Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So, I've got nothin' for ya! Nothing! I have nothing to write about! I know, very VERY seldom am I speechless. I really don't have anything worth writing about...
Summer, that is all we're doing. Running through sprinklers, jumping into kiddie pools, making forts in the basement for sleepovers and latenights...
That is it!
What are you all up to for summer? Tell tell!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Birthday & Post Cancer Pedicures....

So, this was taken with my phone and it's obviously not a very good picture. Sorry. On Tuesday of this last week I got to go out to lunch with my sister Lu and my Mom and Shannon. It was tons of fun for a few reasons. One, it was my sisters Birthday! Two, it was my Moms LAST radiation treatment! and Three, we got to catch up and laugh with our friend Shannon. All in all, it was a great day!

One of my favorite parts of the day has to do with this picture. If you can see just behind my sister, is my Mom. She is still wearing her cute little hats, but she does have some hair coming in. Almost enough for a flat top. The funny part about this is, she decided to get a pedicure with us. She is the most tickle-ish person in the WORLD! The poor little tiny Korean lady didn't stand a chance against Robin and her jumping feet. Seriously Kari and I were laughing at her the whole time. Just as she would settle down and take a deep breath, the lady would dare touch her feet again, ya know during her pedicure, and she would jump and pull her foot away. It was hilarious! Seriously, that poor little nail salon lady, I feel for her. Mom, thanks for the laugh it was so stinkin funny to watch! Thanks Kari for giving us all a reason to get together & HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I was Tagged by my CUTE "childhood, but we just got reacquainted after too many years to mention" Friend JANEL!
Woo Hoo...I know you are all waiting on the edge of your seats so here goes...

Marriage Tag:

How long have you been married: Almost 11 years! WOW, that is a LONG time!! I mean a LONG time!!

How old is your spouse: 33, almost 34!

Who eats more: Um, it totally depends! He eats way more as far as "portions" go, but I tend to "graze" more. So, I'm not sure. He is more of the sweets at night kind of guy though. But, I'm more of the random "lets take a trip to Cold Stone" kind of a girl. So long answer, to basically say it depends...

Who said "I love you" first: Oh, it was totally Me! Scott was scared out of his mind to admit that he LOVED me!

Who is taller: I like to pretend that we are the same height, but I'm actually about 1/2 an inch taller than Scott.

Who sings better: Scott, for SURE!

Who is smarter: ME for SURE!! Okay, just kidding. I'm going to have to go with Scott!

Who controls the TV: Definitely Scott!!

Who's temper is worse: It depends. We both tend to get worked up about different things, so it's hard to say. About little things, probably me. But, when Scott has finally had enough it would be him.

Who does the laundry: ME!!!, Scott is NOT allowed near the laundry! That is one thing that would prove the previous answer. I FREAK when he touches (and messes up) my laundry!

Who does the dishes: Me for the most part. Scott is nice and makes the kids breakfast (other than cold cereal which is all Mommy makes) he does the dishes after his morning projects...

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: looking from the foot of the bed~I do.

Who cooks dinner: I do, but Scott is a fabulous Cook, when I can get him to cook it's always great stuff! He is usually willing to cook more in the summer when he can barbecue.

Who is more stubborn: Scott ~ hands down!

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong: I don't think either of us admit we're wrong! I mean I can't say I'm wrong when I KNOW I'M RIGHT!!! hee hee

Who's parents do you see the most: My Mom lives right down the street, so definitely her. His parents live in South Carolina, so obviously we don't see them as much as we would like to.

Who has more siblings: We have the same.

Who has more friends: That's hard to say. I'm not sure...

Who wears the pants in the family: Me, duh!

There you have it. My fantastic Marriage Tag! Thanks so much Janel for letting me play along! Love ya tons!!

Okay, now I'm tagging... Janie, Tami, & Cecily!
Come on girls play with me, it's fun...

Friday, June 13, 2008

Our Baby Girl is One ~ PSF

Well we all know Brookie LOVES her some treats. So a huge chunk of her birthday cake all to herself was almost more than she could handle!

So, our Baby Brookie is ONE! I really don't know where the last year has gone. It feels as if it was just yesterday we were leaving the hospital with our sweet new baby, and already our little chubba bubba girl is a year old.
As you can see she completely enjoyed every minute of her Birthday. She loved opening her presents and I don't think I've seen her happier! YUMMMMM Cake!
Happy Birthday Brookie!!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

WW~ And a Special Kind of STUPID!!!!

Okay, so it's supposed to be a Wordless Wednesday, but when am I EVER Wordless? I mean really?
So, here you go! A picture to prove just how moronic I am! Since my fabulous friend Cecily spilled the beans. I'll tell ya. I'm an idiot and broke my elbow! I know you can't see the whole thing, but that is what you get when you are trying to take a picture of your own incapacitated arm with only your other arm!
Just in case you weren't completely convinced that I was in fact a doofus of gigantic proportions, I broke the damn thing by falling down the stairs!! It gets better though, I was carrying the vacuum! I mean what else would a "homemaker" be doing that could even result in a broken limb?
I've been trying to come up with some fantastic story of how I broke it! Like... I fell off my Harley, I was bungee jumping & hit the cord, or maybe I smacked the cliff during my base jump. But alas, none of them quite worked. So you get the boring old LAME truth. I'm a dork!
Vacuum, stairs and idiot, does NOT make for a great combination!!
It's been lots of fun to be a Mom with only ONE arm! I'm still working on how to accomplish the little things I need to accomplish! But I'll get there! It's ALL good, just a broken wing and 4 kids. I'm just a little more than out numbered! Yikes! I hope they have mercy on me, or that straight jacket fitting I scheduled for next week will have to be pushed up!
Hope you're all having a Wonderful Wordless Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ThE FoRcE iS StRoNg wItH ThIs OnE!

Sammy is training his baby sister to become a Jedi Knight! This young Padawon is coming along nicely in her training. We are all quite proud! She's the cutest little Jedi ever!!

Friday, June 06, 2008

First Day of Summer~ Photo Story Friday...

New Summer T * Shirt ~ $7.99

Brand new Denim Shorts ~ $9.99

New Cheap Old Navy Flip Flops ~ $2.50

1 Tube Band-Aid Antiseptic Foam ~ $ 2.49

1 Full Box of Band-Aids ~ $1.99

Tube of Neosporin ~ $4.99

First Day of Summer for a 5 Year Old Little Boy ~ Priceless!

*Sammy had quite the eventful first day of summer! He was pretty beat up by the time the day was over! He finally came in and was covered in scrapes and band-aids and smears of dirt & he looks up at his Dad and says..."Me had the BEST day!"

Happy Photo Story Friday!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Thursday, June 05, 2008

A Week Later...

Okay, so I'm late, what else is new? The kids had a great last week of school, it's always tons of fun! We had parties, talent shows, field days, and of course a dance festival! I mean didn't you? It was lots of fun and lots of crazy! Here is my Sammy and his sweet teacher on the last day of school. They had a Circus Day for their last day of school. Fun! I think she was SO happy to say goodbye to this school year! She was a great teacher and we will miss her tons & tons!

The girls were SO adorable for their Dance Festival! Savannah and her class performed the Huki Lau (I'm sure I butchered that spelling, sorry) she was so cute! Her little teacher is young and single and adorable and she did a great job this year with teaching of course and with the dance festival. It was cute! Nothing like a bunch of dancing little 3rd graders!
Avery and her little kindergarten class was just ridiculously adorable! They danced the Macarena! How could it not be cute? They had cute little flower leis on, that they made in class. It was fabulous!

I had to take this picture, just to show you the INSANITY that was the elementary school Dance Festival! Very cute, but VERY crazy to find a seat & then find your kids in the crowd!

Well, we have had a crazy first week of "summer". Lots of fun and LOTS of kids! I hope you've all had a great start to your summer too! Any crazy plans? tell tell!!

~Today I'm toasting my Diet Coke to NO ALARM CLOCKS! (well except, my built in one, Brooke) Woo Hoo for Summer!!!