Wednesday, October 21, 2015

頑固な - Manga por Rui Gamito

Japanese restaurant comic book menu.

Rui Gamito - Cinematic Anime Trailer

My first experience with Manga. Sort of.
A minha primeira experiência em Manga. Ou tipo isso.

Painted in Photoshop and edited in After Effects.
Pintado em Photoshop e editado em After Effects.

Rui Gamito - Illustrator, film editor, animator and occasionally, comic book artist.
Rui Gamito - Ilustrador, editor de imagem, animador e ocasionalmente autor de Banda Desenhada.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Congratulations Europe - Terrific job with Greece

I´m speechless. I wonder which slice will come out next?

Friday, July 10, 2015

TORNADO - The video teaser for EL PEP edições

On the 18th of July, El Pep edições will launch the tribute comic Shock - Tornado, honouring the late João Estrompa, the much loved comic book artist and legend.

If you are in Lisbon, Portugal, drop by and get a copy, mingle as well browse trough the incredible offer of Portuguese underground comics.

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

OXI they said!

A creditor: A thousand nations will descend upon you. Our arrows will blot out the sun!
Varoufakis: Then we will fight in the shade.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

FATO MACACO - Rui Gamito

Fato de Macaco is a comic book character I've created a long time ago. I think is time for him to come back.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Saturday, June 07, 2014


The title sequence for The Mind Interceptor. A tale set in the future when a man who works in the heart of the London City suddenly realizes the incoming disaster to the entire humanity.
Soundtrack by: The Perturbator.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

FIREBIRD - by Rui Gamito

Flash animation. For some reason I find this music to be very Scifi. However it has nothing to do with it.

From Spartacus ballet of Aram Khachaturian. Adagio.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

The Assault on the Santa Maria - Shooting Boards

Shooting boards for a 2010 film. Directed by Francisco Manso.

The plot is about a group of military men taking over of an atlantic liner. The Intention was to overthrow the Portuguese and Spanish goverments at the time.

The Assault on the Santa Maria - Trailer

The Shooting boards' end result.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Patient - O Paciente

Some time ago I did some animation.

Now I'm contemplating my return to it. Recently I did a course of Adobe Flash and I'm currently feeling my way trough ''Tradigital Animation'', which combines the traditional technique with the digital and ''action scripting'' aspect.

Animation by Rui Gamito and Carlos Fernandes.

Directed by Pedro Brito.

Production and Script by Humberto Santana, Animanostra.