
Privilege & Summer

Memorial Day with my family (which Landon ended up getting called into work, so we had to book it back to SLC. I called my family to ask if we could do a make up on Tuesday!!! And I love my family so much. I hadn't seen them really since March 11. It was time!) 

Landon finished his peds hearts rotation at PCH and loved it. 

Jaxson finished school 

Ty ty finished school 

Summer is here!

Luke started to like Fox and the Hound instead of Lion King, a nice break! 

Weekend at the Curtis's cabin! They have become some of our greatest friends and we only have four weeks left together before we head to Cincinnati and they head to Seattle. Our kids get along so well and we wish we could be just like them. We played outside all day and then stayed up and played all night. I took a 2.5 hour nap this afternoon, sooooo they wore me out! Jonathan and Lando are residents at the U together and I feel like a huge reason we came here was so we could get to know them!!!! Thank you so much Jonathan, Jamie, Lucy, Abbie, Ollie & Mae. You guys are the best! 

I have had this awful back pain since Monday, and its made it hard to even walk. I ran 22 miles last week and 3 this week. Its made me sad 

Everything Trump says just makes my skin crawl. I cannot believe he is the leader of our country. 

#georgefloyd. Let us make sure that the real problem we are focusing on is the very real racism that exists in this country and NOT the riots. Remember murder is far worse than destruction of property. And while I do not approve of the rioting, I also don't believe it is the problem to be focused on. This week I didn't do any @comefollowmechats and I talked to my boys about Racism. I talked about the privilege we have and will have all of their life. I shared with them the stories of George Floyd, Ahmed Abrey, Breonna Taylor. I showed them their pictures. They listened. They were sad. They asked questions. We talked about how they can help in schools and communities. We donated money, read articles and books. And it isn't even close to enough. I hate that while i'm talking to my privileged white children about kindness, anti-racism, and how they can make sure their friends of color feel safe, loved, and valued. People of color moms are having to talk to their children about what to say to if approached by a cop, what to do if they are followed, how to defend themselves, and how their world isn't safe. I still have so much to learn and so many people to listen to and so many things to do. 

Last schedule of residency. What the WHAT!!!!!!!!
28 more days til I will have a dishwasher and a second bathroom. Word. 

Never at any time should the President of the United States talk like this and use names or phrases like this.

Its not about the Riots


Broke the Rules

Man, this is weird. We broke social distancing 2.5 times this week and thats the first time we've done that since March 11th. This is hard. Trying to figure out what is okay and isn't okay. Balancing your own opinions with everyone else opinions. Feeling like your every move can be politicized now. It all feels hard. 

But with that said, maybe those 2.5 times is the reason that this was FOR SURE the best week since potty training + quarentined happened. Besides Landon's week off, which just doesn't count. I had an awesome week. I don't know what it was, but I just felt like myself and we had a great time. 

Worked 6 days. We had date night on our porch and then went to bed at 8:45pm on Saturday night. It was so nice to have him home today. Knee still hurts. LOOOOOVVVEEEESSSS Peds anesthesia so so much. And he loves heart peds anesthesia too, which could mean a second fellowship, so i'm just planning on it. 

I ran and exercised/yoga'd/meditated every day this week. It was awesome. I also invested in Six Sister's weekly meal plan and I love it. I love that they give you the entire shopping list and you can remove recipes and items and add items to the list. So easy. We've used it 3 weeks now and its been life changing. They use so much more meat than we ever eat. For example, one time they called for 4 chicken breasts, I used 1 chicken breast and still we only ate 1/2 of that one. But I can easily substitute/modify things and it feels so manageable to me. It made eating and cooking so enjoyable. 

Ps: I got a haircut, I'm trying to like it, I get that its healthy, its shorter than I want, don't tell me its still long or that my hair grows fast. Why can't we just be bummed about situations without bringing up the bright side of things?? Happiness isn't the only emotion in life. In fact it is just one of the many emotions. And we aren't meant to be happy every second of the day. And there shouldn't be a hierarchy of emotions. I'm not convinced we should always be striving for joy, because then we will always be disappointed. Okay, i've gotten way too deep here. I just think emotions are all good and we should feel them and allow others to feel theirs too. Okay, okay, maybe i'll delete this after Landon reads this post. Or not. I'm feeling like these thoughts are directed at something else entirely, yet i'm using my haircut as the scapegoat. Hmmmm..... 

Lets start over: PPS: Yes, I got a haircut. 

He has grow emotionally, mentally and physically the last two months. Man this kid is so stinkin helpful. He takes Luke potty, and cleans up so well, and he asks how he can help, and is patient with Ty. He is an incredible human and I feel honored to be his mom. And also humbled. And also, I make a lot of mistakes with him, so Jaxy, forgive me yeah? Today after talking about Alma the Younger he made the comment about how he thinks its so interesting that Laman & Lemuel were also visited by an angel, but they didn't change, "We have to choose who to follow." Okay Jax, stop growing, its time. 

He created this insanely awesome house for his LEGO dog. It has all the things: couch, TV, remote, booksehlf, books, table, fridge, stove, sink, over, counter, bed, pillow. Its incredible. He also learned how to ride his two wheeler today, like it was nothing. Its still a heavy bike AND its big for him. But if we wanted to afford a small light pedal bike, this kid would be flying. My favorite quote was, "Look mom, i'm going faster than humans can walk." hahaha!!!! 

Still taking 3 bubble baths a day. And drinking half that water. And peeing clear. He said a prayer without prompting or help, we all just paused in awe of his ability to do that. It was seriously so so so incredible. I can not tell you how much easier life is when you have a 2 year old that can communicate like Luke can. Oh man. But also, Luke, you are a stubborn little thing. You need to learn to not get your way. Also, if you eat all the m&m's in the trail mix, you can't scream at me.... they are all gone... because YOU ATE THEM! 

Gosh I love these boys and I hope to repeat another week like this. Because after this week, I'm going to start move prepping. Don't talk to me about that.