Thursday, March 27, 2008

Stray Cats....

So, I guess we have Mountain Lions! Yep you read that right, we have Mountain Lions. I got a call last night from a neighbor saying that her neighbor had seen 2 Cougars on the golf course that edges our neighborhood. (that is one block away)
Hello, that was quite the uproar! Just envision me still on the phone & screaming out the backdoor trying to get all the big kids in here. It was one of my finer W.T. moments!
So, I start to explain to the kids why they need to stay inside. I was of course trying to scare them a little but that didn't happen. I scared the ever lovin' crap right out of them! Wow, way to go Mommy!
Savannah no longer wants to be ANYWHERE alone! I mean anywhere! Sammy is obsessed with looking out the window & screaming, "Hey Mom me see one!!!!!" It's been fun, they also think that it means we are prisoners in our house. I tried to tell them that we can go out & play during the day they just need to be careful & we'll make sure not to be out for walks after dark. That didn't help any, they are completely FREAKED out! I suck! In fact on our way home from dance tonight, Avery was having a nervous breakdown that people were out at the park. (It's miles from our house)
I did want them to be a little freaked, so they would know that I'm serious when I say it's time to come in & to stay close & all that. But honestly, I have turned them into nervous Nellies! Where is my Mom of the Year award, I'm ready to accept the honor!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Prayers needed for Baby Gracie!!

My sister in laws really good friend Michele just had a precious baby girl Grace. She was born with a heart condition & needs our prayers!! She has already had to undergo surgerys & is now in critical condition at Primary Childrens Hospital. If it's something you do, please send extra prayers for Baby Gracie & her sweet family who just want her to be healthy & strong. Please visit Micheles blog at to track Baby Gracies progress! Thanks so much!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Hope you all had a Great Easter Holiday! This is the picture I got after church, so the kids were a little un-put together. They are still very stinkin cute! We had a fun weekend with a disastrous Easter Egg hunt, a Egg Hunt at home to make up for the first, dyeing Eggs, Church, & Family dinner at my sisters. It was a fun weekend!

Friday, March 21, 2008

FatGirl Update...

Well, I'm sure most of you don't care but I thought I would give an update on my "kickstart". GirlyMom also asked for me to post the plan. Well, it's quite simple first I have to get up off my HUGE Caboose & move! I guess chasing kids doesn't quite cut it like it used to.

~First off my results weren't as large as I had hoped, but I'll take anything at this point, so it's all good! I lost 4 pounds & 3 1/2 inches. That is a tiny drop in a huge bucket, but again I'll take anything right now! I have a long way to go... I'm not posting all this to get compliments or to be told that I'm wrong, I'm doing it in the hopes that it will help motivate me to keep going. I get so frustrated when I don't drop weight like I did 10 years ago, that I tend to give up. I used to think about dropping a few pounds & before you knew it they had melted away. Now I work my butt off & I gain weight! I don't understand it & it's enough to send me over the edge most days. So, I'm trying VERY hard to just keep with it!

I bought Turbo Jam. (it's a product of my insomnia, but at least it wasn't like porcelain dolls or anything, right?) Anyhow, I saw the info-mercial & decided what the crap it couldn't hurt... (here's the link
When it came it had a 10 day kickstart program in it. It says I should lose 10 lbs & 10 inches in that 10 days. I'm still going to hold them to that, because after I tried to do the first work out I realized I should still be doing the beginner work out. So, I did a beginner kickstart & as soon as I can do the normal one I will be all over it!

I'm not usually one to market crap for people, but honestly I really do like the videos! They are fun & keep things interesting! My very favorite work out is the pump class at my gym & with class times I can't get to & a baby I haven't been there in WAY too long. This workout has been the best thing I've found since the pump class! (I'm still looking forward to summer when I hope they rearrange class times again & I can go again!) Anyhow, I like the videos & think I can stick with them. The Learn & Burn video for the "workout video impaired" like me is great & the 20 minute workout are the two I've started with & they are so fast they are actually easy to fit into my day! I can actually do them while my kids eat breakfast! So, I have either been doing that or the treadmill. So far I think I've done pretty well stinking with it!

As far as the eating plan. I also modified it, because I'm cheap & couldn't bring myself to buy all the crap they wanted me to buy! But your basically just eating right 3 meals a day with 2 snacks & nothing but water after dinner. I'll post some of the meal ideas.

I also made a deal with my cute cousin WendyJo. Every 2 weeks, if we've BOTH worked out at least 5 days a week we meet at Cafe Rio & share our favorite salad. Kind of funny we decided to reward ourselves with food, but whatever works. Today was our first payday & it was SO much fun!! Thanks for all the motivation!! There you have it. If you have any ideas for me I'd LOVE to hear them!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Awwww..... cute sisters!

Friday, March 14, 2008

MoMmYs LiTtlE sIdEkIcK!

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This week has been a crazy one & Brookie is my fabulous sidekick! I just love her chubby~ness!
With all the craziness going on the kids sweet little faces (even when I'm ready to put them on the front porch) are what make all the craziness okay! I LOVE them!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

No MoRe ChEmO!!!!!

Congrats Mom! You Made it Thru!!! Good Job! I know it was a crapfest, but you made it! On to Radiation!! Woo Hoo!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Avery Skis & Honest Abe

Miss Avery gave in & went skiing!! Woo Hoo for Avery!! Her brother & sister have both gone a few times & they love it, but Avery was a little scared to go. It doesn't help that she doesn't like to be out in the cold.

So a couple weeks ago her Daddy took her skiing. She did great, which is no surprise she does great at whatever she tries. It's the getting her to try things that is the trick! She's a GREAT little skier now & hopefully she'll want to go again!
Good Job Avery!
So, to keep in true Elementary School fashion Savannah had a project to do a couple weeks ago. I was told about it in passing & then of course at 10 pm the night before it was due she brings me the note describing what was required for the stupid thing! So, I was at Walmart in the middle of the night trying to buy all the crap for it! This is the finished product a Abraham Lincoln 2 liter bottle! Yay for Honest Abe!

Monday, March 10, 2008

10 Day "Kick Start" & tired of being fat!

So, I wouldn't normally want to talk about this with everyone, but I'm hoping that ya'll will keep me honest!
I'm tired of being FAT!!! So, I'm doing this new work out program & trying their 10 day Kick Start. We'll see if it works, I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I keep looking at old pictures & remembering that I felt like I was huge at the time & REALLY wishing I was back to being that "huge". Since it was at least a size smaller than I am now. How sad is that?
So, I'm getting ready to eat my first strict breakfast on this plan & honestly wondering what the crap I was thinking! Yikes...
So, here goes. I'm hoping that my post 10 days from now will be a positive one & that I can keep it up from there!
Today I'm toasting my bottled water to getting smaller. I'd say skinny but that is a pipe dream, so I'll settle for smaller!
Have a great Monday!!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Blanket Tents & Shots...

Avery Lyn makes the BEST blanket forts! All weekend long we have a camp site in the basement. She is the best & when the other kids want to make one they ask her to help them. She is such a funny kid. I wished I could have gotten a good picture of the inside of this one. She had books set up, & dollies with beds. It looked like a little room in there. She's so funny! I have no idea where she gets her anal retentiveness!
Not so Happy Baby! She had shots today & she isn't so happy, so I wanted to find a happy picture of her. She's so sad! I hate watching their little faces crumble when it's shot time! Sad little girl!
Hope ya'll have a great weekend!!