Thursday, December 10, 2009

{Quarterly Primary Activity}

I am a Builder is this years theme.

I have been so impressed how many children have been coming to our activities lately. It seems like they have tripled since the first activity. This years theme has been so much fun I have to admit I totally got into it.

For our last activity of the year we handed out construction hats and invited the children to become builders with us.

We divided the children up into different stations
The first was a family relay. Each family member had a certain job such as was picking up toys, grocery shopping and weaving in and out of cones, dressing a doll, stacking boxes or just crawling down to the finish line.
The kids loved this!

Next the kids would go to the communication room where we played communication games like telephone, Simon Says, and a listening dominos game. This was to teach the children the importance of communicating with our family as well our Father in Heaven.

Next the children make cherished memories with the Bishop as they BUILT ice-cream Sundaes and was provided by the Bishop. Bishop Wild also told the kids what a fantastic job they did at the Primary Program (which they did and we had record breaking church attendance that day!)

Lastly we built Christmas Family Frames to take home. The kids all had a Building Permit badge and they would get a matching sticker when they completed each task. I was so proud of them and they were so proud of their Building Permit especially when it was all complete. I have said it before and I will say it again - I LOVE SERVING IN THE PRIMARY! It is so rewarding.

The month of November I challenge the Primary do a service act everyday for the entire month of November and if they did I would give them a yummy treat. I was overwhelmed with how many children did it. When I was in the RS Presidency I challenged the Women to read the Ensign cover to cover for three months. I made Banana Bread for those who did it. Let's just say I only had to make 4 loafs. So thank you Primary Children for allowing me to serve you all day making my caramel chocolate dipped pretzel rods. I'd do it again anytime for you!


Addison turned three November 20th. We decided to have a fun party at the park since she has never had a party with her friends and will be the last time she could with her Vegas friends.

Addison's personality has really shined this year. At the beginning of the year and almost through the whole year she loved anything boys loved. In the summer when it was her turn to pick out he popsicles she would always choose the Spiderman, Hulk, and Iron man variety pack. Iron man was her favorite and honest I have no idea who Iron man is, but whatever! Addison is obsessed over bad guys too. She likes the Grinch (watches this in the summer too) because the Grinch is a bad guy. She will ask me Mom does this movie have a bad guy in it?

Addison loves to wrestle too. Alix will be sitting around minding her own business while Addi will come up from behind and tackle her to the ground and laugh so hard while Alix thinks it is either annoying or the majority of the time she would just let her tackle and then get up like nothing happened. Towards the end of the year Addison turned into loving her princess stuff. One minute she could be wrestling someone and the next holding her sisters hand.

Addison is really cuddly. She loves her cuddles and I love them too.

Addison could eat candy all day long if I would let her.

She loves to play Barbie's, Princess Dress-ups, Little People and her new Birthday Legos (I got them at the DI years ago and they even looked brand new bought them for $3.00 too)

One of my favorite things about her right now is when she senses that I am upset or somethings wrong. She will just come up to me and hug and me and say "I love you mom"- and for some reason it always makes me feel so much better.

Here's the Party Gang

(Left to right) Will, Alix, Tiffany, Jackson, Zach, Presley, Mia, Niki, Emmett, Porter, Luke, Yleana, Ezra Addison and Emberlynn.

Not pictured is Jon, Me, Lisa, Melissa, Mary & Maria

The Princess Birthday Cake Addison picked out. I seriously thought we were going to have a Spiderman or Iron Man Cake : ) She surprised me with Cinderella instead.

HaPPy 3Rd BiRthDAy - My BaBy GiRl!

Monday, December 7, 2009

{Vegas Weather Forecast}

It has been raining here in Vegas for most of the day, so I got on the internet to check out the 10 day forecast and had to laugh when directly underneath in the same box was a link about beating the rainy day blues. Seriously anyone who is getting the blues here in Vegas on the first day of rain in a long time has serious problems, I think we are grateful for the little moisture we are getting. So I don't think that link is getting used there! Try the Seattle Forecast!

Just thought I would share some funnies!

{End of the Soccer Season}

Well the soccer season has ended and I will admit I'm a bit relieved. Going to soccer three times a week was a bit too much for me. I did get a small glimpse of how dedicated my parents were and to think they had 3 three girls in soccer at one time. They had to go to different fields at different times too. I Remember a few saturdays Danell and I had a game at the same time on different fields so my parents would split up and then at half time they would switch. That way both parents would be able to see both of their girls play. SERIOUSLY! Talk about loving Parents! I hope I can be half the parents my parents are. So I better stop complaining about 1 child in soccer practice : )

My mom and dad are truly the biggest Soccer/Basketball/Football/Gymnastics/Track/Tennis/Golf/Diving/Cheerleading/ Swimming/Wrestling MOM & DAD EVER!

(and I'm sure I missed a sport too. With six ACTIVE kids year round - I'm quite not sure how they did it. A few Words like UNSELFISH, DEVOTED, LOVING MOTHER & FATHER COME TO MIND!

The Pink Lipsticks went to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for their big celebration!

Here is Alix and her Coach


With all the sports I've done I have never seen a trophy quite like this one. You might as well call is a Barbie on a Podium, cause it bends and moves and fells just like Barbie!

Alix - You are #1

Friday, December 4, 2009

{Where Would You Live?}

Jon just sent this to me from his iphone today. I laughed so hard when I got it cause I know he was comparing one bridge in Chicago to the other one in Michigan. I love that he makes me laugh all the time.

I told Jon he should of been locating all the bridges at every hospital and allow us to make our decision where to live based on the looks of the bridge.
That's a good way to make decisions

What do you think?

Based on the Bridges where would you want to live?
Both bridges are located just blocks away from the hospital.

Left to Right - Chicago Heights, Illinois - Trenton, Michigan

{Feel free to enlarge so you can see the Graffiti on the Illinois bridge}



Friday, November 20, 2009

{I Can Breathe}

Jon just pointed out to me that I had 3 parties in less then 24 hours.

1. My Make 'N take Party {last night 6-9pm}

2. Addison's Park Birthday Party {12-2pm}

3. Primary Quarterly Activity {4-6pm}

I just finished cleaning up MOST of the after math of it all and I can now breathe.
Earlier I blogged about how I was going to put up Christmas up early. Well that didn't happen! I would say I'm doing it tomorrow, but I figure the last time I said that it didn't happen and it made me a lier. Anyway I think I will catch up on my Office and Monk shows tonight. {I know I'm a bit corny}

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

{3rd Annual Make 'N Take Party}

These are a few things that you can buy and some are to make.

ADVENT Calendars

Vinyl Advent Calendar
Comes with 25 Vinyl Red Ornaments to put on a number each day of December.

Magnet Advent Calendar
Move the magnet around as you stroll through Christmas.

Season's Greetings Vinyl
for your door or window

4 for $10.00
or $3.00 each

Last years price was 3 for $10.00

Holiday Charger
Pre-made 15.00
Make your own $10.00

Card Holder

Last years price was $32.00


Monday, November 16, 2009

{Alix's Many Collections}

I remember when I was little living in Colorado we would go to California and stopping in Las Vegas for a night. We would walk through all the casinos and my sisters and I thought it was the coolest thing to collect has many as we could free cups that you put your money in. I'm not an expert about the casinos but I believe they don't have them anymore cause everything is on a card now. Let's just get this straight. I have never gambled once and my life and very proud of the fact. Anyway let's get on with the story. Alix is now starting her collecting piles. Recently it has been on her dresser. She is very proud of this collections. She takes all sorts of stuff throughout the house.

One of my favorite things is to analyze things. I love analyzing dreams and I believe I am really good at it and I don't even have a PHD. But you don't need one to analyze Alix's collection and what it means. Here's what I think.

These are all things that Alix Loves and it completely describes everything about her

My Floral Arrangement- This is one of my creations. Alix loves spending time with me creating is what we call it. She is always by my side watching me, waiting and helping.
This Floral Arrangement I believe represents her love and time that is spent with her mother.

Alix loves America for a long time she thought is was a beautiful girl and every year we would celebrate her Birthday. One of her favorite things is to listen to American songs on her CD player. Many times we have taught about the Nephites who came to America and how it was a blessed land and that we need to be grateful for this land we live in.
I believe the flags represent Security. I believe the three flags represent her creative approach to things.

The Dancing Princess is what we call her. She loves to dance and dance gracefully.
I believe the Dancing Princess is how she portrays herself.

I am a child of God Blocks is something that she painted and knows the words to be true. That she is a Child of God. That He is Important to her. I believe these blocks represent her love for her Heavenly Father.

Thanksgiving Turkey- Okay this one possible was in there just cause she had made it with me and Addi the day before. But if anything I could say it represents our Thankfuls. Every year including this year we put feathers on a paper turkey and write on them what we are thankful for. So I believe this Turkey represent all the things she is Thankful for.

Jon's Pen Holder. This is a pen holder that a doctor gave to Jon to tell him he did a great job. He normal keeps it on what I call our journal desk in our bedroom. It has a bankers lamp on it and every once in a while I see Alix sit at that desk and writes away. She will do this during the day and have the light on too. Just recently she decided she needed the pen holder in her room and she even stole our chair. So I believe this Pen Holder Represents a few things. One that she loves writing and Trust her parents enough to follow in their footsteps.

My Sunglass Case I hope this doesn't represent the love for materialistic things. I had this all the way downstairs and was probably the farthest item from her room. It took me a while to figure this one out, but a bit of thinking I opened it and Alix had some misc stuff inside of it, so this item doesn't represent the thing itself. It represents what it holds inside. --It was money. (I was sounding deep there for a minute wasn't I?) So yes I believe the Sunglass Case represents materialistic things. The other day I was reading the Friend Magazine to Alix and in there was a beautiful story about a mother paying a fast offering to help the people who suffered from a tsunami. When the son saw this he wanted to give all his money to them as well. I told Alix what a wonderful idea that was- she told me she wants to spend her money on a Webkinz. So yes sadly to say the Sunglass Case represents Materialistic Things or Temporal Things.

Lastly we have Jon's Parking School Pass- Again I believe this represents a few different things. Ever since Jon started Medical school Alix has sat down next to him with a paper and pencil and writes words that are found in book. The do this for houses. She does this for hours with him. This is their bounding time. Jon absolutely adores it as well. This shows that Alix loves her dad and knows that studying is very important. I believe through Jon's example Alix loves school so much. So I believe this Parking Pass represents cherished time spent with her dad and love for hardwork.

Okay I'm sure you are thinking "you have way too much time on your hands" and my response to that is, " I wish" I just wanted to record the little things in life.

The second thing you are probably thinking is they probably don't represent anything at all. and my response is "you might be true, but I think I did pretty good."

Next time you dream about a dog running after you think to yourself what are you really running from?

If you don't know you can give me a shot at it!

I believe we do many things subconsciously that our conscious mind doesn't pick up.

P.S. Alix took this picture not me which reiterates that these things are important to her. : ) (I'm totally laughing by the way at all this) : )

(School Craft Fair}

Alix's school had a Craft Night were you can do crafts anywhere from .50 to 5.00. It was loads of fun. Santa Claus was even there and they did a drawing at the end of the night and Addison won a Christmas Bracelet. Addison couldn't get over Santa Claus. She loves him so much and couldn't stop talking about him.

They also invited 5 Crafters. I was one of them. It was fun to introduce my Advent Calendars. One you stick right to your wall or refrigerator that is in a shape of a Christmas Tree and then you put Vinyl ornaments on each day. (It's my favorite) The second Advent you take a christmas magnet and move it around to the days you have left till christmas.

I was also selling Bumbles Watches, Stick Family Car Vinyl, Holiday Chargers, Season Greetings Door Vinyl and other misc vinyl. It was a fun night and funner that I could watch the girls do some crafts that night. We all had fun!


Addison is such a funny character. She is always trying to be the funny one next to her daddy. Together they make me roll on the floor with the things they come up with. The last few weeks I found Addison doing her normal funny things.

Addison fell asleep in the chest that is filled with blankets. I have never seen her in there until this occasion. Since then she has falling asleep one other time in here. She is so funny.

Okay more stories about Addison. I believe I already blogged about Addison's obsession of wearing all her "underwears" (as she puts it) all at once. She claims she loves them all. This is a funny picture but it doesn't do justice.

When Addison takes her afternoon nap she has to pull out all her bows and hairthings and strip down naked well she keeps her underwears on of course. Don't ask me why. When she came downstairs after her nap she had 10 pairs of "underwears" on. Jon and I couldn't stop laughing and Jon made me grab the camera just so we can show you.

It's hard to see but it's totally bulging in ever direction!

Just to show a few!

Addison I love that you love your "underwears!"
You are such a big girl!

{2009 Halloween Day!}

Well after we went to the Bellagio Gardens we then went home and got ready to head to Town Square for some safe Trick- or Treating.

It was a good thing we arrived 20 minutes before it started for 2 reasons.

#1 Stores started to give candy out early
#2 I forgot to grab Addison's Costume and Emberlynn's.

So the sweet husband I have rand home and grabbed them. Addison was so happy to finally have a costume. I couldn't buckle her in her carseat with it on so that's how I left it at home right on the countertop so we wouldn't forget it. (dummy me)

We met up with Maria and her family. We had such a fun time.

Ezra- The Fire Fighter Yleana- Fairy, Alix- The Fairy, Addison- waiting for her costume- soon to be Butterfly

Emberlynn aka "Minnie Mouse" with Aunt Casandra

Brett is so cute and such a great Uncle. Here he is flying the kids all around. Alix wanted to do it too and Brett was such a great sport and didn't think twice. I bet his biceps were!

You're the best Uncle Brett!

It was so much fun watching Emberlynn Trick-or-Treat this year. She caught on really fast and after Jon snuck her a sucker holy cow she was in one sticky mess!

Alix is such a wonderful big sister she really loves to take care of her little sisters.
I love them all.

It's a bit hard to see in this picture but Alix was so excited that I put make-up on her. She thought she was so beautiful and she was. Since then she asked me to put make up on her almost everyday and everyday we have the same conversation; however, I never feel like I am not saying enough to explain my point. I go off on this hug spill about how she doesn't need make-up to make her beautiful and before she can wear make-up she needs to believe that she's beautiful without it. I go on and on and on cause she always says I am beautiful and then why do you were make-up? So many questions with this little one. Finally after the untinth time I finally said, cause you mother has zits and I need to cover them up. Then she says why do you were that stuff on your eyelashes?


I now just say cause you are too young that's why! and I leave it with that. What's up with these kids asking so many questions I feel like I am giving my Young Women Lessons but to a 5 year old.

Oh the picture below notice I have no make-up on.
Don't ask me what that means I just noticed it.

After we had got load of stuff at Town Square like loafs of Bread, full size candy bars, snicker ice-cream bars, chocolate milk and much more we headed home where we ate chili passed out candy to some early trick-or-treaters. Addison also did a costume change into her princess witch costumes as she calls.

When then went off on our broomsticks to Mary's House!
The girls were so excited to see and and bring her and Jay some yummy caramel corn. Mary also let the girls help her pass out candy. They were so happy and so was I!

The next exciting surprise was that my brother and his family flew in for a day and we met up with them, by this time is was getting really late.

Dixie, Emberlynn, Casandra, Darcy, Addison, Brett, Alix & Denim

Alix loves Denim so much and misses her like crazy. Alix couldn't believe that we were visiting her it was a surprise that made this Halloween the Best Halloween EVER!

It melted my heart to see them together again!