Monday, October 31, 2011

Weekend in Hershey and Halloween

We spent last weekend in Hershey.  It is a lot of fun at any time of year, but we especially enjoyed visiting with all of the fall decorations. 

They had a lot of trick or treat stations for the kids in an area called Treatville. 

The highlight had to be their zoo, Zoo America, being open at night.  Everyone brings flashlights and you get to see the animals active at night!  They had all kinds of live animals to see, learn about and touch, as well.  Lucky we brought our winter coats and hats to brave the cold, but had so much fun!

Who would have thought that on October 29th, we'd be snowed in?  We were blessed that the hotel had an indoor pool.  So, the kids swam, soaked in the hot tub,

played in the arcade, played cards, rested, played dominos and swam some more! 

lol.  We did make it out for dinner at a lovely local restaurant.

On Sunday, after Church, we decided to try to make up for the day stuck inside and drove to the Railroad Museum of PA in Strasburg.  The kids loved climbing in and out of centuries old locomotives and other cars. 

Some of it was truly like walking back in time.  We are finishing up the Little House books and I loved hearing the kids squeal "wow, this train was built when Laura was alive!"  :-)  We ended our weekend excursion with a visit to an all-you-can-eat smorgasbord in Amish Country.  Nothing like the food or the scenery.  :-)

And, that brings us to Halloween.  In our house, we try to focus on the fact that All Hallow's Eve means the night before All Saints' Day, a day we remember the saints and martyrs who have gone before us to Heaven.  And, as long as we dress modestly and in something that is not in anyway ghoulish or scary, we can give glory to God and still enjoy trick or treating.  We made a craft today and started our morning with the "Pumpkin Prayer." 

The oldest kiddo chose not to dress up this year, but accompanied my husband and I in walking the kids through the neighborhood.  Kiddo #2 was a king, Kiddo #3 was a bat and Kiddo #4 was a little piglet.

Happy Halloween!
Happy All Saints' Day!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-Up- October 28

I cannot believe it is time to write another of these weekly wrap-ups!  Wow.  It just seems to go by quicker and quicker each week!  :-)

In my life/homeschool this week: This week was full of activity.  On Monday, Kiddo #2 had his portraits taken (I will post them as soon as I get them back) for his Confirmation which is coming up on November 9th.  It also was piano and guitar lessons for the kiddos.

Tuesday was the final day of homeschool baseball, so the families all got together before hand and had a picnic.  It is so nice to spend time and have fellowship with like-minded moms and their families.  The kids all enjoyed themselves.  I also taught my class at the University (which will be two times a week for the next 7 weeks)

Last week, we visited an apple orchard and got pounds and pounds of apples.  You can read about it and see pictures here.  So, all throughout this week we were baking and enjoying apple goodies of all kinds.  We made a spiced applesauce that was awesome over ice cream and I made an apple cake, too.  I am thinking of doing some apple cookies and another cake for the Confirmation party.  If anyone would like the recipes, just be sure to give me your email address and I'd be happy to send them to you.

We studied some American geography this week and the kids enjoyed doing their maps of states and capitals.

Thursday was a fun morning.  The kids got to spend the morning with their little cousin.  He and his family are moving to Maryland this weekend and my sister-in-law and I thought it a nice idea to get a photo of the 5 of them together for Christmas.  My kiddos just love spending time with the little guy.  We got to have lunch with them and then head on our way, as I teach at Church on Thursday nights and at the University.  ugh.  :-)

We are looking forward to this weekend!  We are spending the weekend in Hershey, PA.  They are doing a lot of celebrations for the fall season (walks in the gardens to see the foliage and pumpkins, special flashlight tours of the zoo at night to see the nocturnal animals and of course, Hersheypark!)

What I'm grateful for: My husband has been working 10 and 11 hour days, so I am not only grateful for how hard he works, but that it is in his working extra hours, that we can afford to treat the kids to weekends away.  I am so glad that he was able to get the two days off!  :-)

What I'm reading: Still reading 1 John for the online Bible study with the Good Morning Girls.

I'm praying for: There have been many people who have asked for prayers for personal situations, illnesses and such.  I also am praying that somehow my husband will be able to take off work for the family retreat that we go to each year with our church.  It is a Friday night through Sunday afternoon retreat and his work is saying that he cannot have off on Saturday.  :-(  He will have to go back and forth just like he did last year and that is not easy.

A thought, quote or photo to share: I read Max Lucado's "The 3:16 Promise" today.  I wish I could quote the whole thing here!  :-)  If you haven't read it, please do.  It is not long and is extraordinary.  Here is just one quote from it:  "Peek through the Nazareth workshop window.  See the lanky lad sweeping sawdust from the floor?  He once blew stardust into the night sky.  Why swap the heavens for a carpentry shop?  One answer: love.  Love explains why He came.  Love explains how He endured.  His hometown kicked Him out.  A so-called friend turned Him in.  Hucksters called God a hypocrite.  Sinners called God guilty.  Do termites mock an eagle, tape worms decry the beauty of a swan?  How did Jesus endure such derision?  For God so loved...."

This post is also linked up to the weekly-wrap up at WUH.  :-)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Trip to the Apple Orchard

On Friday, we were blessed with beautiful fall weather for our trip to an apple orchard.  We were joined by three other homeschooling families and their children, with whom we have become friends.

Just the journey to the orchard, about 40 minutes away was beautiful!  The leaves are all changing colors now and as we drove further away from "suburbia," and out more toward "farm country," the landscape became more and more stunning.

My kids had such a good time!  They had several types of apples that were ready for picking.  We chose Fuji, since the description read that they are sweet, juicy and good for snacking and baking!

And, the kids did enjoy a snack along the way!  :-)

Kiddo #1 was called on a few times (I guess that's a fringe benefit of being almost 6 feet tall) of reaching to the top of trees for the rest of us.

And when even that didn't work, he utilized a ladder that was there in the orchard.  Kiddo #4, having no fear, also climbed right up the ladder to reach an abundance of apples at the top!

I am loving the smell of apples throughout the house, have already downloaded some recipes and am planning to do lots of apple cooking and baking in the next few days.  Fall really is a fun season, isn't it?

Many blessings for a good weekend!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal- October 21st

Do I say every week that another week has come and gone?  Wow.  :-)

In my life/homeschool this week:

On Tuesday, we continued our study on the eyes, and made our eye models out of ping pong balls.  They turned out really well.  You can see them here.  I was so glad that my husband made me a sample the night before (which you can see here) and that we experimented with different glues and ways to make the iris and pupil, so then when it was time to do it with the kids, I was ready!  :-)

Wednesday was a dreary rainy day.  What better way to follow-up our studies than with pumpkin painting and baking pumpkin shaped cookies?   It is so wonderful that my children really enjoy doing these kinds of activities together and with me.  I just love doing it with them, too!  :-)

Thursday found us doing some schoolwork, followed by going out to lunch with "Pop-Pop" and running errands and more errands.  I not only am teaching at Church on Thursdays, but my college class that I'm teaching started; it immediately follows the church class and will be on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for the next 7 weeks. eek!!!   Please pray that I can keep up the pace!  Thanks!  :-)

On Friday, we are going apple picking!  I am really looking forward to it.  I will post pics as soon as we have them!  :-)  It was so difficult to find orchards that still had apples.  Our bad weather this year destroyed most of the crops.  We found that with tomatoes, as well, a couple of months ago.  Entire crops were destroyed because of the rainy weather and hurricanes we had.  Very sad.

What I'm reading: I am continuing in my online study of 1 John.

What I'm cooking:  Well, other than the pumpkin cookies?  lol.  Dinners this week included sloppy joes, hot dogs on the grill with homemade pasta salad, pasta and meatballs, pizza....

What I'm working on: giving my kids lots of hands-on experiences and activities

I'm grateful for:  a husband who works hard to provide for us, a family who loves and supports us, friends, fellowship and of course, our faith.  :-)

I'm praying for:  friends and family who are ill, farmers who lost all of their crops and livelihood, our military personnel and their families......

A quote, thought or photo to share:
"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31
(I'm going to keep reading the quote myself as I try to keep up with my schedule, lol!)  :-)

This post is linked to THMJ , NOBH Weekly Wrap-Up and The Friday Blog Hop.

Have a blessed weekend!