1962 Born. Had to wear special shoes all the time due to inward turned feet.
1963 Walking, still in hard shoes.
1964 Stood on pew at church, allowed to pet Mrs. Osdene's fur coat collar.
1965 Put pebble up my nose. Midnight the cat appeared.
1966 Got an ironing board for christmas.
1967 Got the measles. Started reading.
1968 Started kindergarden. Tonsils out.
1969 Oldest brother joined Air Force, sent off to Thailand. Began writing letters. Midnight disappeared.
1970 Next older brother left for college. Oldest brother married. Stopped from believing in Santa Claus. First real break with God.
1971 Began singing in church choir.
1972 Flew to Arizona to visit brother&wife, first 3 weeks away from home. October- Period started, very tense at home.
1973 Horrible, terrible, no good, very bad year. Bullied at school and home.
1974 Made a friend at school, Anna. Started wearing glasses.
1975 Jr. High, just a different set of classrooms in grade school, but had Mr. Zubel, who told wonderful historical stories. Next two years studying American colonial history.
1976 Taken to riding my bike everywhere, started High School. Made friends. Stopped being bullied.
1977 On stage for school play, got laugh, decide this is wonderful.
1978 Best year for academics and friends. Play tennis in summer.
1979 First job as asst. camp counsellor, quit after 2 weeks. New principal, last year sucking. No future plans. Reluctantly learn to drive.
1980 Get Library job. Graduate, start radio broadcasting school.
1981 Move to Kalkaska, job at automated radio station, back to parents house in 4 months. First real failure
1982 First dating experience, utter failure. Get accepted to college, Uncle Walt dies. Job at main library.
1983 Dealing with roommates and no money, still hopeful about acting. Start seeing much older guy.
1984 Marry much older guy, many reservations, but, I sell when I can, I "am not for all markets."
1985 Quit theater program, work as podiatrist assistant, drift.
1986 Move to Salt Lake. Work doing mall surveys, at movie theater concessions, ballroom dance teacher, art modeling.
1987 Have nervous breakdown, go on antidepressants. Get job at library.
1988 Join Army National Guard hospital unit, as a way to earn money to go back to school. Marriage disintegrating.
1989 All about Army training, so many friends. Decide marriage is over, rich with lovers - all good guys. Return, and much older spouse badgers, begs, threatens and hits, and I am sucked in, trapped. I regret not going full time Army, rather than endure a year of this. Get 4.0 GPA doing nursing pre-requsites.
1990 Finally escape. File for divorce. Within a month, sent off for Gulf War I. Start relationship with D.
1991 Survive the war merely annoyed. Return to resume classes. Still working at library.
1992 Finish all required classes, fail to be accepted to nursing school, get job at nursing home, get used Subaru. Get accepted in summer, then fired from job. D moves in with me as I start the program.
1993 Scraping through. D and I officially marry.
1994 Pass LPN exam, back to nursing home, but as nurse.
1995 Graduate, pass exams, hired at better nursing home.
1996 Hired in surgery at trauma I hospital. Hardest year, but worthwhile.
1997 On transplant team. D smashes elbow, is cared for by my colleagues. Aunt Evelyn dies. I start getting tattoos.
1998 D finishes therapy. I meet Moira, am one of her trainers.
1999 Heard Prince too often.
2000 D gets real job, with pay to match. I break with my father, finally take D's last name, we finally have our wedding reception, and Moira meets D's friend, C.
2001 Lose Moira to C, and SD. I learn PACU nursing. I have nightmares and panic attacks about the war.
2002 D laid off, goes to college for his long desired history degree. The olympics come to town, causing chaos.
2003 Moira got me to start blogging.
2004 D accepted to grad school in Boston, graduates with honors. I pack, we go. Moby enters our lives.
2005 Working day surgery recovery at Big Boston Hospital. Hired at main surgery at BBH, day after my little choking incident. Chronic back pain plagues me.
2006 Another move. Back stops me cold.
2007 The end of the ride, and we come back to where our friends are. Gather up the threads. Get Moby's bad teeth extracted.
2008 D needs hand surgery. It snows a lot.
That is all for now.