Friday, September 3, 2021

Sumo referees


A month or two ago I posted a video on Nobunaga and sumo.  I will post the two referees from the sumo tournament held in summer of 1578.

Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga (pp. 291-2).

"Tiger, Eighth Month, 15th day: Nobunaga summoned fifteen hundred sumo wrestlers, beginning with men from all over Omi Province and Kyoto, to Mount Azuchi, where he watched them compete from the Hour of the Dragon (around 8 a.m.) until the Hour of the Bird (around 6 p.m.) The following  were his sumo commissioners: Tsuda Shichibyoe Nobuzumi, Hori Kyutaro, Manami Senchiyo, Murai Sakuemon (Sadanari), Kimura Gengo, Aoji Yoemon, Goto Kisaburo, Fuse Tokuro, Gamo Chuzaburo, Nagata Gyobu no Sho, and Atsuji Magogoro.

The referees were Kinose Zoshun'an and Kinose Tarodayu."

Nobunaga no tame!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Assault on Mt. Mitsukuri

 Normally I usually do not post much on Nobunaga's conquest of Omi, but this short video from King of Zipangu does a good job explaining it. In 1568, Nobunaga attacked southern Omi.  Rokkaku Jotei was in command of Kannonji Castle.

Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga (p. 120) "On the 11th, Nobunaga  set up a field camp by the Echi River and conducted  a reconnaissance  on horseback. He decided to bypass the enemy's  minor forts and assault  Kannonji and Mount Mitsukuri, the strongholds held by Sasaki himself and his two sons ( Yoshiharu and Katanaga).  This operation began

On the 12th, when Nobunaga ordered Sakuma Uemon, Kinoshita Tokichiro, Niwa Gorozaemon,  and Azai Shinpachi (Masazumi) to storm the fortress of Mount Mitsukuri.  The battle lasted from the Hour of the Monkey (about 4 p.m.) into the night,  when the castle fell."

Tenka no tame!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

New Okehazama Postcards


Here are some new Battle of Okehazama postcards from Japan.  The first set includes Fort Washizu, Fort Marune, and Odaka Castle.  The second set below includes the Okehazama Battlefield and Fort Zenshoji.

Nobunaga no tame!

Saturday, August 14, 2021



Gifu is back in the news again and it now has some controversy.  Did Nobunaga rename Inoguchi to Gifu in 1567 or Gifu was renamed 100 years earlier by the Toki?   It seems that Toki Shigeyori of Zuiryoji has a portrait with Gifu written on it.  Zuiryoji is located in the Gifu Teramachi district, a place I know very well.  Why mention now?  Is there an agenda by someone in the Toki family to keep the legacy alive?  Probably.  Why during the time of Dosan, it was referred to Inoguchi?  No answers to that.  Owada Tetsuo does a great job explaining both sides, the Toki and Nobunaga version.  Fortunately, Nobunaga has the higher ground since it was well known that Takugen Shuon gave Nobunaga three options, Giyou, Gizan, and Gifu.  Nobunaga decided on Gifu due to its Chinese origins.  "Gi" came from the area where the Chou Ruler Wu Wang began his quest to unify China in 12th century B.C. "Fu" came from the birthplace of Confucius.

Owada Tetsuo gives the viewers a word of caution on this subject.  As for myself, it is possible that Toki Shigeyori might have something to do with Gifu.  That being said, it was Nobunaga without a doubt renamed Inoguchi to Gifu in 1567.  In the end, I think Zuiryoji creating some news due to the fact nobody knows where the temple is at or even Teramachi even exists.

Tenka no tame!

Monday, August 9, 2021

Yoshimoto and Hanakura no ran

 Here is a video on Imagawa Yoshimoto and the Hanakura no Ran (1536). If one wants to know the lead up to the Battle of Okehazama and Nobunaga's enemy, Yoshimoto, this video will explain Yoshimoto's upbringing.   It is not that bad and it is easy to understand as well.

Nobunaga no tame!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Nobunaga Sumo Mystery Video

 During the weekend I found a video on Nobunaga and sumo.  It was well known that Nobunaga loved sumo and hosted many bouts throughout his career. The video focuses on the sumo ring and referees.  In 1578 Nobunaga hosted a sumo tournament at Azuchi.  According to the Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga, the referees were Kinose Zoshunan and Kinose Tarodayu.  

Tenka no tame!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Yoshimoto Funeral Video Update

 Here is an update on Imagawa Yoshimoto's funeral.  Owada Tetsuo has a hard copy and shows the audience the documents and how the funeral was performed.  For the Battle of Okehazama fan, historians, and the like, this is a must have.

Nobunaga no tame!