A month or two ago I posted a video on Nobunaga and sumo. I will post the two referees from the sumo tournament held in summer of 1578.
Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga (pp. 291-2).
"Tiger, Eighth Month, 15th day: Nobunaga summoned fifteen hundred sumo wrestlers, beginning with men from all over Omi Province and Kyoto, to Mount Azuchi, where he watched them compete from the Hour of the Dragon (around 8 a.m.) until the Hour of the Bird (around 6 p.m.) The following were his sumo commissioners: Tsuda Shichibyoe Nobuzumi, Hori Kyutaro, Manami Senchiyo, Murai Sakuemon (Sadanari), Kimura Gengo, Aoji Yoemon, Goto Kisaburo, Fuse Tokuro, Gamo Chuzaburo, Nagata Gyobu no Sho, and Atsuji Magogoro.
The referees were Kinose Zoshun'an and Kinose Tarodayu."
Nobunaga no tame!