Wednesday, March 11, 2009



Well Typealyzer has rather got me pegged, I think.

ISTP - The Mechanics
The independent and problem-solving type. They are especially attuned to the demands of the moment are masters of responding to challenges that arise spontaneously. They generally prefer to think things out for themselves and often avoid inter-personal conflicts. The Mechanics enjoy working together with other independent and highly skilled people and often like to seek fun and action both in their work and personal life. They enjoy adventure and risk such as in driving race cars or working as policemen and firefighters.

Ok, maybe not firefighting. I let surgeons chew on me. And on my day off, put my hands in unknown cat's cages, and walk strange dogs. A minor key version, but given my deep shyness, my writing meets the aspirations I skirted in life.

I have been trying to write a post about restrooms/bathrooms/toilets for the past month, and have gotten overwhelmed. It amazes me how much I remember of them, how clearly I can recall these small, intimate spaces. I may just start a series, to the disgust of all and sundry. Because whenever I try to sample or generalize, the list gets unwieldy.

Our bathroom in this apartment is nearly ideal. The tub is deep and wide, with miles of room for my shower gel, shampoo and conditioner indulgences. The sink surrounded in black (probably pseudo) marble, has a huge mirror, making the room seem much larger. There is space for both of Moby's litter boxes (he also uses the tub, as cats do.) The toilet itself is pretty standard, with the cheap plastic set and lid, but it's well placed, which counts. Tile that is easy to clean, especially since Moby occasionally misses, and always flings litter all over. Not fond that it is only reached through the bedroom, but it does make it easier at night.

D set up a motion sensor nightlight, and applied red nail polish to it, so that we can see at night, not fumble for the switch, and still keep our night vision. Surprizing there isn't a ready-made commercial version, it's very functional. Occasionally, Moby trips it jumping into the tub or up on the sink counter at night.

I've ventured here before, in various forms


Relatively Retiring said...

Well, well - I'm a Mechanic too! Must be the way I occasionally urge my car over the 30mph limit.

I really look forward to the bathroom post.

Phil Plasma said...

There isn't anything really special about the bathrooms in my house. One desire I have is to renovate the one closest to my bedroom in order to put in a two-sink fixture so that my wife and I are not competing for sink/mirror/counter surface space.

Pacian said...

I usually get INFP in Myers-Briggs tests, but my blog is apparently an ESTP - the Doer, almost the exact opposite of an INFP. The lowest attribute of all for my blog was imagination and symbols.

I want my money back.

Zhoen said...

And it is the personality expressed in the blog writing. Maybe you are braver than you think.

Two sinks is good. A sink separate from the toilet works very nicely.

Hell, DOUBLE your money back.

herhimnbryn said...

Our bathroom is 1970's 'avocado', with a brown tiled floor and cream and green tiles....yurch!

Zhoen said...


Oh. Wow. Yeah, but then, there is this,

Lucy said...

Oh god, avocado, I'd forgotten that!

The night light is a good idea; I always think you can get away with getting up in the night, and go back to sleep fairly easily, as long as you don't have to turn the light on.

An intriguing little series shaping up here!