Friday, April 24, 2009

PSF : Avery and going her own way...

Avery is a silly sort. She is a sweetheart, loving, emotional, artist. She can very easily get worked up about, what I think, are little problems, that do not even merit a second thought let alone tears. She is our little Avery.
I've noticed something about her lately. She likes to go her own way. In most things, as the Mom, this can become frustrating. But, I have been enjoying watching her carve her own path.
I drive the carpool to school in the morning. Averys big sister and the older girl we carpool are both "big kids" as far as elementary school goes. I mean they are big 4th and 5th graders, while Avery is just a puny little 1st grader.
Well, every morning the "big girls" cut through the kindergarten playground to the back of the school. Every morning Avery asks the girls to walk around the front of the school with her. And, as you can guess every morning the big girls whine about how their way is a "short cut" and Avery should just go with them. And, every morning Avery shrugs, turns around to the front of the school and... goes her own way.
She's not sad about it. She just walks her cute little 7 year old walk, swinging her lunchbox, smiling at the other kids walking up to the school, happy to be starting her day. Whether the "big girls" are with her or not.
I love her! I hope she stays confident and happy!
I'm glad that she likes to go her own way!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


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We had such a GREAT time at Wicked! I was lucky enough to get to take my girls with me!
It was beautiful! The girls loved it too!
We got to go with some aunts, uncles, cousins, my sister and brother in law, my sister in law, and my mom. It was just a perfect day! Thanks Auntie Maren, your "connection" made it possible.
Wicked... there are no words. It was fantastic!