Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving (only a week late)

We went to St. George for Thanksgiving. It was fabulous! Here are all the kids eating pie after the great dinner we had!

While Kari and I shopped, Tim and Scott took the kids to Snow Canyon, here is Avery making a sand angel! She is so funny, Sammy loved the sand too. It took days to get all the sand out of their hair. It was good times!!
Yummy, pumpkin Pie Savannah
The three little monkeys, Savannah, Avery Lyn, and Cheesy Sammy!

Colorado in October!!

These are our cute little "twin cousins" Savannah is holding Peyton, and Avery is holding Mason! The girls were so so cute with the "twin babies". There are of course 2 of them, and my girls still fought over who got to hold who. They were very good helpers! In fact Aunt Kami wanted to keep my little Savannah for a permanent helper!!
We had so much fun with them, the trip was way too short! We miss them so so much!!

Back Track!!

These are from our trip to Castle Rock Colorado. We went to see our cousins!
This is my cute sister in law Kami with all 7 of our kids. Her 2 sets of twins Logan & Nelson who are 4 1/2 and Mason and Peyton who are 9 months. Then of course, my 3 kids as well. We were shopping, and I just couldn't pass up this picture!
Then we of course have the three super hero boys! They were so funny together!

This is the picture from my hotel room. The kids and I got stuck at Vail pass for the night on the way out there. It was an adventure!!

Here are the ever outgoing Alger men. Scott and Matt were "watching" a football game together!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Chore Day!!

I had to show off my little Avery for a minute. Her chore is to make her bed, all by herself. (I of course don't care how it looks, I mean she's only 5 right) Well this is how she makes her bed!! She is 5, and it's better than when I make it, not to mention, that she has her dollies lined up perfectly! I just love her, she is so funny. Everyday when she's done her chores she has to show me her bed first. She's the BEST!!
Avery and Sammy were pretty dirty today, so they needed some serious tubby time. They are so stinkin cute!!

We are just getting ready for the weekend, it's shaping up to be a great couple of days. We hope you are all having a fun Holiday also!
Happy Thanksgiving from the Algers!

Friday, November 17, 2006

I had to put some cute pics of my kids on here. The top one is the terrible trio on Halloween. Sammy was obviously Batman, Savannah was Princess Jasmine, and Avery Lyn was Princess Aurora.

The bottom pic is from Avery's birthday. It was just such a cute picture of them together. They are so funny! You can see Sammy just dipped his finger into the frosting. What any redblooded American boy would do, right?

Scott is coming home tonight. It's going to be great to see him. The kids can't wait! We're just getting chores done and cleaning the house. The usual Friday activities.

I keep thinking we're just way to settled right now, I think it must be the calm before the storm. We have birthdays, baptisims, Christmas and New Years coming up. I think I must be in denial. I usually have way more done by now! Hopefully next month doesn't find us running around like lunatics!!


Monday, November 13, 2006

Toothless Wonder!!

Savannah finally pulled out her tooth. It has literally been hanging on by a thread, and she wouldn't let anyone near her to pull it out. Finally last night she went upstairs to get ready for bed and I hear a scream. Sure enough she yanked it out while brushing her teeth!! She looks so dang cute with a big whole in her mouth!!! She's so funny, she took the tooth to school with her today to show her teacher. I guess it was hanging out so funny in class last week, her teacher offered to help her pull it out too! She wouldn't let anyone get their hands on it!!
She did it herself! She's such a funny kid!!
We're just doing the normal busy life thing. We're making final preparations for Thanksgiving and that's about it. I hope it's a fun weekend. We are going to spend it with my sister Kari and her family, and probably my mom and brother too. It should be great!!
That's it from us,

Sunday, November 05, 2006

My First BLOG!!

Meet the Alger Family!

I have finally given into the computer age. I'm an official blogger! The cute picture of my kids is from last spring at Thanksgiving Point. We got some of the cutest pictures ever!
So our family is getting too old for me.I'm used to having all the little kids, pretty soon we're going to out grow that!
Savannah is almost 8, she will be baptized in December. She's in second grade, and she also does dance. She loves both, although I'm going to venture a guess and say she loves dance a tad bit more than school. She's my little tender heart, and helper! I don't know what I would do without her.
Avery Lyn just turned 5, although some days I'd swear she was 15! She's my little artist. She loves to draw and color, and when asked what she wants to be when she grows up she always replies, a paint artist! She is in preschool and absolutely loves it! She's also doing a dance class right now, (she takes being a ballerina very seriously.) She's a sweetie!
Then there's our little Sammy. He will be 4 in February. He is all boy and into everything. He keeps us laughing all the time. He's our entertainment most days! He rides a too whee-lah (two wheeler), like nobody's business, and can't stand being stuck inside. He loves to jump in puddles (especially when someone is close enough to get wet and muddy), play in the dirt and fight. And by fight of course I mean anything involving fighting, hitting his sisters with his swords, round house kicking anyone close or just plain jumping on top of you when you're not looking. He's so much fun!! Because he's such a nut, he's his Auntie ReeRee's very favorite person. They are like peas and carrots! (I think it's because he acts like Kari wants too)
Scott is traveling most days with work. Fortunately he's enjoying it, and he's great at it too. (I'm not just saying that because I have to, he's a stud!) He takes good care of us, so I get to stay at home with the kids.
I'm just a mom. Which of course includes being a nurse, taxi driver, therapist, cook friend, referee, mender of hurt feelings, fixer of broken toys, and of course Rosarita the maid. It's the craziest job, but also the best!
That's us, I'm so excited to get started on this!
The Algers