I am a Builder is this years theme.
I have been so impressed how many children have been coming to our activities lately. It seems like they have tripled since the first activity. This years theme has been so much fun I have to admit I totally got into it.
For our last activity of the year we handed out construction hats and invited the children to become builders with us.
We divided the children up into different stations
The first was a family relay. Each family member had a certain job such as was picking up toys, grocery shopping and weaving in and out of cones, dressing a doll, stacking boxes or just crawling down to the finish line.
The kids loved this!
Next the kids would go to the communication room where we played communication games like telephone, Simon Says, and a listening dominos game. This was to teach the children the importance of communicating with our family as well our Father in Heaven.
Next the children make cherished memories with the Bishop as they BUILT ice-cream Sundaes and was provided by the Bishop. Bishop Wild also told the kids what a fantastic job they did at the Primary Program (which they did and we had record breaking church attendance that day!)
Lastly we built Christmas Family Frames to take home. The kids all had a Building Permit badge and they would get a matching sticker when they completed each task. I was so proud of them and they were so proud of their Building Permit especially when it was all complete. I have said it before and I will say it again - I LOVE SERVING IN THE PRIMARY! It is so rewarding.
The month of November I challenge the Primary do a service act everyday for the entire month of November and if they did I would give them a yummy treat. I was overwhelmed with how many children did it. When I was in the RS Presidency I challenged the Women to read the Ensign cover to cover for three months. I made Banana Bread for those who did it. Let's just say I only had to make 4 loafs. So thank you Primary Children for allowing me to serve you all day making my caramel chocolate dipped pretzel rods. I'd do it again anytime for you!