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useful gadget
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
end of otaku life
announcement for otaku news...10/10/2010...engagement registeration...11/11/2011 wedding ceremony and wedding dinner..:)..god bless u all...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
the time i putty up my hand..arggggg
arg!!the incident happen few day ago when i have a ride on my friends car..after that incident..i dcide putty up my hand to mod my hand..:P...argg!!!!!3mnth kenot work..and doing ntg...arggg!!!!y i m so bad luck....
talking cock
Sunday, November 1, 2009
kambing bck soon.....OTAKU 2010
yesh...ayam back here again..sorry for let u ppl wait for so long....juz wanna share through by here what i m secretly train is some pic to show.... the robotical arm..that was call "god arm in my working field...stay tuned till for more otaku stuff....willl be back patient...all my mate....time to go now...bye
the video about robotic god arm...pls enjoy the robotical arm..that was call "god arm in my working field...stay tuned till for more otaku stuff....willl be back patient...all my mate....time to go now...bye
the video about robotic god arm...pls enjoy
my job and lifestyle
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
yes is me again...long time din come here update for my blog....for this post is not linking to any hobby or abt my post for a my grandmom....yesh...i found the news last thursday morning from my sister call that inform me that grandmom is passaway on wednesday midnite...erm.....i duno what to write abt what anymore...cause now i m not in mood....hope u all is some pic taken from my grandmom hse and the ceremony...

duno what to say now....i think is time to end it here...stay tune for more otaku news
Thursday, May 28, 2009
MISTER LINKY under construction
what the fark!!! mister linky url all are i lost most all the hobby mate link...for any1 i reconize there..pls do me a favour...adding bck ur url bck at would be 100% thankful for u all...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
otaku is back...(BERSERKER is WIP and FULL ARMOR is almost start WIP)
yesh is me back here again..yeah...juz bck for few day onli...after 2days will goingh bck on training again...hehe....sry guyz for keep u all wait so long till neck long i m thinking most of u guyz all 4gt me this otaku matter hw the thing goes on....this blog still need update...m i rite...ok better stop rubbish talk here...let c what i have done on BERSERKER for this 2 days...

ehhh.....sry if my explaination not good.....cause i m not familiar in explanation...well...on other hand...i gt some insperation from some jpn blog show hw to mod the ori i have take a try on my non grade 1/100 strike gundam is the original look of the gun...and below is the ori gun is the way i cut the gun.... is the result for the gun and adding some detailing on it ady...damm it...i din realize a ori gun also can mod into like that..that take me 3 hrs to complete mod on it....what a good 1st try for me hehe
the ori gun and the gun that i have complete mod and build...guyz...give me some comment....
piew piew!!piew piew!!..hw that all..look...act on the earli i m tot to giving up my berserker 2 small gun and replace the new on i m thinking that will it look too powerful for berserker...cause the backpack is ady full strike weapon system...and also the weapon is ady alot....and finalli i m decide to reserve it to my full armor implse.....and yesh...u guyz is not looking wrong...currently my full armor also is starting 1st is i ady decide the head is juz 1st inspiration on my impulse head...mayb soon gonna redo some more work..

ok let it all stop here...i m gonna to take my nap now...cause of tomolo morning needing earli wake up fpr some company same as what i say last time...stay tune for more otaku stuff...i don't know when i m gonna bck here for sure is hope u guyz keep remember me..hehe
ehhh.....sry if my explaination not good.....cause i m not familiar in explanation...well...on other hand...i gt some insperation from some jpn blog show hw to mod the ori i have take a try on my non grade 1/100 strike gundam is the original look of the gun...and below is the ori gun is the way i cut the gun.... is the result for the gun and adding some detailing on it ady...damm it...i din realize a ori gun also can mod into like that..that take me 3 hrs to complete mod on it....what a good 1st try for me hehe
my gunpla
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