This is one of my fire quilts which I had left stored at my aunts house- somehow I have never felt it was quite finished even though I had put the binding on and sleeve- but finally I fellt I knew what else it needed- hand stitching around the tie dye fire spots. I am already liking the difference the stitching is making- even though it is not so readily apparent from these photos- more later.
I have obviously been thinking of new directions, new life and making do with less things, less things with which to make my work- my working equipment is reduced to two shoe boxes- one for my threads and scissors etc and one for dye/ printing equipment- and one journal only! Obviously things need to be reasonably simple- not a bad thing as I am a believer in less is more and I find that many things are overwrought with glitter,beads, thread, sequins and all manner of surface attached things including sometimes too much paint.
So..... i would like to throw out a challenge- is anyone out there willing to follow the KISS principle?( KISS- Keep it Simple Stupid)- make a 50 cm square quilt using only two coloured fabrics ( or white for that matter) and threads ( as many colours as you would like) but using only straight stitch by hand or machine- no fancy stitches- of course straight stitching can be done in any form- and absolutely no embellishing- just fabric and stitch and your imagination!
Any takers? If so contact me and we will see where it takes us- we could maybe work it into an exhibition or use the KISS principle as a jumpoff for an exhibition? I am thinking a deadline for the end of march 2010 - I will show pieces on my blog or perhaps set up a special blog and if you do decide to do it would love to hear some of your thought process in the making....