Sunday, February 05, 2012


Honorary hedgehog, with door coring - from the locksmith and our front door, and flag.

A. brought this vine topiary. I hope it survives. Moby very interested in it, nibbled a bit, after we figured out it was probably safe. Hid it overnight, and he seems perfectly fine, so I brought it out this morning. If he shreds it, I'll use the pot for bamboo - which I know is fine for cats. I will use Monday to prepare proper thank-you notes for the three who brought gifts.

While getting ready for guests, and during, and after, we managed to wash nearly every bit of clothing. D, mostly. Everything came out very well. And we didn't even need a pile of quarters. I don't like to think how big the pile of quarters would have to be to cover the cost of owning them, but I love not having to spend hours of every week at a laundromat, again.

It's a basement. No one yesterday interested in the extended tour here. But I hadn't gotten the foam blocks down yet. With the sun shining in this morning, it seemed far less grim and grimy. Our friend Dave, when he stopped by last week, could probably have just done the basement tour quite happily. His dear wife K is the one who thought of the play area mat, they have it in their basement. She is, of course, a genius, and not just for this.

The X is where the drain is, and can you see two appropriate words spelled out?

Brought the cheap card table down to sort on. Very pleased with the machines. A whole lotta tissues sneaked through in pockets, and they all came out intact, instead of shredding and sticking. I'm inclined to think this means our clothes will be treated more gently than with Laundromat machines. Given that we will probably use these the rest of our lives, I think getting good ones will be worth it over time. Keep thinking of the Cracked article about stupid habits learned growing up poor. I was never quite that poor, or didn't feel so, but I have some of those tendencies that I have to argue myself out of. D and I were on an overnight trip for a friend's wedding, and I hadn't packed a clean t-shirt. We found a gift shop, and I began looking at only the cheapest ones. D asked me why, get a good one, it'll last, instead of throwing it away. I actually still have that Zion's Park shirt, although it is a bit worn now.

The last bit of the puddle from the drip is drying well. Some advantages to living in a dry place.


Phil Plasma said...

My wife hates basements and would likely have passed on a tour of yours. I, on the other hand, love to look at basements such as yours and wonder about the possibilities.

Zhoen said...

I actually like basements as well, although never quite as much as engineer friends. I will be sure to take more photos of it and post them here. Just for you.

the polish chick said...

i love the floor! and zhoen, i'm sorry but i've been so busy with my life lately that i never took the time to congratulate you on your new home - hope you love living there as much as we love our newest place. it's such a lovely feeling when coming in means coming home. may it be a refuge from all that life throws your way.

as for basements - my husband loves them, it tells him about the quality of the building. and yes, he's an engineer. me, i'm just happy to have gotten over my childhood fear of the furnace room.