A number of people have asked me which pomegranate cards are for sale, so I have photographed those I have left. They are numbered 1-24 from left to right. They are 5" x 7" , so a large postcard size not a standard postcard size.The price is $30 US inclusive of postage for each card ( there are 24 and #2,#8,#11 are sold) and you can pay me via Paypal- but please email me first so I can give you the details. Yes and one isn't a pomegranate- I had to make up the numbers!
Also I received yesterday a translation into French of my booklet
Seventy Two Ways Not to Stipple or Meander- Ideas For Free Machine Quilting. Marie Goddard of
">Centre Europeen du Patchwork translated it for me( well the text part- the pictures speak for themselves). The cost is as follows ( as a few people have asked me as well)
The booklet is( all prices inclusive of postage)
$23 US Dollars, $25 Australian Dollars, 18 Euro or 12 Pounds Sterling for the UK
The Cd is ( all prices inclusive of postage)
$15 US Dollars, $20 Australian Dollars, 12 Euro , or *.50 Sterling
I have had quite a lot of feedback about the booklet and thankfully it's all been very positive with people saying it was exactly what they need to help generate ideas. In French it is called
72 Facons... Idees de Matelassage en Pique-libre ( sorry the accents aren't there I forget how to do that in word). I had to have more booklets printed but forgot to take the cd with me to Geelong for the print job last Tuesday - so it is going in today. Marie also has some of my work at her gallery and I shall be having an exhibtion there in 2010- that sounds like such a long way off- but it is a big space and needs quite a lot of work.
Also my friend
Agnes De Lange-Macdaniel has put some new work up on her website for 2006. There are some delightful pieces there.
Also check out
Sandy's blog- she has been to Egypt! It reminds me so of the wonderful time I had there earlier in the year. I still look at all the photos I took regularly and my daughter made a really lovely album of her experience.
Also next year I will be taking Australian work : "Sense of Place"( work by Jenny Bowker, Gloria Loughnan, Beth and Trevor Reid, Helen Gray, Beth Miller, Dianne Firth, Sue Dennis, Fiona Wright, Robina Summers, Olga Walters and myself ) to
Patchwork-Art Textile at le Palaiseau 2007 from 24 March until 9 April at the Le Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture-I have linked the contact for anyone interested. I am delighted that the Australia/France Foundation, administered through the Australian Embassy in Paris has lent some support to this event ( they also helped with Australian Bounty in 2000)- it is wonderful to have support for art quilts at this level on cultural co-operation .I shall also be teaching some workshops during that time. So my love affair with France continues.