Just wrapped up 11 straight fantastic days in the Dolomites with Paul M. As always the company was fantastic, and the climbing was pretty good too! Here's the breakdown.
The view of the Tofana from Hotel Montana.

A friendly slobber to welcome us to Cortina! I'm a sucker for Saints.

Day One. Paul cruising up Via Miriam on Torre Grande in the Cinque Torri. A classic 8 pitch UIAA V+, and a great way to get feel for the dolomite.

Day Two: Torre Piccola di Falzarego

Contemplating the Italian good life on top.

Day 3: Torre Grande di Falzarego, just a little bigger and harder.

Day 4: A well deserved rest day of sport climbing at Crepe du Oucera. Paul cranking away on the steep French grade 5c.

Day 5: Spigolo Jori on Punta Fiames. Can you spot the line?

A little bit of air between Paul and the track as we approach the arete proper.

On top with the hikers. Where did we come from?

Day 6: We went sport climbing at Sas di Stria. Too many pitches of French 5 to count.
Day 7: The Primo Spigolo, Tofana di Rozes. What can you say, its primo.

10 pitches in with the famed Pilastro behind.

Beautiful line. Worth another look.

Day 8: The Grande linkup of the Torri di Falzarego. Clouds threatened, but Paul was getting pretty fast by now. Brits and Germans provided some good entertainment and motivation, but we were the first to the top!

Day 9: Via Ferrata di Innerkofler to the top of Paterno.
Day 10: Sport climbing in the rain under the huge overhangs at Landro. Paul cranked out 10+ pitches of stellar limetone that day, impressive. He was insistent we were first to be there, last to leave. the other guide thought we were a little weird, but dedicated.
Day 11: The beautiful Mazzorana route on Piz Popena Basso. Only 5 pitches, but sweet stemming for the last 60 meters. Then the crux of the trip, negotiating Piazza di Roma in the heart of Venice. Paul made it in, and i made it out alive. Mission accomplished.
The gorgeous Croda di Lago. Next year Paul?