Monday, April 28, 2014

Birth Story

The last three months have been kind of a nightmare! A lot has been going on and I am relieved that it is over. I found out that I had placenta previa again at my 20 week ultrasound on December 11, 2013. I had no faith that it would move. From that point started planning for a C-section. But was not excited to have to go through one. I hoped down deep that it would move but knew that I shouldn't plan on it. At 26 weeks I had another ultrasound to confirm that it hadn't moved and it hadn't. My parents had just gotten home from a cruise and my mom was having some health issues we were trying to help her with. Then my dad found out he needed surgery. On March 3 I started bleeding, went to the dr and all seemed to be ok, I was put on "modified" bed rest and told to watch for more bleeding, that it would happen and would probably be worse the next time. That night my husband went to a volleyball game by my request that he get out of the house and do something fun to relieve the stress. It was like we were reliving the nightmare after syd was born.  About a half hour after he left I started to hemorrhage. it was about 8:45 and there was so much blood and it wasn't slowing down at all. I called the hospital and they told me to call the doctor on call. I called him and he said that I needed to go in to the hospital to be seen. I called my mom and dad to get a ride to the hospital and someone to be with my kids, then called Andy at the game to have him meet me there. The dr called back after I got off the phone and asked if i was on my way. I explained that I was home alone and was waiting for my ride. He asked if the bleeding had slowed down and I told him no. He said, you are worrying me and I think you need to call an ambulance, now. Terrified I had my mother call an ambulance since they had just arrived at my house. The bleeding had started to slow down a little. I changed my clothes and waited what seemed like forever for the ambulance to get there. I was admitted to the hospital in the women's center and was told that I had to have no bleeding for 24 hours before I could go home. I was there until 3/6. When I got to go home I was on strict bed rest. I had someone at my house 24/7 for the next time I were to start bleeding, which I was told would happen... it was just a matter of when... and again it would be worse. We had the emergency services aware of my situation and ready for it to happen again. My anxiety was through the roof! 3 weeks I felt like I was waiting around for an emergency. I couldn't go anywhere without worrying about it happening again. And because of what happened after syd it felt like I was waiting to die... sounds dramatic, I know. I also had the baby to worry about too. It wasn't just me this time. I started spotting the first monday I was home. Somewhere in there we found out my mother had breast cancer. And needed to have surgery to remove the cancer. SO SCARY! I was an emotional wreck! After 3 weeks of bed rest at one of my very regular appointments I asked when I could be done. My anxiety was getting worse, she said that she was surprised I had made it that long and was feeling more comfortable doing the C-section early and making sure it wasn't an emergency than waiting for the emergency. We agreed. My C-section was the next day at noon. It ended up being a little earlier, Maxx was born at 11:47am. He was 7 lbs 13 oz 21 inches long at 4.5 weeks early!! And I decided that I hate C-sections! They are NO fun! I also hate having a baby in the NICU. His IV kept going bad, the 10 days he was in there, he had 7 total IVs and bruises everywhere! He had a hard time breathing at first, and wouldn't eat. We finally got him eating and were able to bring him home. That was an adjustment too. He was used to it being light all the time and pretty warm too. After a week he started sleeping so good! going somewhere between 5-7 hours between feedings at night. Then he started loosing weight or not gaining enough weight and I started supplementing him. My mom's surgery  was scheduled for the 21st. Then my sister went into labor with her baby early too. Her baby was born at almost 37 weeks on April 24th. The next day we found out the the tests they ran on my mom's lumpectomy that the abnormal cells were not cancer after all! So many prayers were answered! Angie's baby is doing good, they named her Reecelyn Rose Madsen. She was 7 lbs 7 oz had a little bit of a hard time remembering to breathe at first. And thinks it takes too much energy to eat. She is so cute though! 2014 has been a little rough for my family, I hope it gets better.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Nursing School

I am way behind... but I don't have any current pictures. I will one day post pictures of our basement. Not entirely sure when that day will be. But to update on school... it is really hard! I keep getting down on myself for not finishing school before having kids. It would have been so much easier!  But one thing I have noticed is that I have a lot more life experience to help me in school. I am doing better now than I ever did before.  Our schedule has been nuts! We both have 3 tests each week that have to be done by a certain day, plus assignments, quizzes and reading up to 9 chapters each week. I am trying so hard to keep my head above water with my homework, his homework, our house, laundry and kids. I am actually doing pretty good at juggling it all. I try not to think about it so much.  We are 4 weeks in.... 9 tests down... 3 more before thursday & drum roll please.... I have an 86% average on my tests!!! I am so surprised! Even better.... I have A's in my classes!! No way I could be doing this alone! I am so grateful for all the help we are getting! From family, friends and upstairs :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Family Pics

I am one lucky girl!  Thanks to my uncle Randy for taking such great pictures!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Look Alike?

 So I kinda think that our kids look like us as kids, what do you think?

Melissa at 4
Kyler at 5
Andrew at 2

Aiden at 2

Melissa at 5 months
Sydni at 4 months

Our kids' pictures

Can't get enough of these kids! I may be partial.... but they are all so dang cute!!

Thank you to Natalie Williams Photography! She did such a good job, I just wish Sydni would have smiled!

Monday, September 17, 2012

4 Months!

Time is going by way too fast! Sydni is 4 months old & has us all head over heels! The boys love her so much and are always wanting to hug, kiss or even just see her! Tonight they were helping to feed her, her bottle & it was so cute! I am so blessed to have such great kids!  Here are some fun facts about miss Sydni:

She is 14 lbs 10 oz.
25 inches long
her head is 16 inches
She wears size 2 diapers
Inbetween sizes 3-6 & 6-9

She absolutely loves her blanket! She won't sleep without one of her fuzzy blankets, and when she is fussy she likes it in her face, with her binkie in her mouth.

She is on Cereal and veggi's now & loves them! She eats so good!

She is sleeping from 7:30-around 7ish,

Nap time isn't scheduled really, she gets fussy and wants to go to sleep, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, occasionally she won't sleep long and will be awake for a little bit and go back to sleep later.

She is loving the jumper and swing she likes to play and put everything in her mouth.

She nurses 3 times a day and 1 bottle before bed.

She loves to play! She is starting to giggle and smiles all the time!

She loves her brothers and smiles at them a lot, but she prefers them at a distance and not really in her face :)

She does not like getting her hair done!

She has been so fun! I love all her fun hair and that I get to do hair now... She has only gone a few days in her little life without bows or her hair being done! I'm so proud of myself for doing so good with that!

She is pretty particular, and not really very patient... but we love her so much!!

Thanks to Natalie Williams for taking these pictures.... I wish my daughter would have smiled....

I love this girl so much!! We didn't get any smiles.... but still SO cute!

Blessing Dress

Monday, August 13, 2012

3 Months old!

My sweet Sydni Sue is 3 months old! I cannot believe it! I love this cute little girl to pieces!! Some things about sydni

* She weighs 12 lbs 14 oz

* Since her tongue was clipped she SLOBBERS EVERYWHERE!! & blows lots of bubbles in the slobber! :)

* She loves to play and is very smily.

* She loves her brothers... but doesn't love them in her face.

* She Sleeps so good!! Last week she went 12 hours.

* She likes to have a bottle (4oz) at 8 pm, regardless of when she ate last, and go to bed.

* She loves her swing

* She doesn't like you playing with her feet, and has to be in a good mood to be tickled, but is very ticklish.

* She sleeps on her belly

* Nurses every 4 hours

* She HATES whiskery kisses

* She is ok with the jumper for a minute

* She hates having a wet diaper

* She loves her mommy... not a good thing.... and wants me to hold her.

* Size 2 diapers

* Likes her blanket in her face when she is tired

* In size 3-6 clothes... some 6-9 fit

* If I don't do her hair in a piggy tail it goes crazy and stands straight up!

she has been so fun! Its a little crazy at our house with 3 kiddos... but I am trying to love every minute of it! some days are harder than others :)