. As if our set up wasn't redneck enough, now we had to use the spare and tie the shredded tire down with the rest of the luggage. As we pulled onto the road, Bayden made the comment that we would not be making it all the way to Colorado with those tires. WHAT? We are in the middle of the reservation on a Sunday with no back up tires!! Never fear, readers...we made it to Kayenta for breakfast, those of you who have ever traveled with 7 kids understand that this was the most important part of the journey so far. Bayden called his brother who agreed to meet us with new tires...the catch was we had to wait at the Kayenta McDonald's until he was ready to leave. I have a serious phobia of anxiety was already through the roof over the tires, but just the thought of my darlings playing on the playground equipment sent me over the edge. Poor Manda couldn't figure out what the problem was until I informed her that I was sure our kids were catching Hepatitis from the slide. She laughed until we heard one of the kids exclaim "Gross, it's puke!" Are you kidding me? Really? Needless to say we hurried the kids to the safety of the car and used lots and lots of antibacterial!
We met Devin in Mexican Hat..there are pictures in the slide show...where we replaced the tires and were again on our merry way. I don't remember much more about the trip as I purposely drugged myself with dramamine. I am sure it was uneventful because several hours later we arrived safely in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
This part of Colorado was beautiful! The views were breathtaking. Our cabin was amazing and we spent the next week enjoying each others company, playing games, and laughing! We fished, hiked, shopped for matching hats and shirts, and went sight seeing.
My favorite part of the whole trip was going to see the Bar D Wranglers. (I will NEVER admit this to anybody, so if you ask me I will deny it) It was so much fun to watch my kids and my husband so thouroghly enjoy themselves. The Wranglers were entertaining, the dinner was great, and the giggles were priceless. Kenna at one point busted out in a dance that rivaled any River Dancer I've ever seen. The whole experience was one that I know our little family will never forget. Mike and Manda even bought the CD so that we could listen to their music in the car, at home, and in the shower!! Bar D Wranglers everywhere...thanks again guys!
The week passed much too quickly and before we knew it, it was time to come home. On a serious note, I should tell you how truly blessed my family is..we have wonderful friends. Thank you, Mike and Manda, for letting us vacation with you. It truly was a vacation to remember...and hopefully repeat! And to all my other friends out there...where are you going on vacation?

Update: Shortly after returning home, I hijacked Dusty and Mandy Riddle's trip to Vegas in late July...Bwahahaha. The hijacker strikes again!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Amazing Adventures of Flat Wyatt

Every year in first grade my kids have read about Flat Stanley. As a project, they have built their own flat person and have asked their family to send them someplace to visit. Kaytlyn's flat person went to Narooma, Australia to visit with Auntie Rhonda and Uncle Bob. Jaxson's flat person went to Winnemucca, Nevada to spend time with Aunt Kami, Uncle Kai, and the girl cousins; Kaira, Senna, and Laina. This year it was Wyatt's turn to have his flat person sent away on an adventure. Wyatt wanted to go to Australia to visit Aunt Ali who has been there for several months.
Aunt Ali and Wyatt had the most amazing adventures and I am so excited to share some of the things they did with you. This is truly a fun project for kids to visit a far off place..they almost feel like they actually went. If you haven't read any of the Flat Stanley series, I highly recommend them. They are soooo much fun for all the kids!!
This is a picture on the coast near Narooma. The lighthouse is on Montague Island.

Aunt Ali took Flat Wyatt on a trip to the Great Barrier Reef near Queensland.

This is the boat Fantasea that they took to get out to the Great Barrier Reef.

The Great Barrier Reef. The water color shows were the reef is...the light green area.

Aunt Ali got to go snorkeling, but due to his paper body and the many fish, she left Flat Wyatt behind. He did get to try on the snorkeling equipment.

This is a picture of the reef fish through a window. Pretty cool!

While Aunt Ali was snorkeling, Flat Wyatt toured the boat. He loved the crab!

This nice girl kept Flat Wyatt company.

Not sure who this is or what they do, but Flat Wyatt thought it was a good photo opportunity!

This is a sea turtle that Flat Wyatt saw from the boat.

Flat Wyatt got to go to a small zoo on the way home to Narooma. Aunt Ali got to cuddle with a koala bear...Flat Wyatt was taking the picture, he's a little afraid of koalas...LOL!

Flat Wyatt had an amazing time in Australia with Aunt Ali! I am so grateful for a sister who is willing to spend time documenting and photographing her trip with a paper doll. It really has given our family wonderful memories and eased a little of the ache in my heart as I miss my baby sister. Thank you Ali, you truly are wonderful and we love you dearly!