I think when I moved to this house at about this time last year i wasn't actually expecting to be moving in less than a months time ( 26 November we fly to France)and that I would be throwing my hat into the wind and setting off for France. So on the upside it is a dream coming true- to test my toes in the sands of France- so there is much to look forward to , but there has also been much to say goodbye and farewell to- things that were dreams of the past.
I don't think I will ever again live in Gellibrand or its surrounds. The bush and the Otways are beautiful, but it is not my place anymore; it's seen the shattering of family, the end of a marriage, and the fear of bushfires.It has been incredibly hard on my children- a harshness from which I had wished to protect them but which I ultimately couldn't and so it's time to move on. It has also been a time of loneliness- there were days where I felt I could not face the world, where I could not work, where I couldn't even find a grain of inpsiration and the rain never seemed to stop- but as with all things ,those things pass too. However I don't think I will ever lose my love for unfurling fern fronds- there is something very primal about them- you both want to cup and hold them and yet the curiousity to see the unfurling fronds delivers constant surprises.
So last weekend was the last time I gave a workshop in Australia for quite some time- I haven't set myself time lines- those will emerge as we settle into a new life. Now the question becomes what will i take??
Is anyone out there flying to Europe from Melbourne in late in November or early December who could help carry the My Place quilts to Europe? I was rather horrified at the cost of shipping them and as they weigh 20 kgs which is all my luggage allowance - and I do need some clothes and things to work with!
And anyone wishing to purchase my
72 Ways not to Stipple or Meander or
72 MORE Ways not to Stipple or Meander I suggsest you do so soon- as I am not sure when I shall have them available again - not until at least February next 2010.