Sunday, April 27, 2014

{MB's 5th Birthday}

You always here aboutme and other parents that they can't believe how fast life goes in a childs life. I feel like I have always known Emberlynn but 5 years... I love this child. I will always remember she was the one when I moved to NY and she would find myself just crying over radom stuff. She would always first come to me and hug and kiss me then she would do something immediately to make me laugh. She was kind of like saying she was my happy pill. Emberlynn was one who would find me when no one else did and love me. I have seen her bless not only my life but other. She has a gift of healing, a gift of happiness, a gift of laughter and love.  I so blessed to have such a gift. I am so greatful I have had the priviledge to raise such a sweet girl. I have no doubt she will do great things upon this earth. She will continue lifting others up when they are sad. I just know it cause she hasn't stopped. Everyone loves to be around her. Everyone young and old but it's fun to see how many older people love her cause they all know her laugh and smile is contagious. YOu can't be around her without smiling. I think it's impossible.

Here's a few pictures
a card from the Behunins!

She received money from her Aunt Amy & Uncle Zac and she bought this with it this day.

Grandpa magically always knows what my kids want. {shhhh he sends money and I just buy it and when I say Grandpa bought it they always say, How come he always knows what I want? I never tell them I'm the one who actually goes out it buy it, but I wont tell them that. I figure they can read about it when their older hahaha}

Alix is always so thoughtful. When she earns prizes at school she is always grabbing suprises for her sisters and brother. She always thinks of others before her self. That is her gift.

Emberlynn is still in love with the Lion King. however she never watches it, but she loves the lions, maybe cause we took her to see them at the MGM grand so many times when we lived in Vegas. I guess it's still the thing 3 1/2 years later.

PS the vase up on the hutch is not my doing infact im a bit embarrassed that the top is decorated like that so please let it go down in history that my husband put speakers up there that are attached to my desktop to listen to music through the computer. He must of arranged everything up there. Please know it doesn't look like that today.

Now that we got that cleared up hahahahaha... we can move on....

Here's another present she still loves to use 6 months later. They are reading books you flip the pages and push the matching button on the tablet and it will read it to you. It comes with like 6 books. It's very cute and the kids have to match the shapes and everything.

So I got off easy this year with Emberlynns cake. See my Birthday is the day before and I had two wonderful friends buy me cakes from my favorite bakeries! Malverne Bakery and The Whistle Shop. They were so yummy! Here's the one from the Whistle shop given to me by Cecilia! Nancy bought me the Malverne BAkery one we ate for my Birthday!


{My 34th Birthday}

So I love my Birthdays now more then Ever! I love that was born and that I have lived such a wonderful life young and old. I not terrible old and even though I thought I would never see the thirties I am here and yet I am greatful for them. I have no desire going back to my teens or twenties but what I believe is we need to embrace our todays. Whatever age, whatever circumstances they maybe. I am getting old but I love it. God has given me trial that have been hard but yet he has lessened my burdens and at times have taken away my trials, but whether or not I'm currently in one or not I will embrace TODAY! 

I will learn from my past for it has defined me, and my Future I will prepare as I find myself productive today! I love my life. I wouldn't change it for anyone elses. I'm not perfect but my life is perfect for me to allow me to direct my choices to one day BECOME perfect like Him. I'm blessed with the Gospel, I'm blessed with a wonderful selfless loving spiritual husband, I'm blessed with adorable, kind, teachable children. And that's all I need in life! I'M SO BLESSED! SO YES THIS MOST DEFINITELY IS A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I embarrassed Mason when he started blowing out my candles.  

So I told him he just had to wait for me and we can blow them out together. He liked that idea.

The girls made me a big banner which was so nice.

{Rusty Brown Water}

OKay so the first day I moved to NY and turned on the bath this is what I saw. I moved again and had to take a picture. This is what happens to the water here in NY. Sometimes I wonder how often I have showered in this without knowing. Apparently if you let it fun for 15 mintues the brown will go away. This is the reason why all my water is filtered cause I don't trust the water here.

So no I didn't let my son bath in this water. I turned it on and was grabbing some bath toys and turned came back to find this. Then I had to grab my camera. Mason apparently didn't care what color it was.

{Hempstead Lake KIDS Fishing Expo}

 Hempstead lake every year put on a fantastic little kids fishing expo. You pay 5.00 per adult and kids are free. Once your in everythings FREE! They do such a wonderful job and for NY this is cheap and a great deal so we have to participate. This year hardly anyone was here. It was wonderful cause there were hardly any lines.

We first started with FACE PAINTING!


THEN WE TOOK some photos here. {I love Jon's photo!}

 Then we practiced casting!

 Then played a Bean bag game.

Then we went fishing for the prize fish!


Then we went on a horse ride!  Everyone loved this part and again it was free and not only was it free but they went around in a circle like 5 times rather then once for 8.00 like the Hamptons charge!

Then we played on the the slide!

Then we settled down for the REAL FISHING EXPERIENCE! again still free. and they had the rods and bait and everything!

 We invited the Andersons so they came late but no bid deal they still had fun!

 They got a few fish which were very exciting!

Even Addison caught 2 but they were both small, but hey still so exciting!!!

 While we were fishing Mason fell in the lake!! REally! He was okay but I almost had a heart attack. Jon grabbed him out without missing a beat. I guess that's why you want him to be your surgeon and not me cause he doesn't panic unlike me.

So Mason inherited EMberlynns PINK SWEATER for the rest of the day! He didn't mind, but sometimes I had to remind myself he was a boy not a girl cause he's identical looking to my girls.

 This time not only was he sporting a PINK SWEATER BUT he was so good he could do it ONE HANDED while holding his Lollipop.

Okay this was a lot of horse pictures but I guess I know how much they love riding them I was in the camera happy mode!