Friday, May 6, 2011

Funny Story...

...So this morning we had a teacher appreciation breakfast provided by the PTA. Earlier in the week all the teachers in the school put their name on the golden ticket for the raffle that would happen at the Friday Breakfast. So today at the Breakfast we were all eating while names were being called. Both of the 7th grade math teachers names got called, and also the other 6th grade math teacher. I was the last math teacher in the school so i told them it was obviously going to be my name pulled for the last prize, and we joked like silly math teachers do, "well the probability of the one last math teacher getting called out of everyone else is....." haha i know, I know, I'm a dork but anyways right after that my name was called!!! I won a Thermal tote, haha it was funny and i wanted to share! Hope you have a good day!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm engaged!!!

YAY!! David asked and I said YES!!! so here is the big story :)

On Wednesday, April 27, 2011 David and I had been dating for 8 months. It's been an amazing 8 months! Well it started as a typical Wednesday. I had my presidency meeting and David and I planned to go to the gym after. My meeting went a little long, and I was trying to get done on time, but it happens. Well when I walked out to my car and there was a note with my favorite chocolate bar. This was the beginning of my scavenger hunt for our 8 months :) His cute little clue had a treat and what it symbolized in our relationship. The Dove chocolate was to tell me he wanted to give me everything I deserve.

The first clue had the letter I on it, with a cheat sheet if I got lost :) To find clue 2 I was sent to the gym that we work out at. At the gym there was a soda representing the bad soda habit we have.
Clue 2 sent me to the place we first school. David came to help set my classroom up with one of our friends. With the next clue there was a pack of nerds, cause we really are just a couple nerds

Clue 3 send me to the home of our friends who we met through. Landon and Tanner were our common friends and the only way we would have met! I got a pack of smiles with the next clue to represent all the laughs we have together.

Clue number 4 Sent me to the place where he first told me that he loved me. It was his house. I found Reese's there which represents how we say Reese's different and that we have our differences , but we still love each other.
Next I went to my house where we spent the our first real hang out night under the stars talking for hours on the trampoline in my back yard.

Then I found Clue 7 in my house on the front room couch were we took our first picture with a nutrageous bar which represented how nuts we were about each other early on.

Next Clue was on the kitchen table where we share many meals. This is where I was to rearrange the envelopes which read "I LOVE YOU" then my last clue sent me to where we had our first kiss
On the door there was a picture of the temple and the last questions said "Enter for your last question :)"
As I entered the room the lights were out, David was standing in the middle of the room with red candles and flowers all around. Music was playing. He looked at me and told me that he didn't only want to be with me right now, but forever. Our song started to play and he got down on one knee, Told me he loved me and asked me to Marry him. I said Yes! He put the ring on my finger and now it's official. I'm getting Married to the most wonderful man in the entire world. I love David with all my heart and I'm so lucky to be his forever. I love you Babe!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Life is good :)

Near the end of March David and I went on our last little snowboarding trip. We went to Idaho to celebrate Jori's birthday. It was a fun time! I didn't run into quite as many trees this time around and the powder was fun. There was one time David and his brother decided to take a sharp turn into the powder to go a different way, well I tried to follow but needless to say i got stuck in the trees. David and Randy had the perfect view of me struggling to get out of the deep snow, eventually I made it :) We came to this spot where all of David's family liked to jump off so i was the photographer. As you will see from pictures I just got the landing and poof of powder flying....i'll have to work on my photography skills. haha but it was fun!
The following Friday was April fools. I tricked my students a few times during the day. First thing at about 7am (when my students start arriving at school) I laid down on the front table with a pillow and blanket. As my students came in I pretended to be sleeping. It was hilarious! They were all freaking out like "is she okay?" "go get the principal" "shhhh leave the lights off she's sleeping" "no! you're not allowed in!" "Miss. Burr is really sleeping" "Should we wake her up?" this went on for about 30 mins till school started. It was a good one! Thanks for the Idea Kylie!!

I also told them they had 3 pages of homework to work on over spring break! They believed me up until the point of APRIL FOOLS!

Then that night David and I met up with my parents and cousins in Provo. David got interviewed by my Aunts and Uncles on my mom's side of the family. It was intense, but funny
he did good :) a lot of teasing back and forth. I think they approve :)

Saturday was general conference. We were able to go to the morning session in SLC. Then David went with the boys to priesthood session. It was a nice day of relaxing and shopping while the boys were gone. Sunday I went back to Vegas with my parents since the following week was my Spring Break, and David went back to Logan cause he had school all week.

Spring break was fun. Not as warm in Vegas as i wanted, but i was able to do lots of fun stuff. My mom and I got our nails done. Cynthia did my hair. I went on a 3-4 mile bike ride with my
brother and his family. I was impressed that my nieces Brooklyn and Hailey did so well!! :) All in All the break was good, but I was happy to be back in Logan on Saturday. My flight was delayed so it took about 4 hours longer to get back than expected. But now a week has gone by and things are back to normal. :)

Went to Melissa's bridal shower this passed weekend! it was fun to see everyone! oh and i had my first experience of shrinking something in the washing machine....
It's been a good winter now Summer NEEDS to come!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Here are the promised library pictures :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekend Fun!

This past week was David's spring break. I still had to work all week and he had work also so he was stuck in Logan. We took the last weekend to relax and have a little fun. I took Friday off work so we could get a head start. We went to SLC and spent our day looking at different shops and tourist attractions. One of the things on the top ten things to see in Salt Lake is the public library. So yes we went to the library on our Vacation :) It was actually really neat. The pictures are on David's camera so I'll get some and post them soon. The architecture was really neat to see. We walked the spiral stairs, took pictures, went to the roof and took more pictures. on our walk back to the car we found some statues and took more pictures!

Then we headed to the Gateway Mall. I tried on lots of slacks for school. I was successful with one pair of pants. and also found a cute shirt for $2 :) we walked around through all kinds of stores. The children's discovery museum was tempting, but when we got close and saw there wasn't anyone older than 4 or 5 we decided to try somewhere different. The arcade across the way was the perfect choice. we played skee-ball and shot some hoops. Dance Dance revolution was a must, and a little game of air-hockey. we took a picture of out winnings also. Dove Chocolate and matching bracelets! :) Good times!

That was about the time David's sister Jori and her husband Alex got to Salt Lake. They met up with us at the SLC Temple. We walked around a bit and went through the visitor centers. Then it was off to buy our ticket for the big snowboarding day on Saturday. We went out for Thai food that night too :)

Saturday we went to the canyons Ski Resort. It's HUGE! Andrew and I went one time but didnt get onto more than 2 lifts. David and his Siblings love Snowboarding and are pretty good so i was nervous i'd hold them back quite a bit. But it was actually more fun and not as hard as i thought it would be :) I did get stuck in snow that i had to hike out of, and ran into more trees than i wanted to, but it was a great day! we went all over the mountain! Thanks for the Adventure guys! I will be investing in a helmet and I think I'll be a little less nervous than i was this time around. We ended the night with a delicious dinner at Famous Daves. It was a fun couple days and a nice break from Logan! Now it's time to relax while keeping up with the everyday stresses so maybe life can be a little more enjoyable :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Four day week....

So this week we had Monday off, which was nice to wake up monday morning and not needing to get up! but then Tuesday comes and it's yet another Monday morning back to work. Work was good for the beginning of the day, but then my day was four hours longer today because of Parent Teacher Conferences. It wasnt so bad though I had some really good conferences, it just made for a REALLY long couple day! so my week turned into a longer week than i wanted.

The weekend was wonderful! I got my first massage ever!!! used up the gift certificate David got for me for Valentine's! THANK YOU!!! Then we had stake conference. Saturday was about being happy and joyful. It was a wonderful session, then Sunday was directed more toward missionary work. Pres. Adam's had one of the stake missionaries stand up an bare his testimony. He just got transfer ed from the Guatemala mission and he's from El Salvador so he spoke in Spanish. It was really neat, but what i loved most is that i could hear the foreign language in one ear then David was translating for me in the other ear. It was really cool!

Conference was over before 12:30 which allowed for a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon! Usually Sundays aren't over till 5:00!

Now it's Monday again. The weekend went by very quickly! hopefully this week will be wonderful and the up coming weekend will go by a little slower :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentines Day!!

It started out an okay day. I did go to school...but it was because I was home sick getting over the weekend cold I caught Friday night. I did start to feel better around noon which was great because I still had so much to do for my Valentine! Because I was sick I had to change up a couple things, but it still turned out good :) David went all out! He made the day perfect! He took me out to lunch then shooed me away so he could finish getting ready for the night! He made me a beautiful candle lit dinner. It was my favorite meal and he did a wonderful job as cook! He picked me up and brought me back to his house where the table was all set up with a red table cloth, roses, a balloon, candy hearts etc. It was wonderful!

After we ate we exchanged gifts. David looked amazing in his new shirt and I'm looking forward to my professional massage! Thanks Babe! We also went out and saw the movie Gnomio and Juliet. It was cute! The night ended with me going to bed at 9:30 since I had to teach the next day and David got to go home and study for his test the next day. Back to real was an amazing night though! I'm the luckiest girl ever!!