There hasn't been a blog post since Thursday since I am spending time with my family and getting last minute preparations done. (yes, I admit that we aren't quite ready, but we're getting there!) Amidst the craziness (finishing our homeschooling, hubby not having a single day off in almost 2 weeks, shopping, baking, card writing, etc., etc.), I am trying to slow down, cherish the moments and "remember, reflect and rejoice" the true meaning of the season.
I wish all of you a blessed Christmas! Let us never forget the true meaning of Christmas-- the most precious Gift ever given, the Miracle of the Incarnation, the Word becoming Flesh and laid in a manger in Bethlehem. Let us always sing with the angels "Gloria in Excelsis Deo!"
"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men."-- Luke 2:13-14
"And the Word was made Flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only Begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."-- John 1:14
"Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves."--E. Sevareid
"May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace, the gladness of Christmas give you hope, the warmth of Christmas grant you love."--Author Unknown
"The joy of Christmas is contagious-- but not primarily because of our gifts of dolls and trucks, bikes and pretty dresses, sweaters and ties...The joy of Christmas is contagious because of the spirit behind the gifts. The glory of Christmas is that a gracious God became one of us to tell us that He loves us. And, in his or her Christmas giving, the genuine believer symbolizes his or her inner desire to spread this Good News.
Today we celebrate Incarnation! Today we rejoice! The eternal God comes into the flesh and blood of humanity. Christmas cards portray the little Babe, the Manger, the Magi, the shepherds. Little children learn that today is Jesus' birthday. But these pieces of the story only touch the edge of the mysterious event which brings us together. The Good News is that the God of Mercy has come into the history of humanity to bring us perfect peace. For the peace of mind and heart and soul that the world cannot give, follow Jesus. And when you follow Jesus, do not be surprised to see others following you. After all, the spirit of Christmas is contagious."--Sunday Sermons, the Millenium Edition
"Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the town,
St. Joseph was searching, walking up roads and down;
Our Lady was waiting, so meek and so mild,
While Joseph was seeking a place for the Child;
The children were nestled, each snug in their beds,
The grown-ups wouldn't bother, there's no room they said;
When even the innkeeper send them away,
Joseph was wondering, where they would stay;
He thought of the caves in the side of the hills,
Let's go there said Mary, it's silent and still;
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow,
Made pathways of light for their tired feet to go;
And there in a cave, in a cradle of hay,
Our Savior was born on that first Christmas Day!
The Father was watching in Heaven above,
He sent for His angels, His couriers of love,
More rapid than eagles God's bright angels came;
Rejoicing and eager as each heard his name;
Come Power, Come Cherubs, Come Virtues, Come Raphael,
Come Thrones and Dominions, come Michael and Gabriel;
Now fly to the Earth, where My poor people live,
Announce the glad tiding My Son comes to give;
The Shepherds were watching their flocks on this night,
And saw in the heavens an unearthly light;
The Angels assured them, they'd nothing to fear,
It's Christmas they said, the Savior is here!
They hastened to find Him, and stood at the door,
Till Mary invited them in to adore;
He was swaddled in bands from His head to His feet,
Never did the shepherds see a baby so sweet!
He spoke not a word, but the shepherds all knew,
He was telling them secrets and blessing them too;
Then softly they left Him, The Babe in the hay,
And rejoiced with great joy on that first Christmas Day;
Mary heard them exclaim as they walked up the hill,
Glory to God in the Highest, Peace to men of good will!"--Sr. St. Thomas, BND de N