Meet the Alger Family!

I have finally given into the computer age. I'm an official blogger! The cute picture of my kids is from last spring at Thanksgiving Point. We got some of the cutest pictures ever!
So our family is getting too old for me.I'm used to having all the little kids, pretty soon we're going to out grow that!
Savannah is almost 8, she will be baptized in December. She's in second grade, and she also does dance. She loves both, although I'm going to venture a guess and say she loves dance a tad bit more than school. She's my little tender heart, and helper! I don't know what I would do without her.
Avery Lyn just turned 5, although some days I'd swear she was 15! She's my little artist. She loves to draw and color, and when asked what she wants to be when she grows up she always replies, a paint artist! She is in preschool and absolutely loves it! She's also doing a dance class right now, (she takes being a ballerina very seriously.) She's a sweetie!
Then there's our little Sammy. He will be 4 in February. He is all boy and into everything. He keeps us laughing all the time. He's our entertainment most days! He rides a too whee-lah (two wheeler), like nobody's business, and can't stand being stuck inside. He loves to jump in puddles (especially when someone is close enough to get wet and muddy), play in the dirt and fight. And by fight of course I mean anything involving fighting, hitting his sisters with his swords, round house kicking anyone close or just plain jumping on top of you when you're not looking. He's so much fun!! Because he's such a nut, he's his Auntie ReeRee's very favorite person. They are like peas and carrots! (I think it's because he acts like Kari wants too)
Scott is traveling most days with work. Fortunately he's enjoying it, and he's great at it too. (I'm not just saying that because I have to, he's a stud!) He takes good care of us, so I get to stay at home with the kids.
I'm just a mom. Which of course includes being a nurse, taxi driver, therapist, cook friend, referee, mender of hurt feelings, fixer of broken toys, and of course Rosarita the maid. It's the craziest job, but also the best!
That's us, I'm so excited to get started on this!
The Algers