Tuesday, July 27, 2010

{Added Knowledge of 9-11}

I believe 9-11 had a big impact on the nation, as a whole; as well as, individually. After we knew we were moving to NY I really wanted to ask some locals about how it impacted them. One of the first weeks we were here. Our neighbors across the street invited us over to talk along with two other neighbors while the kids played in their exciting backyard. We all sat around while Jon and Craig left to go downstairs in the cellar to grab some wine. It was then that they discovered we didn't drink as we asked for water instead. Questions were coming at us left and right. We were the first mormons they had ever met. My other neighbor Joe while introducing us to others neighbors always says we from Utah and we are religious : ). It's a bit humorous, but I don't mind at all having mormonism define me. I just think it comical since he knows we only lived in Utah a while, but I'm from Colorado while Jon is from South Africa. It's funny when people hear one thing and that's all they think of. Our other neighbor, Pete said he knew one other mormon. He then said, I don't know anything about mormons other then you guys are the nicest people ever.

Anyway while we were all sitting around the table outside I had to ask about 9-11. It was AMAZING how everyone there worked in the City and ALL OF THEM had a reason how they avoided it because they were running late that day which was unusal, One had to catch a plane that day (the plane was just leaving the JFK airport when the first plane hit. Also his Law Building collapsed completely and was across the street from the Twin Tours. They continued telling stories about traffic, alarm clocks not going off, something else came up. It was amazing to hear all of these stories. The way they talked I could tell it was because of some greater power.

I'm sure I will hear more, but I wanted to share cause I just got this email from my dear friend Mary today and as I read it I couldn't believe how true it was. Even more amazing how so many people had this kind of story. The Lords hand is in our lives more then we think even in the Little things.

The ' L I T T L E ' Things

As you might remember, the head of a company survived
9/11 because his son started kindergarten.

Another fellow was alive because it was
His turn to bring donuts..

One woman was late because her
Alarm clock didn't go off in time.

One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike
Because of an auto accident.

One of them
Missed his bus.

One spilled food on her clothes and had to take
Time to change.

Car wouldn't start.

One couldn't
Get a taxi.

The one that struck me was the man
Who put on a new pair of shoes that morning,
Took the various means to get to work
But before he got there, he developed
a blister on his foot.

He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid.
That is why he is alive today..

Now when I am
Stuck in traffic ,
Miss an elevator,
Turn back to answer a ringing telephone ...
All the little things that annoy me.
I think to myself,
This is exactly where
God wants me to be
At this very moment..

Saturday, July 24, 2010

{Wants Become Needs}

Don't you just hate when your wants becomes needs?

Me too!
You just might be seeing more of me on Facebook!
Not sure if that's a good thing.

Why did this phone become a need? Well I'll tell you Jon gets 25% off at his work for AT&T billing and they will even pay for a new phone (he gets a pager so they wont pay for all of the phone bill- which is crappy cause Jon says no one ever uses their pagers- oh well be happy for what you get and I am) any way I needed a GPS to get around NY, so we just thought let's get me an iphone. GOOD IDEA!

Okay that's not the complete truth. Jon got the new iphone 4. I'm not that selfish, even though Jon was fighting with me that I should get the new one cause the GPS works better on it. But I figure I have been getting around just fine with his. Anyway Apple told us last night that I can bring in Jon's old one and replace it for a (new) old iphone for free. So I figure we both got NEW PHONES!


Here is the cover I chose for my phone. It is a Chilewich design. Sandy Chilwhich is an awesome modern textiles designer.

Friday, July 23, 2010

{Seafood, Swimming & Swinging Birthday}

The first time we walked in our backyard I immediately said, "That tree is screaming for some swings" So off we went and picked these up at Ikea. Our friend Joe brought over the tools (since we were still stuff-less at the time) and he even did all the work. I love my neighbors and more then anything I love having a backyard for the first time that has space to play games and has grass.

My kitchen has a big window where I can still see the kids play outside while I am cooking dinner or lunch. The kids play outside ALL the time and I will say I love playing with them. I love our BIG SHADE TREE. Many times I have made the kids lay underneath and look up at the leaves or just read our library books. The fresh air and the smell of greenery relaxes me so much. (Something I'm not used to living in vegas the last 4 years)

These swings are so much fun and even I love swinging on them cause you can go really really high. Here is Jon with the girls I was inside and had to grab the camera. They looked so cute together.

What Crazy's they Are!

Jon had a wonderful Birthday Dinner. We decided to BBQ on his new BBQ -Snow Crab & Steak. Everything cooked perfect along with some BBQ Zucchinis & Mashed Potatoes (I would of chosen Fries) It was a yummy dinner.

We had to do Seafood living on Long Island and all!

I also made Jon his favorite cake which was my mom's recipe that she would make for my birthday all the time. It's got caramel in it and that's all I have to say. HOwever I don't recommend them in cupcake forms. Very Messy! We had fun eating a few then the rest went to all the fun neighborhood kids playing baseball on the side of our house!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

{Long Beach}

Okay I can't promise you I will stop posting beach posts, cause it's so fun and new. I will promise I will only post the good ones. I'm starting to forget my camera now when we go.

Here's the Original Photo from above!

Alix loves the waves. I need to get some pictures of her actually in the water. We love diving in the waves. She's good at it too!

Who's that LifeGuard?
What a HOTTY!
Ooo-la-la that's my babe!

Here's some more Babe-Watchers!

Hope you are enjoying your summer cause we certainly are!
Stay cool & don't forget the sunscreen!

{Birthday Party}

The first couple of weeks we got here. Addison & Emberlynn got invited to a Ballet Birthday party. They had to dress-up and they were way too excited about this. Here they are before they walk in.

Our neighbors have been so generous to us. Everyone keeps giving us stuff. I have never had people just give me stuff before. The little pink house in our backyard was given to us. We also have been giving lawn chairs, puzzles, scooters, hair things, dolls & the girls also got these darling tutu's. They felt so special. I think it was not having our stuff for a week that made the neighbors think we had nothing, but stuff keeps coming. I wont complain.

{Father's Day}

Father's Day was fun over here. In fact Jon enjoyed two of them. My mind had been so scattered with the move that when we were grocery shopping one Saturday someone wished Jon a Happy Father's Day, so with shock and dummy me never looked on the calendar went with it. To find out Father's Day wasn't for another 2 weeks. I had called my dad too and wished him a Happy Father's day. He was a bit confused too but said thank you then probably thought why his others kids haven't called, cause I'm usually the last to call. Then I got a call that said it wasn't for another 2 weeks.

Hopefully I'll find it soon.

I stole this idea off a website. I can't remember now which one, but I'm sure you can google Father Day Ties and find it. They used skittles,M&M's and smaller candy to really fill the tie up, but I decided just to use Jon's favorite candy.

The girls had so much fun putting these together. They love their Daddy so much! So do I!

Happy Father's Day-- AGAIN!
You look so tired Jon.

{Our First Outing}- Long Beach

So while we were waiting for our moving truck we decided to check out our local beaches, Jones Beach & Long Beach. They are both beautiful and fun beaches. Long Beach is only 12 minutes from our house and there is a fun boardwalk a long the stretch of the beach. Jones Beach is in a wildlife protected area and takes 20 minutes to get there. Both are really fun.

This is our first day at the beach so no judging how white I am. But I'm sure it wont get better. I don't tan.

Alix immediately "dug" the beach. She couldn't get enough of it. She's the one is always asked when we are going back. I'm the one who says you want to go? that's a great idea. Let's go! With the beach so close I never really have a good excuse to say no to the kids.

Addison wasn't excited after she got some waves on here, but she absolutely loves the sand along with Emberlynn. You will normally see them building sand castle together.

The water was surprisingly warm for a beach. I wasn't expecting that. We can't wait to travel more beaches on the island. We are so happy we are so close!

I find myself thinking I'm still on one big vacation and when does reality kick back in. When we went to the beach in California I always loved it too and thought it was very therapeutic. Long Island beaches does the same for me, but I actually prefer the Long Island beaches more for the soft soft sand, and the water feels warmer too. Maybe it just has something to do with I LIVE HERE AND I LOVE IT! I know I will be sad when summer ends, but I can't wait for fall to begin!

Monday, July 19, 2010

{Our Home In Lynbrook}

On June 1st we woke up in Akron, Ohio early and headed to our new home on Long Island. We were so excited to get there. It was about a 6 hour drive or more, but it flew by so fast. The drive was beautiful. We counted over 40 dead deer along the road. Dusk is very dangerous time to drive on the east coast and I guess that is why.

This is one of our first looks at the big city.

About an hour away from home I got the call from our movers that they weren't going to be there for a four more days. Those four days turned into six days and it was driving me crazy. But this was a positive experience so I will keep it that way from here.

It's huge and a fun bridge to go over. The views are gorgeous as well.

Our Home in Lynbrook, NY
located on Long Island

When we arrived in the afternoon we immediately met our next door neighbors. They are the same age as us and they have two beautiful kids Emberlynns & Addison's age. They are wonderful. I left to grab something for dinner and when I returned there was a HUGE BLOCK PARTY right on my corner to find out ALL of my neighbors husband & wife and their families came out to welcome us to the neighborhood. I WAS SO AMAZED & HUMBLED AT THE SAME TIME. That night we had met 6 of our neighboors and their families. around bed time I saw a man come in my house with Jon with 2 matresses, towels, pots & pans, papergoods, pillows and bedding. It was our Branch President & his wife. This is when my emotions finally caught up to me and I cried when the Branch Presidents wife put her arms around me and hugged me. (They brought this stuff cause they knew our movers were going to be days late)

The thing that you don't know is before I moved to NY. I had been praying earnestly that the Lord would give me ONE ANGEL who would help me feel comfortable in NY. I HAD NO IDEA HE WOULD SEND ME AN ARMY OF ANGELS!

By the end of the week we had met (NO LIE) 13 of our neighbors & their families. And by now we have counted 16. Can you believe that? This is where I needed to be. My neighbors kept asking me how I found Lynbrook. I kept telling them I researched the schools & the area. I know it had to do with a little bit more then that ; )

I have been taking a Institute class out here that I love and to make a long story short. The lesson got switched in talking about ACCIDENTS OR DESTINY. Let's just say at the end of the lesson I KNEW I WASN'T HERE BY ACCIDENT. I'M SUPPOSE TO BE HERE and I hope that in the end I will know a few reasons why I was suppose to be here.

What things Cost Here
Lynbrook is a new upcoming neighborhood. Home taxes are insane here. Our next door neighbor pays 15,000 a year on taxes and his house is not even the biggest house around me. People here pay 6,000+ a year for private elementary schools. I'm not sure why cause we live in an award winner school district. Most of my neighbors own cabanas out here. Which are little row tent homes along the beach. They also own a second home in upstate NY, PA or a lakehouse in Jersey. This is just how they live and it's a normal life. Our house we rent is appraised at 400,000 and we pay 2,200 in rent a month. And I know that is a good deal cause we rent an entire home and have a backyard and we have a garage. Normally you would be paying $2,600 for my home or more.

Our home has 3 bedrooms, Eat in Kitchen, Dinning room, Front Room, Sun room, Family room. In the basement I have my craftroom, laundry room, food storage room and a huge cement crawl space for storage. We have 2 bathrooms which is good cause I thought we were only going to have 1.

To get off my island I have to pay $5.50 for the toll bridge and $13.50 to get back on. You go over two big bridges to get to the island if you are coming from up North.

The highways on the island are called Parkways. No commercial vehicles are allowed on them, so it makes you feel like you are on a race car track (Brett my brother-in-law would like that ) The Parkways beautiful but you can't get around by landmarks here. You really need to know your exits cause everything is hidden with trees. Rarely do you ever see something open up cause it's quite flat on the island.

It takes us 40 minutes to drive to Manhattan if there is no traffic. Parking is very high. We know some people who paid $20.00 to park for only 25 minutes. Our Branch President owns a Luxury Car Service so he knows his way around downtown and told us a great place where we can park for 3 hours for $10.00.

We took the train in and then a subway to central park. We came back and probably spent $35.00-$40.00 for train and subway fees.

In conclusion NY is very expensive, but I have found a great website of all the free things to do in NY and I'm totally doing them it's www.mommypoppins.com

I have never seen more people in my life. Everyone out here is always on the go. Which is good for me cause I feel like doing the opposite. In NV I felt like go, go, go, go, go. Even though I still want to see everything and do everything here In NY I think I am finding a good balance of "going" and "relaxing."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

{A New Look for a New Home}

Finally the travels about getting to NY came to an end and the new posts of us being here are about to begin. Hold on tight cause it's a fast ride here on Long Island. East coast is really different then the West. That's for sure. I feel everywhere I have lived I got a good grip on what's going on and even though I have taught some of the locals about a few things (okay maybe 3 things), I know I will never see everything that I want to see here. The six weeks we've been here has been fun. We are almost overwhelmed how much stuff there is to do and how many people there are. I believe my goal in NY is to learn to find Peace within all the chaos. There will definitely be a good post about the temple in Manhattan about that too. Overall, We love it here! A place you can get both snow & a warm beach is a dream come true. With some ups & downs life here has been good and I imagine it will get better.


{13th STOP- Akron, Ohio}

Our Last stop before we got to NY was Ohio. We drove for 10 hours this day and stopped at our old friends house in Akron, Ohio. When we first got married we lived in a community called Sugar House. It's near the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. I absolutely loved this area. Anyway it was our first married ward Jon and I went to. We laughed cause the joke in the ward that described the ward was "Newlywed or Mostly dead."

Well anyway one of are great friends Nate & Susan were there and we had so many fond memories. We both were Stake then Ward missionaries together. I got the fun privilege of being the Gospel Essentials teacher as well. We basically only had one investigator the whole time and there were I think 4 missionary couples in there listening to my lesson. Finally after maybe a year this investigator said, "Wait! am I the only investigator here? You guys aren't investigators?" We all smiled and said, "Nope, You're it. " You would think that ended him coming but he still stuck around. I'm not sure what happened to him.

To continue about Nate & Susan when we arrived that's all we talked about was the good old days. Nate is now the Bishop in their ward. It's amazing to see how wonderful all the people in the Sugar House Ward are. They all have amazing talents to share with the world. Many of them are on my blogroll too.

It was a Monday night so when we arrived we finished up having FHE with them. For the Activity we hid an orange while the kids took turns finding it. For the treat/ 2nd Activity the kids decorated and ate yummy sugar cookies. I think I even made and enjoyed one too.

Nate & Susan were wonderful hosts and I'm sad I didn't get a picture of all of us, but here's one with all the kiddos decorated their cookies.

We went to bed really late then we woke up really early the next morning to travel to our NEW HOME on Long Island.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

{12th Stop- Nauvoo, Illinois}

After leaving Linn Kansas at 6:30am, to Independence, to Liberty, to Far West, to Adam-ondi-ahman, in ONE DAY we finally made it to Nauvoo, Illionois at 9:30pm. We drove in the town Jon dropped me off as I checked in our hotel he drove down the street and saw something stunning. He drove back and told me I had to see this. It was the Nauvoo Temple. Ok what do you exspect after a long day of spiritual uplift- of course I cried. It was beautiful. The architecture of this temple was exquisite. We were only wishing we came on a weekday rather then a Saturday late night, so we could do a session. We did make a goal that we will go back and do one. My interior design teacher was one of the head designers for the temple and I remember he would always tell us about this temple and how they used the finest materials around the world for it. He said it was rather unique. I was so sad we couldn't go through.
Nauvoo was definitely the crown jewel of our trip. There was so many wonderful things to do. We ended up staying there two nights. While I was there all I could think was we need to plan a family reunion here. The family would love it. Kristie and I are in charge next summer so it looks like I know where we will be going : ) There's your invitation family.
With over 50 church sites to see in one day we knew we had to wake up early and have a well planned out day. It was Sunday morning and a beautiful one.
We first headed to of course the visitors center to start off. We walked around, saw a movie about the saints in Nauvoo and then headed to one of my favorite spots in Nauvoo. The Relief Society Garden. I have always seen these statues on front of or inside the Ensign magazines so it was neat to see them all together and that they started from the Prophet Joseph Smith calling Emma Smith as the first Relief Society Sister then the statues started from with a young woman and progressed to being a grandmother. It was so neat to read and listen to each segment.


Cartridge Jail was really neat too. We first went inside the visitors center again saw a video out Cartridge Jail then proceeded to a tour of the Jail. I learned so much there. I had no idea the stories behind the great story and probably never would unless I had visited there. Our tour guide was wonderful and went in great detail about every room. The whole time I was thinking was wow I had never pictured Cartridge this way. I was so grateful we went.

It was funny because along our trip we kept running into random people that some how had a connection in our lives. It really helped me and felt they were tender mercies from the Lord. This stop in particular we found a young man who just finished Medical school on the east coast and was on is way to Las Vegas for his Residency program. It was like we were swaping places. At Nauvoo we met the kindest people there. Everyone was so friendly and wanted to know are life story then we would run into the same people through out the trip. Nauvoo was like a home away from home. We loved it.

The Blacksmith shop was the next thing we did. The girls had a lot of fun in here. We all learned so much. They demonstrated how they made a horseshoe and then asked everyone why the saints came to Nauvoo Alix said to build a temple, so she got to keep the horseshoe.

They also gave everyone this cute ring. Here we all are showing it off.

Alix being in school and loving it was so excited to see how they early saints had school. They used heavy slate boards for their blackboards. They were really heavy. Alix had a smile on her face the whole time.

The Family Living Center was really exciting. We went there after we went to the bakery that is located in front of it and had a free yummy gingerbread cookie.

Inside we learned how to make candles and got some, learned out to tie a real rope and got one. Learned how to spin wool, quilt, make a barrel and my favorite how they made their bread and sampled a warm piece of bread. The kids did not want to leave here. They were having so much fun.



In front of the temple is this well known statue of Hyrum and Joseph. I have also seen this in the Ensign. If you look past it you see the beautiful Mississippi River. The view is beautiful and covered with trees and greenery.

When it started to get dark we headed to the stage pavilion to watch the Branson Brothers give a wonderful Fireside. While we were there everyone would say are you going to watch the Branson Brothers? I had no clue who they were until that night and they were great. They are 5 wonderful brothers who are very vocally talented . . . and their wives . . . and their children


Let's just say it was a wonderful evening and day!

Nauvoo was a unforgettable spot. We can't wait to return again hopefully this time with my family for a reunion!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

{Let's Take a Break}

I just have to announce that the trio has finally made it. Milly is born and my 3 new nieces are finally together. I stole these pictures off my sisters Kristie's Blog without permission, so please do tell on me, but I thought they were darling.

Danell's Bella, Casandra's Milly & Tanya's Peyton

Here's my dad with all three of them.
I guess he loved holding all three of them together.

So I assume Kristie had to copy him! ha ha ha
I felt like I had to add this picture since I stole the pictures from her.
(That's the only reason why you would make my blog Kris. ha ha ha jk)

Friday, July 9, 2010

{11th Stop Adam-ondi-ahman}

Okay I will have to admit I wasn't quite that sure if I wanted to stop here knowing I was going to see a plot of land that I have seen before in a picture, but Jon kept convincing me as well as myself that we are here so lets see it. I'm so glad I did. Adam-ondi-ahman is more then a plot of land it's huge. I had no idea. My feelings is hard to express how I felt when I was there. It was quite spiritual. I had no idea how much land it was and better yet I was so amazed (but not surprised) that the land just doesn't sit there. The church farms on it. The church is so smart to use their resources so wisely. We went on a nice short hike while we were there to see other parts of the land. Again I had no idea how big it was. I kept thinking seeing all the vegetation there that I could totally live there and be happy. So if the prophet ever tells me to go there. I wont hesitate in fact I think it will be quite exciting (well besides all the craziness that will be going on in the world)

These next few pictures are my favorite. I love watching my girls helping and serving one another. They truly love each other. Emberlynn as stolen all of our hearts away. She is so wonderful, playful and lovable.

I love this picture of Addi helping Emberlynn. Addison is always worried about Emberlynn. She is always taking care of her and I love it.

Alix had taken on the BIG sister role. She loves taking care of her two younger sisters. It amazes me that children especially Alix has that natural nurturing characteristic. As bad as I wish I could say it came from me, I know it came from up above.

Emberlynn loves being taken care of by her older sisters too. Here is Alix holding Emberlynn what you didn't see was Emberlynn coming up to Alix reaching up to her wanting Alix to hold her. Alix with no complaint picked her up and started caring her. They both look like nothing unusually is going on. While I am smiling that is the funniest but cutest thing ever.

Our Hike in Adam-ondi-ahman.
Addison this time is asleep and almost missed half the stop.

{10th Stop- Far West, Missouri}

Far West is on the way to Adam-ondi-ahman

Far West was are shortest stop we took on our church tour. We spent no more then a half and hour there. We got out while girls ran around and Jon and I read each of the plagues. This is a temple site. It's interesting to see the cornerstones so close together. If they build the Far West temple using those cornerstone locations it's going to be a very small temple.

The girls on the temple grounds.

Emberlynn missed this whole trip. Just sleeping away.

The temple grounds

The gardens at Far West.