I know it's a day to be full of thanks. I have a mile long list of things for which I am truly thankful.
I'll spare you the list.
On a day marked with feasting and family for most Americans I pause to think of those for whom the day may not be so plentiful. For those serving our country in places far away from family and friends.
I am truly thankful.
Our larder here on the Orange Sink home front has been provided some venison thanks to a little sharp shooting by Mr. Orange Sink ( in his blaze orange jacket). :)
He bagged his little antlerless buck yesterday.
Manhood stands steady.

Mrs. Orange Sink " done her part" as some would say in the red neck north woods we call home. As you recall from the last post I " done sold" the little deer mat at the craft sale. In so doing I was able to put a good dent in the moneys owed for the Townsend Cutter!
We have a roof over our heads and meat in the freezer.The least of which to be thankful for.
I am filled with a deep thankfulness today for all of you who read my blog. You are precious as gold and hold healing powers in your friendship to the extent you cannot know.For you I am deeply thankful!
Blessings today and everyday!
Cathy G