
Baby Brother!!

We are having a baby brother!!!! I am sooo excited!!! I really did think this one was baby abby, but this just means that baby abby will still come. I'm overwhelming thrilled for another baby boy like jax! 

We had the most wonderful Christmas ever! I loved being the mom at Christmas! It was amazing. Cinnamon rolls, flank steak, missionaries, Christmas Eve dinner, Christs birth story both in the scriptures and the video, Christmas morning, stockings, presents, happiness, lunch and a movie, talking to Elder Woolf, Mexican food for dinner. It really was everything I hoped for!!! I loved having Christmas at home!!! 

We woke up at 4:30am Friday morning and drove to Texas to spend the night with my cousins. It was a blast and we love them!!! Then we finished the 28 hour journey to landons house and made it Sunday morning at 1:00am. I love being with family and I love being with Landon and jaxson!! It's been a really wonderful Christmas season and I for one am extremely grateful to my Heavenly Father, for sending his perfect Son down to make happiness possible for all of us. I have a testimony of our Saviors love for us and I know as we keep the commandments and remember Him through our day to day, we are happier. Everything good in my life comes because of the sacrifice God and Christ made for me! Christmas time is a magical time of year because so many are focused on the birth of our Savior! I love that we can have that magic every day, if we only but focus on Him daily! 

Such a wonderful week and I'm so grateful and blessed that we will be having a baby brother in our lives so very soon!! 


Baby Abby??? Or Boy??!!

We find out tomorrow what we are having!! We have been addressing the baby as baby abby since months and months BEFORE we even got pregnant. Landon and I have both had some impressions that we will have a girl named Abby so during all of the infertilty treatments it just made sense to us that this on would be baby Abby. But if it is a boy, we will be just as thrilled because then it will mean that baby Abby is still on her way. 

Other than that, we are so stinkin good. Landon finished school on Friday and I am more than excited to have Christmas at home and start our own traditions and be the "mom" on Christmas instead of the kid!!! Just so so excited. 

I was able to go to Utah for my grandmas funeral on Tuesday! She was amazing. One thing that I really loved, was that even though she couldn't go to the temple because of her health the last five year of her life, she still ALWAYS had a current temple recommend. What a great way to keep the commandments and endure to the end!!! I hope to have a testimony of the gospel that she had. I don't think there is a better way to celebrate Christmas than by keeping our commandments. Well keeping the commandments while drinking hot chocolate :). 

Let Christmas week.... BEGIN!!!! Merry Christmas friends :). 

At the airport, this was mine and Jax's picture exchange of text :). 

I saw this picture and had to post it. I wore this type of outfit every. Single. Day from the time I entered middle school til my senior year. (This was in London with in of my best friends.). But mama Woolf has taught me a few things since being married;)! I love her!! 

Our celebratory date night!!! Thanks Scotty for the gift card.